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Post Secret


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Check it out. postsecret.com


It's definitely interesting. I'm way behind everyone else as usual and had never heard of the site, but yeah. Somehow none of the insanity people hide really seems secret-worthy to me, though.


I mean, yeah, it might not be associated with an individual but c'mon now, really? We all know everyone has secrets. We all know that there are pedophiles, murderers, and plain freaks in the world. We just don't know that they're our friends and neighbors.


Thus, I think the art project is ineffective. Society as a whole is far too jaded to be shocked at hearing anonymous secrets. We just kinda nod and maybe think of people we know whose secrets we happen to have found out.


Now an art project where it connects the secret to the faces you see every day of your life... THAT would be a shocker. Just a wee bit unethical, but damned entertaining. Just think about how freaked out people would be if they figured out the reason their six-year-old son's kindergarten teacher is a kindergarten teacher is because they like the way six-year-old boys smell when they come in sweaty off the playground, or that the crazy old guy from vietnam who lives down the street secretly relished the feeling of killing another human being and keeps wishing he could do it again, or the petite girl from class who always eats SO MUCH but stays SO SMALL is actually bulimic.


Also, I think maybe I'm a lil screwy for coming up with those examples. :D

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I took out all three books from the library. Its interesting to see what people send it. I visit the actual site about once a week.


My favorite, which was in the First book is:


Everytime I would mow the lawn, I would fertilize a circle. IT GREW! My parents still think it was aliens.


There was one where a girl wrote a bunch and instead of mailing them out, put them on her pillow, next to her sleeping boyfriend. Later that day he came into the office and asked her to marry him.


They are really neat to look at. Now that Christmas is over, Im gunna send one or two in. I dont know when but I am going to.

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Yeah I do far prefer looking at the positive, uplifting ones. The negative stuff just doesn't seem to get a real reaction from me at all.


Now some of the positive, happy ones are really adorably wonderful. Makes me all warm and fuzzy and whatnot. :D

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I love Post Secret. Actually got a book from a friend on my birthday and might have sent in a secret or two.


And Razor, your opinion may be that it's ineffective, but I disagree. When, because of Post Secret, people have the courage to tell others about their experiences and lives, when people are able to overcome the things that have happened to them, thats exactly when it is effective.

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Yeah the Gps one i thought was really cool, some of the 1s that were dark secrets i was like "Meh thats everyday" still feel bad for the person and all and if i knew them would try and help out but it wasn't shocking. Though i can say the 1 that said "if your father knew how i felt about you he wouldnt have married me" had me thinking "Ok what does this step mother think of her step daughter?" ha ha its always gotta be the Evil Step Mother thank you Cinderella lol. I'll have to check my library too see if they have any of these books.

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Hi Razor,


If you are way behind everyone else, then I must be way way behind everyone else because that's the first time I had heard about postsecret.com. Thanks for mentioning it. I had a look at the site, and it's such a great idea. I'm going to order some of the books.


Sarah :2thumbs:

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