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First off... Britney Spears performance was HORRID!!!!!!

Honestly her extentions looked badd she was hardly dancing and she was even off on her lip singing.

i dont understand her. What happened to the girl that was full of energy and full of light when ever she performed

she was out of breath her dancing was horrible she did not look like she was having fun at all !

i mean if she is planning on dropping a new album dont you think that you should atleast try your hardest at the vmas

not to mention you were opening act !



Other then that Chris Brown did a fabulous performance ! his first time performing at the Vma's he did a GREAT JOB!

Alicia Keys did as she always does GREAT! I love Alicia Keys shes so talented ! Justin Timberlake brought home 2 vmas

gooooo JUSTIN!!!!!



did anyone see it ??

what did u think about it this yr?

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I didnt actually see the VMAs this year. More like i forgot it was even going to happen because i head to read three bloody chapters for bio, then take an online quiz. Anyways, Britney Spears performance was a total train wreck, it looked like she didnt reharse and like she really did not want to be on stage.



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Eh.. The VMA's as an awards show is a lost cause really.. I don't think it will ever rebound as a show really. One of the nominees had a temper tantrum when he didn't win any of his five nominations (Kanye West?) Oh well. Britney shouldn't have been hungover then expect to put on an A-Class dance performance (since she doesn't sing).


Anyway, I think she was doing it to shut people up, but really, it only made people talk more. I just don't think she should have been judged so harshly by the likes of 50 Cent who has a jaded past as well. :) I dislike the VMA's but for some reason I do watch a bit of them every year... lol I'll make a point to boycott it from now on though. :wub:




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If BS is gonna wear something like that and try to be sexy, she could at least drop a few pounds. I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want to see saddle bags and cottage cheese thighs prancing about on stage. I actually felt bad for the cute male dancers that had to feel her up.

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I spent a few minutes, just out of curiosity, to check out the VMA's. The BS debacle ran me away. Here's what I saw: a woman - in an ill-advised costume only someone with a smokin' bod could pull off, with greasy hair extensions, a lifeless dance routine, a blank stare on her face and bad lip-synching - stumbling through her chance for a comeback.


By the time Sarah Silverman did her pretty tasteless comedic routine - including a crass joke about BS's kids coming out of a hairless _________ - I said bye-bye and went over to Bravo's designer reality show (I know, how gay is that).


MTV knew exactly what they were doing; playing to young America's thirst for scummy celebrity antics/stumbles. This show was not entertainment as I know it. As a contrast, the night before I saw Justin Timberlake's HBO special. HAWT! He'll be deservingly around for a long time.


Jack B)

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I don't watch TV, but I did catch the vid. of Britney's performance on youtube.


If BS is gonna wear something like that and try to be sexy, she could at least drop a few pounds. I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want to see saddle bags and cottage cheese thighs prancing about on stage.
I spent a few minutes, just out of curiosity, to check out the VMA's. The BS debacle ran me away. Here's what I saw: a woman - in an ill-advised costume only someone with a smokin' bod could pull off


The outfit was definitely a poor choice. I agree that if she wants to be a serious performer again it might be wise to hit the gym a little more often, but even if she's not going to get back the body of her teen years, she should definitely make an effort to "dress more strategically".


I think her biggest mistake was trying to look hyper sexualized. That might have worked for her before, but right now I think a smarter move would have been a no-belly-barring top (perhaps with a lowish cut if she really wanted to show off the girls), sleeveless - but I'd have advised some playful gloves -, a skirt that did manage to cover most of butt and thighs while still cut in such a way so as to give the impression of being short and revealing. She could have finished the whole thing off with a nice pair of boots or some stilettos (although the latter option probably wouldn't have done much for her much criticised dance routine). Thus, she'd have still achieved a "sexy, naughty girl" look (which probably was necessary to compliment the song she'd chosen to perform), but wouldn't have drawn unnecessary attention to her depreciating assets.


As for the hair she should have gone with a sensible wig, tried to do something cute with her short hair (I'm not sure exactly how much she had to work with), or else incorporated a hat into the mix.


