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Prayers for Bobby


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In "Prayers for Bobby," Mary Griffith is a devout Christian who raises her children with the conservative teachings of the Presbyterian Church. However, when her son Bobby confides to his older brother he may be gay, life changes for the entire family after Mary learns about his secret. While Bobby's father and siblings slowly come to terms with his homosexuality, Mary believes God can cure him of what she considers his 'sin' and persuades Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in church activities in hopes of changing him. Desperate for his mother's approval, Bobby does what is asked of him, but through it all, the church's apparent disapproval of homosexuality causes him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed. Guilty over the pain he is causing Mary, Bobby moves away, yet hopes that some day his mother will accept him. His subsequent depression and self-loathing intensifies as he blames himself for not being the 'perfect' son and is driven to suicide. Faced with their tragedy, Mary begins to question her faith when she receives no answers from her pastor concerning her devastating loss. Through her long and emotional journey, Mary slowly reaches out to the gay community and discovers unexpected support from a very unlikely source. The film is based on the 1995 Leroy Aarons book of the same name. Written by Louie Neira





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That was a very powerful and moving trailer on a deeply emotional topic. That coupled with the fact that it's based on a true story seems to set the premise for quite a masterpiece. And with the current heated climate (post-prop 8 etc) I don't think this film could have arrived at a better time. Can't wait to see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This forum intrested me when it was posted.


Unfortunately I couldn't see far enough ahead to see if I would be able to watch it.


Just checked Saturday's listings, and guess what :( , not being shown up here in Canada.


If anyone does hear if it is being redistributed anywhere else, or be available anywhere else, could you please let me know.




Steve B)

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Lifetime has really sold me on this movie so hopefully it does deliver. I know Sigourney Weaver? (probably butchered her name) is a really good actress so that has made me want to watch it more. I just hope I remember when its on.

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Well... I just did a blog entry about this movie and I'm glad someone started a thread about it Thanks hh5!


On another note, tonight in Live Chat, I will be in live chat hosting a web version of a Prayers for Bobby Viewing Party. It will start at 8:30pm EST and go until we finish talking about the movie. Everyone is invited to join in on the discussion and I implore everyone to be on their best behavior and respectful. In case of any questions, you can pm me and I'll get back to you asap. I will also be using the resouces that can be found at the Trevor Project for the viewing party.


So, if you wanna watch the video, check your local listings for the times it will be. For us eastern standard time guys and gals, it's gonna be at 9pm est on Lifetime.


I hope that everyone will come and join in on the discussion tonight!




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We recorded it so we can watch it tomorrow off our PVR...I remember the news articles about this happenning....so the movie should be a real tear jerker...

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Bobby went to my high school, but that was before I was born. The efforts of his mother in memory of Bobby caused the high school district to establish one of the first comprehensive anti-discrimination anti-bullying anti-abuse policies in the country, policies that recognized not just race, national origin, religion, and gender, but sexuality as well. It's because of Bobby and his mother that I and all the other students in my high school district benefited from those policies. Despite how sad the causative circumstances were, I can't say enough in thanks for what resulted. Sometimes it takes a desperate act to make something happen. Bobby didn't die in vain.


Colin B)

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Bobby went to my high school, but that was before I was born. The efforts of his mother in memory of Bobby caused the high school district to establish one of the first comprehensive anti-discrimination anti-bullying anti-abuse policies in the country, policies that recognized not just race, national origin, religion, and gender, but sexuality as well. It's because of Bobby and his mother that I and all the other students in my high school district benefited from those policies. Despite how sad the causative circumstances were, I can't say enough in thanks for what resulted. Sometimes it takes a desperate act to make something happen. Bobby didn't die in vain.


Colin B)


Great Colin, I agree, he didn't die in vain.


And Movie I thought is good.

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I loved the movie... plain and simple... it had an amazing message to it and well... it kinda hit close to home...


I still can't get the last scene where Bobby's mom hugged the kid thinking it was her son out of my head...

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I loved the movie... plain and simple... it had an amazing message to it and well... it kinda hit close to home...


I still can't get the last scene where Bobby's mom hugged the kid thinking it was her son out of my head...


The kid also looked sad but was happier after the hug.

So in another way - the hug was needed for both of them. (three of them)


I agree plain and simple. She ran into a more progressive pastor.

It could have been worst if the pastor hated gays.

If that where the case - she be in conflict for the lost of her son and Bigotry.


Moving forward it made things better for the younger folk.

But for us older folk - we still struggle - I have to say its not quite a fair world.

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I agree... I give props to the older LGBT people for starting the fight and quite honestly, I know its up to my generation to continue the fight and make you guys proud of us.


I talked with my boyfriend after seeing Milk and we agreed that we needed to do something to help further the cause of gay rights. Then last night, after seeing Bobby, I figured that the best way to help the cause is to help GLBTQ youth and help empower them, cus I know working with kids is my strength and it's something I want to do.


Also Bobby hit close to home (check my blog) for me and its something that I also want to prevent future youth, gay or straight, of doing.

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I agree... I give props to the older LGBT people for starting the fight and quite honestly, I know its up to my generation to continue the fight and make you guys proud of us.


When you are at a club and some shit head kid says where did all the old trolls come from, you might remind them of that.

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Wow, Colin.


Is there a monument or anything up for him?


No, there isn't. He had graduated and had moved away from the area. My sister (who's a student there this year) told me that there was a lot of discussion going on at the school last week because of the movie. There should be even more this week now that the movie was broadcast yesterday and is being rebroadcast today and Tuesday on the Lifetime channel.


There's a picture of Bobby and an interesting article about him by a writer who says she "danced my first slow dance with Bobby Griffiths" when they were in the eighth grade.


Colin B)

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Gee, and I thought the one in the middle looked gay. J/K


WBMS, you're right. The guy in the middle is Bobby. The one on the left is Bobby's older brother Ed.


There's a lot of information about the true story of Bobby Griffith, his family, and his life on the Lifetime TV website. It includes a link to several family pictures.


Colin B)

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I Have to say as sad as it was, it was a great move, "Mary's" Speech at the end in the counsel meeting was trully moving. I wish More people would remember "that Children are listening."


I Also wan't to commend Lifetime and some other networks for taking on our Issues, or really just real "Human Issues" that effects everyone. With Prayers for bobby, The Matthew Sheappard Story. And I have also noticed a Increase of Gay Awareness Ads Like the one with wanda sikes Sending the message not to say "Thats Gay"


The more these stories are told the more we can reach those who don't understand but are on the fence as none of us are going to reach those truly Convicted to their belives. It is sad to say that for some it take tragic events in there own lives to make them re-evaluate there convictions.

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It was a very moving story. I watched the Sunday airing.


The discussions between her and the MCC minister just goes to show how much the bible is changed from one translation to the next.

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