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Coffee or tea?

S.L. Lewis

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Sometimes, vanilla is just what a person needs.

A vanilla shake is always good. The Vanilla Orchid is beautiful. Vanilla sex is never good or beautiful! :P


And like you've read, cute avatar. I like it.

The Grateful Dead is one of my favorite bands. Firefox is my favorite browser. Put them together and how can you not have a rocking avatar that can also bite you in the ass? :lol:


Aren't they the cutest couple? *hugs them* I love cooing at them. Makes me want to write something sappy, and I don't really do sappy...

Sappy? Nope that's not the word that comes to mind. Romantic is the word I'd choose! Coffee for power sex and hot chocolate for some awesome rubdowns! :wub:


See, I managed to work drinks into almost everything so I'm still on-topic! :D

Edited by GaryInMiami
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A vanilla shake is always good. The Vanilla Orchid is beautiful. Vanilla sex is never good or beautiful! :P



The Grateful Dead is one of my favorite bands. Firefox is my favorite browser. Put them together and how can you not have a rocking avatar that can also bite you in the ass? :lol:



Sappy? Nope that's not the word that comes to mind. Romantic is the word I'd choose! Coffee for power sex and hot chocolate for some awesome rubdowns! :wub:


See, I managed to work drinks into almost everything so I'm still on-topic! :D


So you have, so you have. I'm just going to clap my hands and then go back to my rather interesting can of diet Pespi. Yes, I'm bored.


Does anyone else thing that Chai Tea taste and smells like Novacaine?


First of all, that's think dear. You were off a letter.

Second of all, depends on the chai. Vanilla reminds me of vanilla and sandlewood incense burning at the same time. Spiced Chai reminds me of freshly grated nutmeg. Regular, yeah, it smells like novacaine but tastes better than that.

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Does anyone else thing that Chai Tea taste and smells like Novacaine?


I wish I had an answer for you but I've never had to experience Novocaine, lol.


Most of the time I drink iced tea, but I like hot tea a lot too, the only problem is that it takes longer than iced tea (because I get mine straight from the lipton bottle). I like my tea, hot or cold, with a little bit of sugar in it.


I also drink coffee on occasion, especially when I'm traveling. It really depends on the coffee what I put in it. Sometimes just milk/cream, other times with sugar as well.

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Does anyone else think that Chai Tea taste and smells like Novacaine?

It sort of depends what's in the tea. Your basic Assam tea with sugar and milk is wonderful. Once you start adding stuff like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, peppercorn, cloves, nutmeg, chocolate, cocoa, vanilla, licorice or saffron then it gets kind of weird.

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Okay, you all disgust me :P


You do know what the fish do in the water :blink: ....the water you make coffee and tea with 0:)


You have to purify than carbinate the water to get rid of it ya know :lmao:


Mountain dew please :boy:




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Hm. I didn't mention how I liked my coffee.


I've only drunk instant, never had brewed coffee EVER. Kinda funny considering that my grandmother had a little orchard of coffee trees and cacaos (from where cocoa is derived from). It's just that coffee machines aren't in vogue here. LOL


I place a TINY amount of coffee per cup (like 1/5 of a tablespoon), add a tablespoon of sugar and finally a generous helping of chocolate and/or sugar. I never drink my coffee black, and very seldom only coffee and sugar alone.


So I'm not really much of a coffee drinker. More like a chocolate and milk drinker LOL. I love lattes. The few times I've tried fancy coffees though, I really liked em. Mocha and hazelnut are to die for but I seldom have them. My mom drinks this sort of prepackaged 5-in-one coffee with ginseng and some sort of mushroom extracts (It's chinese, the name's Qing Zi I believe). I try to sneak one from her every now and then. LOL


My younger brother doesn't drink coffee or tea at all. Neither does he drink beer. :S Hmm... and he's supposed to be straight LOL


My favorite beverage is hot chocolate anyway. My grandmother (passed away last year) used to make chocolate from cacao seeds. She grounds up the toasted beans, strains em and stuff and shapes them into these little round disks that we call tableya. You usually drop half of a tableya into a tall glass of hot water, add some sugar, and voila! Homemade hot chocolate. The thing with it is, drinking hot chocolate reminds me of Christmas :P It's what we drank while awaiting midnight on Christmas Eve or New Years. Good memories.


For alcoholic beverages. I usually hate liquor. I drink them anyways but I hate em. The only liquor I can like are those in punches or mixed with fruit juices (Gin-Lime for instance). Alone... yech. And red wine is also yech. I try to stick with beer. :P


P.S. Tiff, cut back on the Starbucks! LOL


P.P.S. Tom, mountain dew has been found with certain items inside of them you know... like cockroaches! LOL Honest! It made the news... hmm... I think it was Coke. But they're all the same! :P

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Hylas, you are a dear to have around.

It sounds like you can barely tolerate regular coffee, but still enjoy it. Oxymoron to the extreme.

