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Body hair


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I was discussing this with some friends and we decided that we'd dye the hair on our legs blue or green some day and go to the beach. Okay that'll probably never happen, but it's interesting that so many people seem to think body hair is revolting and unhygienic (which, of course, it isn't.)


How do you like body hair on yourself and others?

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Well...obviously I have hair on my head, under the arms, and definitely at you-know-where.

Then fine hair on my arms (not thick or dark). My leg hair is the opposite but it's not ridiculously hairy like a bear.

My chest is still hairless and I am 23! And no I don't shave any of them at all except for my facial hair.


I like hairless chest. It gets me going a lot. :P


Hairy chest is a turn off. Fortunely my boyfriend is Asian, so he'll never get any hair on his chest. Shit...he's hairless all over the place except at you-know-where.


I think almost all people would agree with me on this one at least... Back hair is just f**king gross.

Edited by Jack Frost
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I don't see much sense in dyeing body hair. That's just weird. As far as body hair, I like men to have body hair except on the back. It's a big turn on to me, especially chest hair. :wub:

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People without body hair are in danger of seeming plasticine, prepubescent, and puerile. (No offense except to my generally hairless ex-lover, who was [is?] also a prude and a psychopathic.)


Jack Frost -- not all Asians are hairless on the chest. Ex. Indians, and me. :P


PS I staunchly believe that, under all those robes, lady liberty is quite a hairy woman. *waggles eyebrows*

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I don't mind body hair, except for the hair on my body. I have a wicked amount of hair on my legs that goes all the way up my thighs and around the back of my legs, which totally flips me out. As soon as I can, I'm getting laser hair removal there and on my stomach, around my belly button, which is where I have I have a grip of hair that connects to...where, I'm sure you can guess where it connects to :) I just don't want hair on my back, in my ears or in my nose. I don't mind the hair on my arms because for some odd reason, it seems natural.

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PS I staunchly believe that, under all those robes, lady liberty is quite a hairy woman. *waggles eyebrows*



Of course, you can tell from her eyebrows. But does she dye her body hair??


And an additional question: should men be hairy but women not hairy? Or vice versa, or both of them hairy? Or neither?

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Not that any of you want to know, but I am body-hair free. Well, I've never really grown hair on my arms, but I don't remove hair on my arms. Everywhere else though is hairless. I've never liked body hair on me so I've always kept it off.


Anyway, for guys, I don't mind chest hair, it took me a while to be comfortable with chest hair though, but now I don't mind it. I don't like hair on the butt and back though.. I'll never like that. Also, out of control "you know where" hair is just gross too.

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How do you like body hair on yourself and others?

This is something I feel very strongly about when it comes to physical attraction. I can't stand body hair. Apart from being wildly out of shape or something, body hair is the single thing which is most inclined to turn me off of someone.


To be very blunt, if I had to choose I'd much rather be with a smooth woman than a hairy man.


Hair on the head is great (and I like longer, fuller styles), a trimmed patch around the genitals is also fine, as is short, trimmed hair under the arms. I can tolerate a moderate amount on the legs, especially if it's lighter. As for the arms I really only don't mind if the hair is very light and not particularly prevalent. For the rest of the body (chest, stomach, back, etc.) almost any is a deal breaker.


Hairy chest is a turn off. Fortunely my boyfriend is Asian, so he'll never get any hair on his chest. Shit...he's hairless all over the place except at you-know-where.

My biggest attraction in terms of having a physical 'type' is to Asians, blonds, and red-heads, and while I consider these types very attractive in most all ways, the fact that they're more inclined to be hairless or only have fine, light hair is undoubtedly a huge determinant. It's for this reason that I think I've always had this reaction to body hair. I've really always found it unattractive and I've always been attracted to Asians/blonds/red-heads, I didn't even piece together that it was probably related until relatively recently. So anyway in that way my sexual attraction has always been well-integrated :P


As soon as I can, I'm getting laser hair removal

I'm getting that, although I've been so busy I keep missing my appointments :(


I'm very pleased with the results for my arms, but the rest is slower progress.



Also, while this wasn't part of the question, I'll also add that I similarly don't care for facial hair.


Anyway, I realize that's all very shallow, and obviously none of these things would matter to me at all, except in terms of sexual attraction, and I also realize that quite a few people feel the exact opposite. These are just my opinions and preferences.



