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Has anyone seen Cloverfield?


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I actually saw Cloverfield at midnight this morning. I will say theres alot of previews and about 10 minutes in you are borderline desperate for the action to start but once it does i think it blows all the hype about the movie right out of the water. This movie is actually one of the most action packed and there will be times you want to yell at the screen from being overexcited. and once you finally figure out what the menace is you'll be surprised which movie of old comes to mind first. I think you may need to barricade the cat in. otherwise enjoy. :2thumbs:


Cloverfield. It sounds so tranquil and sedate. Like a lot of clover in a field right? WRONG.


Cloverfield: the movie


Has anybody seen it? Does it live up to the hype???


Can my cat come out from under the sofa?

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A very polarizing movie. Either you'll like it, or hate it. Some obvious comparisons between "Blair Witch" for being shot on a video camera, but that's about it. You don't get a lot of answers either. Don't know what it wants or where it's from or anything like that. Character driven, though you know a lot about the characters. If you want to see it, see it in theaters for the surround sound and sit in the back. Sitting so you can see the whole screen and so it doesn't take up your entire field of vision will keep you from getting dizzy. It was pretty scary at times, using special effects well and always seemed like it was really happening as we see it. Overall I liked it.

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I didn't like the ending, but then again halfway through the movie I thought about how it might end (the first 15 seconds pretty much said it all) and then wondered if it would even have an ending (other than just blanking out). Now it makes me wonder if there will be a sequel that explains what exactly happened. I think the success of the movie is that it basically puts you right there where all of the action is because of it being entirely on a home video camera, instead of on a professional movie-set camera. The effect of which is that the characters in the movie are just as clueless as the audience and their chances for survival are no better than anyone else's. Normally a movie where everyone is clueless is boring, but considering the amount of action (RPG's and tanks in Manhattan FTW), this movie is FAR from boring... once it gets going anyway.

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I wanna watch... lemme guess... Cthulhu? LOL




Lol, i just saw that movie the other day in fact. Even though its from 1926, it still kicks ass.




But yeah, i saw it at midnight this morning and it was good. It was realistic i say. I mean, the ending i saw coming, but only cus its realistic. It was really good though, kinda creepy, mostly kick-ass.

Edited by The Reaper
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I saw it today at the 1:30 show.


The pseudo-documentry style is quite powerful. The characters are very well done. They are sympathetic and as terrified as you would expect.


The ending does leave a lot to be desired.


As does the monster. Someone suggested that when we actually see the monster, we'll have some idea where it came from. I've no idea. All I can say is he's an ugly SOB with a new twist: In combat he drops man sized critters which look a bit like Sigorney Weaver's Aliens but smaller. A human can fight these things off but their bite is leathal. He obviously has nothing in common with Sta-puft.


All in all, it was a great ride but somewhat limited in scope by the pseudo-documentry/hand camera style.

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