I'm sorry about your grandmother's death to. :hug:

One last thing. Any kind of alchoholic drink is something you need to get used to or be born into a family that is. I'm a mix of both personally. ^_^


Rose <-----(who knows how it feels to lose their grandmother)

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I like a bit of tea, but for some reason maybe to do with my body not liking it - I cannot seem to stomach coffee. I used to drink it in large quantities when I was younger, but it just makes me lethargic sometimes, hyperactive at others and downright moody. I suppose coffee is not for everyone, but I have never gone wrong with tea.

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I wish I had an answer for you but I've never had to experience Novocaine, lol.

Awesome! I hope your luck holds up :)


I've only drunk instant, never had brewed coffee EVER. Kinda funny considering that my grandmother had a little orchard of coffee trees and cacaos (from where cocoa is derived from). It's just that coffee machines aren't in vogue here. LOL

Wow! No brewed coffee ever!? :blink:


:hug: you poor thing!


BTW, I agree with Rose, you are a sweetie :wub:


I like a bit of tea, but for some reason maybe to do with my body not liking it - I cannot seem to stomach coffee. I used to drink it in large quantities when I was younger, but it just makes me lethargic sometimes, hyperactive at others and downright moody. I suppose coffee is not for everyone, but I have never gone wrong with tea.

Yeah, coffee's really bad for you, nothing wrong with your body having a zero tolerance program in place ;)

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BTW, I agree with Rose, you are a sweetie :wub:



Aww! Thank you! You're a sweetie to. :hug:

Zephyrus it sounds like your body got used to coffee and now is unable to really derive anything from the coffee so your body rebels.

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Aww! Thank you! You're a sweetie to. :hug:

Awww, thanks Rose! You too for that matter! :D


Zephyrus it sounds like your body got used to coffee and now is unable to really derive anything from the coffee so your body rebels.

If you've been off it for awhile that could be part of it (not that I'm encouraging you to get back on). For example it affects me much more strongly and quickly now when I do drink it than when I used to do it regularly.

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Awww, thanks Rose! You too for that matter! :D



If you've been off it for awhile that could be part of it (not that I'm encouraging you to get back on). For example it affects me much more strongly and quickly now when I do drink it than when I used to do it regularly.


You're welcome. ^_^

And the wonderful one above does pull up a point. It's one or the other, Zeph.

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Yes, sweetie. :hug: I could have said you make me wanna coo at you and pinch your cheeks. *looks innocent*



Be careful Rose. Just cause we're gay doesn't mean we can't take care of ourselves, :D . Then again, who am I to talk. I just called you a sweetheart in another topic.


Are we gonna be part of the all-night club Rose? It sure looks that way. :wub:


Hey Hylas. Give Rose hell. She deserves it (that little demon) and she can take it, :P

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:mace: Go on try it! :evil:


Like I said, makes me wanna. But I ain't gonna. I'm not suicidle. I'll just hug you then bounce off happily.




Be careful Rose. Just cause we're gay doesn't mean we can't take care of ourselves, :D . Then again, who am I to talk. I just called you a sweetheart in another topic.


Are we gonna be part of the all-night club Rose? It sure looks that way. :wub:


Hey Hylas. Give Rose hell. She deserves it (that little demon) and she can take it, :P


I wouldn't doubt it. I've known many a gay male in real life and they were the ones who taught me how to fight.


At the rate that I was going last night, I would have.


I so can. I can also dish it to. I'm so cute and innocent. :devil:

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I wouldn't doubt it. I've known many a gay male in real life and they were the ones who taught me how to fight.

Sadly this is often because we have to learn how to defend ourselves. Especially when we're out!


I'm so cute and innocent.


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My usual source of caffeine is cola, especially Coke Zero, but I do drink coffee on occasion. I'm terribly inconsistent in how I take my coffee, though--If it's a good strong cup of coffee, I'll take it black. If it's weak, I'll doctor it by adding lots of sugar and cream or milk to give it some kind of flavor.


I'm especially fond of Kona coffee, which is expensive stuff, but it does taste better, and I don't drink it so often that it's an unaffordable habit. The other thing I love is the Mysore Coffee at my local Indian restaurant, which is made with spices and condensed milk, and does to coffee what chai does to tea.



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Sadly this is often because we have to learn how to defend ourselves. Especially when we're out!


Unfortunatly, this is true. I plan on going over this subject in my story. Eventually. I just need to get there.


I'll believe that when I see it :P


Yeah, yeah. I'm cute and innocent and you know it. ^_^


My usual source of caffeine is cola, especially Coke Zero, but I do drink coffee on occasion. I'm terribly inconsistent in how I take my coffee, though--If it's a good strong cup of coffee, I'll take it black. If it's weak, I'll doctor it by adding lots of sugar and cream or milk to give it some kind of flavor.


I'm especially fond of Kona coffee, which is expensive stuff, but it does taste better, and I don't drink it so often that it's an unaffordable habit. The other thing I love is the Mysore Coffee at my local Indian restaurant, which is made with spices and condensed milk, and does to coffee what chai does to tea.




Oh, Kona. *drools* Yums.

I've tried that before. It's really strong, but so good. I love getting it, but I've yet to find a goo resturant down here that serves it.

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