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What are you grateful for today?


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I'm grateful for:


1. Doug

He's my boyfriend, my dorm mate, and my life partner, and we love each other with the entirety of our beings.


2. Chris

He's my former cousin who's now my adopted brother. I never had a brother before Chris, and always wanted one. We're the same age, well, almost, he's 4 days older and loves to rag on me about being my older brother now and that I should always respect him and do his bidding. Yeah, sure! But I love him anyway!


3. My folks

They are paying for me and Chris to go to the University of California at Berkeley. They know that I'm gay and that Doug and I are in love, and they know that Chris is gay and that Steve is his boyfriend and dorm mate, and are 100% accepting and supportive.


4. XHTML and CSS and Diablo Valley College

I took a class in these web development standards at DVC, our local community college, between my sophomore and junior years in high school. The techniques that I learned in that class just let me finish a huge Computer Science project way ahead of time.


5. The Cal football team

For providing Saturday entertainment the past 5 weeks, for winning all of their games, and for inching up to #3 in the polls this week. They may not remain undefeated and/or rated #3 all season, but they're fun to watch! GO BEARS!


Colin B)

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I'm grateful for:


1. Doug

He's my boyfriend, my dorm mate, and my life partner, and we love each other with the entirety of our beings.


2. Chris

He's my former cousin who's now my adopted brother. I never had a brother before Chris, and always wanted one. We're the same age, well, almost, he's 4 days older and loves to rag on me about being my older brother now and that I should always respect him and do his bidding. Yeah, sure! But I love him anyway!


3. My folks

They are paying for me and Chris to go to the University of California at Berkeley. They know that I'm gay and that Doug and I are in love, and they know that Chris is gay and that Steve is his boyfriend and dorm mate, and are 100% accepting and supportive.


4. XHTML and CSS and Diablo Valley College

I took a class in these web development standards at DVC, our local community college, between my sophomore and junior years in high school. The techniques that I learned in that class just let me finish a huge Computer Science project way ahead of time.


5. The Cal football team

For providing Saturday entertainment the past 5 weeks, for winning all of their games, and for inching up to #3 in the polls this week. They may not remain undefeated and/or rated #3 all season, but they're fun to watch! GO BEARS!


Colin B)


Wow! You have a life like a story! Sounds like you're really happy :2thumbs:




My 5 thigs (and it's only noon here)


1) My mom

I called her yesterday and I know that she'd rather have me close-by but she's still supporting me to move even further away.


2) Light

I went out with my coach's dog yesterday night and even though I live in a city it was awfully dark down by the creek. Usually I like experiences like that, but I was alone and this is not the safest part of town.


3) The dog

because he was with me in the dark. Even though without him I wouldn't have been there in the first place. Did I mention he is huge? Everybody would think twice about attacking anybody with such a dog.

4) My coach's husband's brother

who lives in the same house and drops in from time to time to check if everything is allright. He lives next to the entrance, so its like having an additional watchdog, he's a security guard. He is fun and isn't hard to look at either.

5) Everybody who makes gayauthors possible

I really like this place and I imagine that it is a lot of work to keep it up, so I'd like to say thanks to everybody who "adopted" it (and probably rarely get's to hear: 'this is cool' and more often 'something isn't working'


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I'm grateful to:


My mom- she was fasting yesterday. Damn hard fast. For 24 hours, not allowed to eat, drink or even swallow saliva. And they must break or cut anything!


My mom- for bearing with my tantrums


My mom- for always being here


My mom- for I have realised that this list won't end! :)


Take care,


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I'm grateful for:


1) Salads!!


Have I already been grateful for these in this thread? :P They're just so good! Especially if ya mix in lotsa mushrooms and various types of nuts!


2) Text Messages!


I just got one whilst making this entry, and it made me smile :)


3) My favourite pair of shoes!


I have quite a few pairs of shoes, but this particular pair is really wonderful! They're comfortable, they're trendy, they look great with everything, and they're really easy to put on and take off!


4) My Lucky


She's such a nice cat. :wub:


5) Sleeping

It's a great activity, and I'm pleased to be one of the few Americans who regularly gets enough :D

(mostly because whatever else I should be doing I refuse to get up and do it unless I've been in bed 7-9 hours :P )

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remember Benji's post on September 25th :

1. That all the bills are paid.

The same for me ! It took me 5 days, but at least its done, till the next month's end ! :P

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Whoa! I love coffee too. I love tea only if it's with cardamon! Hmmm!