I do think there's something to be said for someone who can shamelessly pull off an outfit like she tried to wear, despite no longer having the best body, but unfortunately she didn't look shameless and her whole dance routine would have needed to be very energetic and seamless. Then she would have come off as a confident, sexy young woman who was proud of the way she looked and didn't care if it conformed perfectly to magazine standards. (she'd likely still have taken a lot of flack from some people, but I would defend her right to "have fun" and be proud of her body whatever shape it's in).


MTV knew exactly what they were doing; playing to young America's thirst for scummy celebrity antics/stumbles. This show was not entertainment as I know it. As a contrast, the night before I saw Justin Timberlake's HBO special. HAWT! He'll be deservingly around for a long time.


He does seem have turned a corner in his career! Back in the N'sync days I found most of their music fairly catchy, but ultimately forgettable (and irritating if heard too much). Then we he started his solo career - back in the nipplegate days :P - I thought he'd completely jumped the shark, lost his talent, and was due for a Britney-esque slump. But he really "brought sexy back" with his latest album. So far I've loved every single and been eager to hear more. That's certainly something he'd never accomplished with me earlier in his career.


Personally, I still don't think he's all that cute though.


-Kevin :boy:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Personally, I still don't think he's all that cute though.


I love you Kevin :wub: You are quite possibly the first non-straight boy/lesbian to agree with me about this! It's frustrating knowing EVERYONE else finds him drop-dead gorgeous.




PS I didn't actually watch the awards :P

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QUOTE(rknapp @ September 12 2007, 12:58 PM) post_snapback.gifIf BS is gonna wear something like that and try to be sexy, she could at least drop a few pounds. I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want to see saddle bags and cottage cheese thighs prancing about on stage.QUOTE(Jack Scribe @ September 12 2007, 01:45 PM) post_snapback.gif


I spent a few minutes, just out of curiosity, to check out the VMA's. The BS debacle ran me away. Here's what I saw: a woman - in an ill-advised costume only someone with a smokin' bod could pull off


B) ........ :(OMG, Brit looked, acted, danced terrible. She looked like a bad ad for weight watchers, I changed channels.

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In the past 48hrs, the only person people are talking about when it comes to the VMAs: Britney Spears. What do the media ask other artists these days?

"What did you think of Britney's performance?" And whenever the "VMAs" are mentioned in an article, it's only to talk about Britney or how someone reacted to her performance. Was there any other performers at the VMAs? Was the show about anything else except Britney's performance? Doesn't seem like it when you read the articles and the discussion threads. :P


Anywayz, wanna know why she didn't dance as great as usual?



And guys don't worry, her single "Gimme More" is still heating up, and one 'not so great' performance is not going to end her career. A lot of things happened backstage at the VMAs which contributed to this performance not being what it should've been. Her album is still one of the most anticipated of the year, and you know what's gonna happen next time she'll perform?


Everybody will be watching, again. :)

Edited by SRV1984
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Disclaimer: Opinion


So a broken heel accounts for the fact that several times during her performance she stops lip-synching? During show choir competitions, I've seen a girl pee onstage and keep dancing, a guys pants fell down to his ankles and he kept going, and a girl whose top literally came off. She turned around, quickly fixed the top and turned back around smiling as if it never happened. (Unfortunately, in every incident, camara-phone photos were on myspace that night) I've seen backdrops fall to the stage and the choir didn't forget that their job is to give the best performance that they can.


And this was supposed to be her big comeback. She opened the awards. So yeah, this performance is going to be talked about. And I liked Alicia Keys. She was my favorite.


That's it.

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Meh, I do agree the performance was a lackluster but the thing I don't agree on is people giving her so much crap about it. She never claimed she was going to do the most amazing performance of all time, the media did, the people did, and now they act as if she said "I am going to be the hottest shit at the VMAs". She never hypes herself up. Never, not once. But people still make as if she's some "Kanye West" type, that just runs his mouth and filled with arrogance.