Take care all and have a great day :)


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Jack Frost -- not all Asians are hairless on the chest. Ex. Indians, and me.




Ok, I should've been more clear. When I said Asians, I meant specifically those of mongoloid race (the Chinese, the Vietnamese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Mongols, etc.) They tend not to have chest hair.


Of course the Indians, the Pakis, etc. are Asians, but they're not of Mongoloid race. I hope you get what I meant. :P


My boyfriend is 95% Vietnamese with a hint of Indian, French, and Swedish blood...so. :P

Edited by Jack Frost
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I'm older than Jack and have a few hairs on my chest, possibly not more than four. I can go a good 7 days without shaving and then I only shave because well it's kind of embarrassing that I could go another week without shaving and people would barely notice. My friend said once when I told him I hadn't shaved in over a week that I looked like a teenager who was about to have his first shave.


I like chest hair. I like body hair on men. I can live with back hair, unless it's at the Robin Williams level of back hair. :lol:



Of course the Indians, the Pakis, etc. are Asians, but they're not of Mongoloid race. I hope you get what I mean. tongue.gif


FYI, Paki is not really a term you would want to call a pakistani guy unless you wanted him to slug you in the face. :lol:

Edited by scoopny
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Ok, I should've been more clear. When I said Asians, I meant specifically those of mongoloid race (Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Mongols, etc.) They tend not to have chest hair.


Of course the Indians, the Pakis, etc. are Asians, but they're not of Mongoloid race. I hope you get what I mean. :P

For the record this is also what I meant.

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This is something I feel very strongly about when it comes to physical attraction. I can't stand body hair. Apart from being wildly out of shape or something, body hair is the single thing which is most inclined to turn me off of someone.


To be very blunt, if I had to choose I'd much rather be with a smooth woman than a hairy man.


Hair on the head is great (and I like longer, fuller styles), a trimmed patch around the genitals is also fine, as is short, trimmed hair under the arms. I can tolerate a moderate amount on the legs, especially if it's lighter. As for the arms I really only don't mind if the hair is very light and not particularly prevalent. For the rest of the body (chest, stomach, back, etc.) almost any is a deal breaker.



My biggest attraction in terms of having a physical 'type' is to Asians, blonds, and red-heads, and while I consider these types very attractive in most all ways, the fact that they're more inclined to be hairless or only have fine, light hair is undoubtedly a huge determinant. It's for this reason that I think I've always had this reaction to body hair. I've really always found it unattractive and I've always been attracted to Asians/blonds/red-heads, I didn't even piece together that it was probably related until relatively recently. So anyway in that way my sexual attraction has always been well-integrated :P



I'm getting that, although I've been so busy I keep missing my appointments :(


I'm very pleased with the results for my arms, but the rest is slower progress.



Also, while this wasn't part of the question, I'll also add that I similarly don't care for facial hair.


Anyway, I realize that's all very shallow, and obviously none of these things would matter to me at all, except in terms of sexual attraction, and I also realize that quite a few people feel the exact opposite. These are just my opinions and preferences.



Take care all and have a great day :)




So what if it had been like 3 years since you've seen a guy, and all of the sudden, two were standing right before your eyes. Unfortunately, one was in really great shape and cute, but he had a carpet on his torso and back. The other was almost completely hairless except for his head and his dingaling, but he weighed 281 lbs and was only 5'9??

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I still find it weird I am not sprouting out chest hair because my dad...my grandfathers...have them. :blink:


Not that I am complaining. But if I start sprouting out some. Hello to laser hair-removal.


Unlike scoopny: My chest is naturally hairless...not shaven. :P:P:P

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So what if it had been like 3 years since you've seen a guy, and all of the sudden, two were standing right before your eyes. Unfortunately, one was in really great shape and cute, but he had a carpet on his torso and back. The other was almost completely hairless except for his head and his dingaling, but he weighed 281 lbs and was only 5'9??

...Well, if I'd already managed for 3 years without guys I'm sure I could go a bit longer ;)

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Oh boy.


I don't like body hair. I don't like it at all.

It seems...gross.

I mean, some *down there* is fine, and small amounts are okay.

But then again last time I let myself fall for someone, he was...quite hairy...but it

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it not really gross at all , i think it belong what type of body you are ? if you too muscle , hair body is a plus ...

I like leg hair ...it realy sexy as hell ...

