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Was Jesus Gay?


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There was a most intriguing article on the gay news wire this morning:



I find the whole topic fascinating. There are a handful of spots in the bible that breeders generally bash gay people over the head with. (these are the same places where we should keep women locked up and covered, sacrifice bulls, sell children as slaves, etc)


This article makes the intriguing point that the bible may have been sanitized and offers unsensored scripture that was sealed in a cave for centuries as proof.




But then, David apparently had his Jonthan (1st Samuel 18)


Merry Christmas!


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Well it's not the first time this subject has been raised, and I'm very sure it won't be the last. As the article points out, heterosexual Christians would no way want to admit the possibility of Jesus being gay.

But why does it really matter? Jesus himself said that the most important thing in life was love for one's fellow man. Now in those times it wasn't fashionable to refer to women and everything was refered to as "male", but I'm sure that didn't exclude women. In fact if you read into that more carefully, it didn't exclude ANY sex.

Gay people certainly aren't a modern thing at all of course, and there were probably at least the same percentage of gay people then as there are now.

What Jesus meant it would seem, was that every human being should show love for every other human being. SO, he definitely wasn't discriminating against the gay population. Whether he was gay himself, we can never prove for sure, and perhaps we should never presume to try, but at least we may take comfort in the fact that he didn't mind gay people. :D

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