I found tea flavored with kardamon!!!! It tastes like christmas! So nice, sitting home, with a nice cup of christmas-tea, ah.


Things I'm grateful for:

1) Kardamon flavored tea that smells and tastes like christmas

2) christmas

I'm not going to spend it in a cold country for once


3) Fall

my city is in the black-forest and really beautyful in the fall

4) Summer

because I love it more then fall and I'm going to a warm sunny country soon

5) web-cams

Its so much fun+ I get to talk to my sister and her husband 'in person'

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I found tea flavored with kardamon!!!! It tastes like christmas! So nice, sitting home, with a nice cup of christmas-tea, ah.


Things I'm grateful for:

1) Kardamon flavored tea that smells and tastes like christmas

Okay, I wanna try it now!! :)

3) Fall

my city is in the black-forest and really beautyful in the fall

WOW! I bet so!! I'd love to see the Black Forest!

2) christmas

I'm not going to spend it in a cold country for once

4) Summer

because I love it more then fall and I'm going to a warm sunny country soon

ohh, which one ya going to?

5) web-cams

Its so much fun+ I get to talk to my sister and her husband 'in person'

I've never used one, but I've received them. They are nifty.


I'm grateful for:


1) Getting a promotion at work!


Total surprise! I just got there and they were like "Here's the person under you. Train them" (this is a good thing because I get a lot more money :P )


2) Getting health insurance!


Another pleasant surprise! They kept talking about the paperwork going through, but it finally did today :)


3) Getting the day off I asked for


I'm going to a party :)


4) Having a very productive day businesswise (unrelated to the above)


I was very fortunate today :)


5) Cheese


It's just that good! ;)

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ohh, which one ya going to?


FLORIDA!!!! Whooooowhoooooo!!!! Anyone knows how the wheather is in Florida in the winter? I don't but I'm betting on: warmer then in Germany (even in the summer, probably)




I'm grateful for:


1) Getting a promotion at work!


Total surprise! I just got there and they were like "Here's the person under you. Train them" (this is a good thing because I get a lot more money :P )


awsome! Congratulations!


3) Getting the day off I asked for


I'm going to a party :)


have fun!1.gif



I'm grateful for:


1) Final exams

Because they are over!!!!!


2) My best friend

that I could tell about my last exam


3) Champain

I had finals! It's ok! And it helps me erase bulk data from harddrive, so to speak ;)


4) Bathing tubs

I'm going to take a bath now


5) Sleep

Because I'm definatly deprived. Again *ponts to finals*. A week of cofee overconsumption and power studying... well you know how it feels...

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Liddy you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky! My finals are starting Tuesday. Omg! I'm so damn scared!


I'm grateful to... FRIENDS!! The sitcom! I love it! Wow, gonna watch it today!


Btw, I bought some choco biscuits. Great!



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Guest rainyday77

I'm grateful that I'm here today, because without modern medicine I might not be.


I figured since I'm new here and you all of course don't know that I'm pretty lucky to be alive right now. I was a premie born at I 1lb. 8oz., I didn't get to go home from the hospital until about 3 months old and was on a venilator. I have numerous medical complications, which luckily don't really affect my daily life other than having to take medication, most of these were caused by me being peremature. My liver is at about 60% of what it should be because the main vein to my liver is blocked, my body has however formed smaller veins to my liver which keep it functioning and even larger veins. I've had to many surgeries to count (none in the last ten years which is good)and have the scars to prove it, that I'm still self concious about. I just hope that if I ever have a boyfriend he can look past them. But I'm just happy I get to experiance life no matter how hard it is. This is something everyone should remember no matter how hard and depressing life is, to just keep going because whether you believe it or not being here on this earth is much better than not being here at all.


Anyways just thought I'd open up and share a little bit.


I'm also greatful for this board and all of the nice people I've met so far.


Thanks Everybody

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Guest rainyday77

I just read the rules at the beginning of this thread and realized I didn't follow them, I'm sorry I hope no one cares that I broke them.

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I'm grateful that I'm here today, because without modern medicine I might not be.