But for some reason , i don't want my boyfriend had body hair at all ...it stick ... :D


to Jack Frost :yup , Asian not really much chest hair ( except Indian , they had alot hair body ...) they tent about leg hair

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I don't like body hair at all. It's not revolting or upseting to me. I just don't find it atractive. I have never liked hairy men. In fact I am happy with a guy's hair being limited to his scalp. I have never liked a man with a mustache or a beard. When it comes to the guys I like, the smoother the better.


I don't really care how much hair is on my body. It's like looking at a relatives body. Since I would not be atracted to that body anyway I don't care about its hair. I don't shave or wax anything because it's too much of a bother.

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I never really thought about it. As for other people with body hair I dont really mind it I mean it wouldnt keep me from dateing some one just so long as the hair wasnt overly...you know screaming in my face. I prefer hairless chests and stomaches though but like I said I'm not that picky about others, I'm more picky about myself lol. I hate hair anywhere on my body cept the top of my head. I use nair and when I do I shave everything from my legs to my chest stomache arms D*** and A** inside and out. I would do underarms to but after one try I stopped because the nair cream burned so bad and I burn easily. Even for what areas I do get it leaves red burn marks for like a day or so after. And then ofcourse I shave my face!

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Yeah, but they were the only ones that would consider being with you because you had 9 STD's, so it was now or never???

Oh man, my hypothetical life sucks!


Okay, I've got a plan!


I'll go to the doc and get the STD's treated, then I'll take the cute guy to the salon and get him waxed all over, and I'll bring the short, heavyset dude to the gym, and before long I'll be healthy, hairy guy will be smooth, and large guy will be slender, and then we can all join a commune in the wilderness of Washington state and live happily ever after eating organic strawberries.


...yeah I think it's foolproof! B)

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Personally, I don't like body hair on me. I keep my eye brows trimed and neat, even though they are blond and you can't really tell where the hair is unless I use an eye brow pencil on them. I shave my legs and pits every couple of days and everywhere else...that's for me to know and my lover to find out.

On a guy, I can't stand a frikin' jungle on his body, but if it's kept neat and trim, I love running my hands through a guys chest hair. I won't do anything to a hairy back. I have long nails that could split because of those wiry little buggers.

On a woman, I like smooth. Have to be shaven, her legs and pits that is. I don't mind hair on a woman as long as it's kept neat. I'm an odd person I suppose.

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Oh man, my hypothetical life sucks!


Okay, I've got a plan!


I'll go to the doc and get the STD's treated, then I'll take the cute guy to the salon and get him waxed all over, and I'll bring the short, heavyset dude to the gym, and before long I'll be healthy, hairy guy will be smooth, and large guy will be slender, and then we can all join a commune in the wilderness of Washington state and live happily ever after eating organic strawberries.


...yeah I think it's foolproof! B)


Wow, maybe you should update the next chapter of Kevin's Big Moment, because it's pretty clear which way it might go if I add it :ph34r:

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hmm.. i dont like body hair.

like i hardly have hair on my arms , legs but always shaved or waxed .

my underarms are always taken care of.


i reallly really dont like chest hair but i can deal with it unless it tickles me O.o



i agree with krista out of control hair down there is absolutely NASTY!


i mean i even freak out when my eyebrows grow in.


oh yeah and the butt the back and A lot of hair on toes ( ive seen it ) is gross -.-

Edited by CoLeYy
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I have hairy arms and legs,, but not to bad on the legs, I agree back hair is not attractive, I don't mind hair on the legs, I would sometime laser off my stomach/chest hair, and some on my arms. I'm not a big of chest hair either though if it's not thick or light, wouldn't bother me to much.


I'm attracted to guys with hair on their body and ones that are hairless. But doesn't mean wouldn't date a guy with chest hair.


Personality is more important.

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Ah, you guys are so weird. :lol: It's not that I find hair particularly attractive, and I'm intimidated by The Forest as much as the next guy (or gal), but really... Maybe the relative scales of hairiness are off -- maybe what I consider 'hairy' is actually 'slightly hairy' for you guys. I do wonder what happens to develop these sexual tastes. Some weird thing to do with how hairy the father figure was? I read somewhere that body hair developed evolutionarily as a way of showing clan-relation, or genetic closeness. That would explain why hairy guys aren't really into people of similar hairiness -- there'd be an underlying fear of incest. :P

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