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Thank you to everyone involved with the Anniversaries Anthology


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I would like to thank all the authors who have contributed to the Anniversaries Anthology. It was a challenging task, as the request was for stories of a greater than normal length, but I think they've done a brilliant job. :worship:


I would also like to thank all the editors and early readers. They have an important role to play in the process of producing such great entertainment, and they shouldn't be forgotten. In particular, I noticed one name that kept cropping up in the author notes, so to Sharon goes an extra special thank you. :wub:


Finally, to Steph who has managed the technical tasks, and CJ who has helped mentor me through my first job as Anthology Coordinator, my most heartfelt thanks. :)


I've enjoyed reading all of the stories and I'm sure you all will, too. :2thumbs:



GA Anthology Coordinator :wizard:

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Thanks to everyone Graeme mentioned, and Graeme himself for being the Anthology coordinator! I guess his vacation is well and truly finished and we have a hard working Australian on our hands. B)

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I'd like to add my thanks to Graeme and his helpers for all their hard work.

This was the first time I'd ever written for an anthology and Graeme helped to make it a very pleasant experience.

Thank yooooooo!




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Thanks to everyone involved in this anthology shennanigans!


Graeme--that hardworker! (and to CJ for passing the torch) :worship:


Steph--the lovely technical assistance, who has been recently my personal lifesaver! :wub:


Sharon and all beta-readers/editors/authors who worked so hard to get their words out and published for this. Writing can be frustating and tiring, but we all work together to make it possible.


Till the next anthology. :D

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I think most of all we should thank the readers. If not for them, there would be no reason to have Anthologies. I would like to thank the authors who allowed me the privilege of being their beta reader as well. I love to help make fellow authors shine. :D

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