I figured since I'm new here and you all of course don't know that I'm pretty lucky to be alive right now. I was a premie born at I 1lb. 8oz., I didn't get to go home from the hospital until about 3 months old and was on a venilator. I have numerous medical complications, which luckily don't really affect my daily life other than having to take medication, most of these were caused by me being peremature. My liver is at about 60% of what it should be because the main vein to my liver is blocked, my body has however formed smaller veins to my liver which keep it functioning and even larger veins. I've had to many surgeries to count (none in the last ten years which is good)and have the scars to prove it, that I'm still self concious about. I just hope that if I ever have a boyfriend he can look past them. But I'm just happy I get to experiance life no matter how hard it is. This is something everyone should remember no matter how hard and depressing life is, to just keep going because whether you believe it or not being here on this earth is much better than not being here at all.


Anyways just thought I'd open up and share a little bit.


I'm also greatful for this board and all of the nice people I've met so far.


Thanks Everybody

WOW! What an awesome and beautiful story! I really admire your attitude to life too! :great:


I just read the rules at the beginning of this thread and realized I didn't follow them, I'm sorry I hope no one cares that I broke them.

Hmm, I think I made the rules for this thread, and I most definitely don't mind at all! ;)


I'm assuming you're referring to the request to post five things you're grateful about? Well I've already broken that one myself (prior to this time :P ), and that was just a general guideline. Certainly the spirit is about simply expressing gratitude, and I think your post did that wonderfully :)



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The 5 things that I am grateful for today are :


1. My Mom :wub:


She's awesome for just who she is! Am gonna write the entire reason in my blog. :P


2. Saturday :2thumbsup:


It's Saturday at last and am glad that I don't have classes for 2 days :lmao:


3. Music :music:


Without music, I am sure I would have had a nervous break down with all the projects and seminars, my job and the most deadly - classes :wacko:


4. The Internet ;)


If the internet wouldn't have existed, I don't know where I could have found all the info I needed to complete my projects and that, too on time. So yay! for the internet :worship:


5. The bed :)


Ahh... the wonderful piece of furniture where the sub-conscious takes over and makes us calm and serene after we plop down on it :sleep:



Umm... I know some of the above are really silly, but these are some of the things that has kept me alive in the past week 0:)

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Guest RettaMichaels

I am grateful for:


1.) I'm grateful to be blessed with a mother who is there unconditionally and supportive beyond measure.


2.) I'm grateful to be blessed with a life mate who makes each day easier to love him.


3.) I'm grateful for good health.


4.) I'm grateful for prosperity which makes writting possible all the more.

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......You all of course don't know that I'm pretty lucky to be alive right now. This is something everyone should remember no matter how hard and depressing life is, to just keep going because whether you believe it or not being here on this earth is much better than not being here at all. I'm also greatful for this board and all of the nice people I've met so far.

Thanks Everybody

:worship: Thanks to you rainyday :worship:

Your story is an example of courage and hope. I wish you to find here at GA all the support you deserve.You will find here a lot of friends. There is sometimes as much pleasure to "take" as to "give".

Take care of yourself and be happy :D

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Well, right now I'm feeling rather grateful:


1. To the Anthology team for giving us an opportunity to display our writings! :)


2. To all the authors for making it possible.


3. To all the readers for making a success.


4. And a special mention to those to have post comment on my story. :great:


Take care,


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I'm grateful to:


-My boss for covering for me with the BIG boss when I accidentally slept through a meeting today :*)


-My friends (you guys included ;) ) for being so warm, supportive, helpful, and all around awesome. :2thumbs:


-My mom because she's the bestest :wub:

-My kitty because she's really sweet, cute, and affectionate AND low-maintenance :great:

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  • 4 months later...

I'm grateful for......hmmm...


Myr, for providing this wonderful community!!!


I was chatting with D Writes yesterday and I mentioned this to him. I love to be here!! :)


A happy BeaStKid

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Today I'm grateful for concluding negotiations to sponsor yet another model car show on behalf of my model car website.


This means five lucky juniors (13-16 & 16-20) will be awarded gift certificates ranging from US$20 to US$50 to Hobby Town for winning their classes in the automotive categories. One of our members has insisted on sponsoring a 20-25 year old class for the automotive category. My website only deals with plastic model cars, trucks and motorcycles and all three will be represented in this show/contest. It's just one way of making sure the kids have the money they need to buy kits and supplies. Plus I think it helps ensure the continuation of this wonderful hobby.

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I cleaned my kitchen so thoroughly even the germs will be afraid to return.




:wacko: ..........I'm grateful I didn't have that "last" beer at the St. Paddys day party!!

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