Also, I have seen backdrops fall on a stage, knocking people performing, people forgetting lines, moves, stumble, bump into a prop, and I myself even made mistakes but I kept going on because that's the only thing you can do. And she did continue performing. But you can't compare her to just any performer who had bad things happen on stage. I don't mean in the "oh she's better" way, but in the "the media is going to rip her apart as soon as one flaw appears" way. Yes, you say photos were taken for the things you mentioned and were on MySpace, but were they all over the news media? Did tons and tons of people rip them apart? No, the scale is different. Love her, or hate her, she is the person everybody is talking about at the moment when it comes to the VMAs.


The pressure in that case is a bit different.


And yes, she can handle the pressure, but she's only human.

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That's the understatment of the century, but I don't judge him for that. Just his obsessive, over-the-top love of Britney. And the fact that he felt that strongly about it.




Lol, well, it's his choice. I've met metal heads (what metal fans call themselves sometimes) who make him look quite tame. :lol:


Besides, when you're passionate about something or someone, you always tend to be over-the-top about it. And we live in a time where "bloggers" get air time on television now, people starting their 'careers' via YouTube and such. The more 'eccentric' you are, or are perceived to be, the better the chances of you getting a spot on some talk show somewhere.

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i was watching some show today i dont remember the name of it i was just switching channels and they were talking about the britney performance and they were saying that BS was supposed to be wearing a different outfit but not only was she 3 hrs late to the rehersal she decided to put the black bra and booty shorts to be more " sexy" a lot of the dances had 2 be cut out because they were too complicated for her.. Her album will not sell at all wen it drops in November. Not to mention the single she performed was horrible i didnt like it one bit. i found it very anoying >.<

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i was watching some show today i dont remember the name of it i was just switching channels and they were talking about the britney performance and they were saying that BS was supposed to be wearing a different outfit but not only was she 3 hrs late to the rehersal she decided to put the black bra and booty shorts to be more " sexy" a lot of the dances had 2 be cut out because they were too complicated for her.. Her album will not sell at all wen it drops in November. Not to mention the single she performed was horrible i didnt like it one bit. i found it very anoying >.<


Well, MTV 'officially' confirmed that they screwed up with her performance. They are not even allowed to show the performance in reruns anymore. Oh, and her single has just entered the Billboard Hot100 with only 2 weeks of airplays, which is quite a feat. And her song didn't even drop a spot, even after this one bad performance, it actually gained positions. So... I don't think she will have trouble selling her album when it drops in November. :)

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"Gimme More" skyrockets to #1 on Q100.


This is a radio station in Atlanta, and after the VMAs, the song was requested by HUNDREDS of people. Here's what the DJ said about it, "I don't know HOW this is possible, but the requests for this song are going crazy again!" Right after the VMAs, this DJ said he thought the song would now flop as nobody would request it. Guess he was wrong. Very wrong.



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Have you, perchance, seen the video of the crazy fan being circulated online?



B) .....Pretty intense!! If BS implodes, which looks in all likely to happen, will this fan follow her?

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I love you Kevin You are quite possibly the first non-straight boy/lesbian to agree with me about this! It's frustrating knowing EVERYONE else finds him drop-dead gorgeous.




PS I didn't actually watch the awards


Oh, I'm not in that EVERYONE group!



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Oh, I'm not in that EVERYONE group!



I personally find his appearance atrocious (almost as disgusting as Enrique Iglasias) and his musak disgusting. My index finger finds Octane, Alt Nation, or Buzzsaw without fail when Hits 1 plays his horrid work.

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I think the main thing wrong with her was her hair. It looked HORRENDOUS. The color is disgusting on her, and the cut looks like it was done by a four year old. If she had a light auburn shade, with a sexier cut and a better hairstyle, I think it would have distracted greatly from the mediocrity of the performance. The main problem performance wise was of course the lack of sharpness in her performance, which she used to have such a command over. It seemed more like she was trying to remember the steps rather than perform the song.

Edited by rich_e
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MTV... is that the network with all those dreadful reality shows that no one watches anymore?


MTV is like the fifty year old adolescent that goes to the bar and hits on 20 year olds. If it was ever cool, nobody in the place can remember it.

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