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Having THE talk


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Well, being from Indian culture, we were always said that sex should be after marriage. But yes, this taboo is crashing down and I don't like it. Not that I have anything against teenage sex. It's just that unlike the western teenagers, the ones here aren't well prepared for that. This sudden exposure/freedom is making them not only foolish but also making them take unnecessary risks. And the thing is that parents can't really have the talk. First, we are very conservative and sex talks between parents and children is very rare. And People think that if the parent talk about sex, it will be some sort of permission to have sex before marriage. Of course, i don't agree. With the talk, at least you know that they are aware.


And Graeme, your son sounds to be a wise kid to me. :)


And yeah, of course, for reasons I explained above, I never had THE talk, not that I was expecting anyway.


Take care,


I can understand the situation a bit better now I think. Thanks, Ieshwar! :)


:worship: wow! :worship:

once more I admire your wisdom. I wished I had the father your sons have ! I'm sure they will support not only the fact that you are gay but even more the way you and your wife live your gayness. It's an model for us and I thank you to share it with us.


I agree!

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Heh, My dad pulled me into the garage and handed me a play boy magazine, then he started talking about boobs when all I wanted to do was either get out of there or talk about other stuff. I was 14 at the time though, and already knew the things I actually needed to know from Nifty Archives B)


Needless to say, if i remember correctly we were both embarrassed.


As for actually ever giving the talk, think I've only done it once and all I ever said was make sure you use a condom. I assume that most teenagers are smart enough to figure out how the internet works and could probably teach me some things I know nothing about.


Kind of reminds a person of the DomLuka story Dessert Droppings when Luke ended up giving Eddie the talk at the age of 13 rather than the other way around. Damn internet :wub:





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  • 3 weeks later...

Everyone has pretty interesting little stories on how it happened to them.

So i'll share mine. Hmm during those years your supposed to get the talk in my family my parents were always on agian off agian. Mom never gave me the talk and now if she tried i think i would laugh my ass off since i'm 23. The only thing she tells us is to use condoms. My dad is funny in that he always wants to know how my sex life is going. It's non existant incase ya'll wanna know.


I learnt some of it in Grade 7 in this Values class where we learnt about drugs and sex. Then agian in Grade 9. Didn't phase me at all. When i went and moved in with my aunt bonnie at 16 her advice to me was i'll be polite and clean up her advice a bit "Screw them & Leave them,Don't be 40+ and with the same partner for the past 8 years" and then her advice was that i should make her a great aunt and i went "You already are a great aunt to me i don't need to pop out a baby to make you one".


Her fiancee was really strict in that i wasn't allowed friends over and when him and her went away on weekends she'd be like "invite people over, have sex with them in the hottub if you want, etc etc" she expected me to throw wild parties and stuff i never did cuz i respected my house and that. She's really liberal in things like that it's funny because my grandparents are pretty strict so she must have been really Rebellious in her youth or something. It's funny cuz sometimes i'll be telling sex jokes to friends in public and people will walk up to me and go "Yup your just like your aunt" My uncle tim is really funny when it comes to sex jokes too. So i take that as a compliment. Went out dancing one night and ended up dancing on the tables and someone told me i was just like my aunt at her age. I always joke around with my aunt that she taught me well. She's pretty cool & at the same time a right nutter. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't remember much of the talk I got from my father... but one line I do remember quite clearly... "never have sex with a girl in the house."


Well... I never had sex with a girl in the house. After I came out, we had quite a discussion about that.

It came back up when I was home for Easter about rule breaking. I told my father I never broke his rules, because I never had sex with a GIRL in the house. lol.


He admitted he didn't think of the loophole I used there...

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I don't remember much of the talk I got from my father... but one line I do remember quite clearly... "never have sex with a girl in the house."


Well... I never had sex with a girl in the house. After I came out, we had quite a discussion about that.

It came back up when I was home for Easter about rule breaking. I told my father I never broke his rules, because I never had sex with a GIRL in the house. lol.


He admitted he didn't think of the loophole I used there...


LOL, I love that one!


I didn't really get "the talk". my mum caught me looking at naked lady's at the age of 10..... a week later half naked guys..... not long after that I got a subscription to a teen magazine and asked my mum some questions that she answered and she gave me a 80th book that had everything in it about sex, puberty, abortion marriage, being gay and well.... everything..... I read it prob over a 100 times.... just for fun mostly....


I sorta gave my sister "the talk" because well.... she does use Internet and I just needed to know if she was doing safe and everything.... No problems there.....


Though I have to confess something..... the only two tests I failed in biology when I was 14 were about sex ED.... I just wasn't interested enough in it to really care about knowing anything about it.... I never cared if someone was gay or straight or bi or anything..... So I didn't care to think about things that way until a couple of years later....

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