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The Color Quiz


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The Color Quiz is so quite accurate. I thought I would share it with everyone I'll even give you all a peek of some of my results.


Your Desired Objective


Longs for tenderness and for a sensitivity of feeling into which he can blend. Responsive to anything esthetic and tasteful.

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Wow, that wasn't even close. A bunch of stuff about being insecure (really, the least of my worries) and needing to feel loved and protected. Bleh. Usually I find these tests pretty good, but this one was way off the mark.



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This one has an appearance in one of my stories, lol. Kind of nostalgic to see someone else discover it. I wonder what it says about me now... hmm...


~takes quiz~


Okay, um, I'm not in a position of authority. Lol, I rarely am. I guess I am somewhat authoritative, but I'm not very optimistic in sight of difficulties. Usually I have a very "It will be done my way because my way is the right way, and unless you have proof that your way is better, then shut up and do what I tell you" approach.


Yes, most of my stress does stem from wishing to be independent, and to be able to do exactly what I want, achieve what I want, and be able to go on without waiting on other people to cooperate.


"Willing to become emotionally involved and able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.


Clings to his belief that his hopes and ideas are realistic, but needs encouragement and reassurance. Applies very exacting standards to his choice of a partner and wants guarantees against loss or disappointment."


Hehehe... maybe just a little bit... but I'm not promiscuous! Okay, well, maybe that's because I have kind of high standards on who I get naked with... well that's not exactly it, it's more of that I want certain things in place for sex so that it's good... blah! And as to exacting standards on my choice of a partner, that is true in a way, but only for certain aspects. I won't date a person of inferior intelligence (that's for a complicated reason and not the one you think it is), and I don't date people who have certain personality traits (which is yet again a weird thing considering as how I'm now seeking to date the one person who embodies every personality trait I hate, but also seems to come up with a lot of good ones at the same time). And I do need MASSIVE encouragement and reassurance in every facet of life constantly or I lose motivation. :)


I do long for a sympathetic bond, and idealized harmony, and I am pretty susceptible to anything beautiful. I don't think that's much of a revelation, though. That's kind of a common thing, lol.


"Seeks to avoid criticism and to prevent restriction of his freedom to act, and to decide for himself by the exercise of great personal charm in his dealings with others." Heh, spot on, baby. :) Though sometimes I do wonder if I'm half as charming as I hope I am. :P






Ah... it was fairly accurate. And it's changed a good bit. It had a lot less to say about insecurity. :P

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Well... some parts were accurate, but really, it's probably what a lot of people would be. It says that I don't like to argue and such, but I am never one to shy away when it comes to speaking my mind so that's not accurate.


It also said that I seek perfectionism in the people that I date and that's not correct either, I let the people I date be who they are for sure.



It was an interesting way to test a personality though.




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My results from taking The Color Quiz, with the parts I don't agree with changed to gray:


Your Existing Situation

Orderly, methodical, and self-contained. Needs the respect, recognition, and understanding of those close to him.


Your Stress Sources

Unfulfilled hopes have lead to uncertainty and a tense watchfulness. Insists on freedom of action and resents any form of control other than which is self-imposed. Unwilling to go without or to relinquish anything and demands security as a protection against any further setback or loss of position or prestige. Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads him to exaggerate his claims and to refuse reasonable compromises.


Your Restrained Characteristics

Willing to participate and to allow himself to become involved, but tries to fend off conflict and disturbance in order to reduce tension.

Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Able to obtain physical satisfaction from sexual activity but tends to hold aloof emotionally.


Your Desired Objective

Pursues his objectives with intensity and does not allow himself to be deflected from his purpose. Wants to overcome the obstacles with which he is faced and to achieve special recognition and standing from his success.


Your Actual Problem #1

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to stress and anxiety. He wants congenial contact with others and scope for development, but feels that his relationships are empty and his progress impeded. He reacts with an intense and zealous activity designed to achieve his aims at all costs.


Your Actual Problem #2

Fights against restriction or limitation, and insists on developing freely as a result of his own efforts.


Some right, some wrong. Like most of these "tests" -- not really very meaningful. But fun anyway!


Colin B)

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:o dead on for me :worship:



Your Existing Situation

Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.


Your Stress Sources

Feels that life must yield more than it is and that his hopes and desires must somehow be realized--that they must be granted in their entirety. The existing uncertainty causes considerable worry and he is tensely on his guard against missing any opportunity. Anxious to avoid further setbacks, and loss of standing or prestige. Tries to make sure that he will not be overlooked and badly needs security.


Your Restrained Characteristics

Circumstances force him to compromise and to forgo some pleasures for the time being. Capable of achieving physical satisfaction from sexual activity.


Your Desired Objective

Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. Takes pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. Has sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail.


Your Actual Problem

Needs to achieve a stable and peaceful condition, enabling him to free himself of the worry that he may be prevented from achieving all the things he wants.


Your Actual Problem #2

Disappointment at the non-fulfillment of his hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety. He is trying to escape from this into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, protecting him from dissatisfaction and lack of appreciation.

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Creepily accurate:


Your Existing Situation

Not only considers his demands minimal, but also regards them as imperative. Sticks to them stubbornly and will concede nothing.


Your Stress Sources

The existing situation is disagreeable. Feels lonely and uncertain as he has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and wants to stand out from the rank and file. This sense of isolation magnifies the need into a compelling urge, all the more upsetting to his self-sufficiency because of the restraint he normally imposes on himself. Since he wants to demonstrate the unique quality of his own character, he tries to suppress this need for others and affects an attitude of unconcerned self-reliance to conceal his fear of inadequacy, treating those who criticize his behavior with contempt. However, beneath this assumption of indifference he really longs for the approval and esteem of others.


Your Restrained Characteristics

Feels listless, hemmed in, and anxious; considers that circumstances and forcing him to restrain his desires. Wants to avoid open conflict with others and to have peace and quiet.

Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve himself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling.

Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity.


Your Desired Objective

Needs to feel identified with someone or something and wishes to win support by his charm and amiability. Sentimental and yearns for a romantic tenderness.


Your Actual Problem

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and he is distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationship. He attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as he desires them to be.


Your Actual Problem #2

Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics he admires.

Edited by Nerotorb
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I could take this quiz 5 times and each time I'd get a different answer. Like any personality quiz.


That said, my results

Edited by Tarin
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Took it twice just to make sure it was trying to interpret what was going on in my head.


Kind of got close on most of them, both times.


Don't know what that means.


But, since my current mind set is somewhere on the other side of normal, none of this means anything. Right?


It was fun, though.


Kind of scary, too. But, it's kind of like the Eight Ball. Do it enough times and you're bound to get the answer you want, even if you don't want it.



Carl :boy:

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Took it twice just to make sure it was trying to interpret what was going on in my head.


Kind of got close on most of them, both times.


Don't know what that means.


But, since my current mind set is somewhere on the other side of normal, none of this means anything. Right?


It was fun, though.


Kind of scary, too. But, it's kind of like the Eight Ball. Do it enough times and you're bound to get the answer you want, even if you don't want it.



Carl :boy:

I've had time to think about the test. My first impression was incorrect. Yours is accurate.

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