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Boyfriend Material Qualities ?


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Haha, I really don't care about the ethnicity, built or whatnot of that person. Personally, it's a little ridiculous to go for someone who looks "hot" or "cute" without considering his or her personality. I think that, in this world, appearance really triumphs everything and "talents" or "personalities" are overshadowed. Look at Susan Boyle from Britain's got talent. When she said she hadn't experienced love, I was crying in front of my TV. Another example would be my previous dates: When I dated a Japanese guy, no one made any comment. But, when I dated a White guy, people started labeling me 'potato queen'. I just hope I can find someone caring enough in this cutthroat world. I like people who are empathic to their surroundings. I dislike swearing a lot, believe it or not. I love to experience different cultures :) . I'd love it for that person to make me laugh.


I guess if you're in a relationship, what matters the most would be whether you click with that person or not. Your love for that person should not be undermined by his physical appearance, background, or education. Then again, maybe I'm a little too passive, haha. Also, who really cares if that person is bi or not. If you love each other, and you really do want to share your life with each other, his/her sexual orientation would not even matter to you. It's all about love, people :) ! It's all about love, not sexuality. It's perfectly OK to have preference, but don't let that dominate the preference of others.


Last but it's perhaps the most important:

I really hope that person does not judge me based on my physical limitation. I really want to lean on someone for support, even though I can manage life independently as well. I've been swimming a lot! But, can you imagine the reactions I get when I walk with my crutches to the swimming pool? HAHA.


Cheers and good luck people!


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Physically, I want a guy who's tall with broad shoulders and a thick, full head of hair that never balds. I like a guy with big hands and big feet, and I like a nice natural tan. Long muscular legs dusted with hair would be nice as well.


Personality-wise, I think I'd need a clear-headed, down-to-Earth guy with a great sense of humour. A guy who can make me laugh, yet can also hold very intelligent conversations with me seems ideal, I believe. The kind of guy I want to end up with should be the kind of guy that balances me out, and compliments my personality.


Just a reminder: Wanting and getting are entirely different. :P

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Just a reminder: Wanting and getting are entirely different


Yeah, I know. That's why it's an ideal. The personality would be more of the real thing to go on- I think a guy like me needs a good guy who compliments my personality, I think.

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Yeah, I know. That's why it's an ideal. The personality would be more of the real thing to go on- I think a guy like me needs a good guy who compliments my personality, I think.


It's OK. I have to remind Kevin of this all the time too. :P

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season tickets to the Saints, 25, needs dicipline, richer than midas, dumb as a rock and hung like a horse... I'll take three please. Red heads if you've got them in stock but Cajun will do in a pinch.

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season tickets to the Saints, 25, needs dicipline, richer than midas, dumb as a rock and hung like a horse... I'll take three please. Red heads if you've got them in stock but Cajun will do in a pinch.


You know James, at some point in time you have to stop perving on the young guys. :P

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You know James, at some point in time you have to stop perving on the young guys.


Speak for yourself, Mark. Young bucks are pretty cute. Nineteen-year old college freshmen can be freakin' hot!


Of course, when I think about the fact that they were born in 1989/1990, I kinda cringe, especially since I was four years old in 1990, but I've started to embrace my Mr. Robinson status. So long as they are eighteen plus, it's all good.


As for me, I guess I can forego most of the physical stuff in favor of someone great, but...I've got since a thing for a nice head of hair. I dunno if I could ever date a q-ball...when I'm with a guy, one of my favorite things to do is run my hands through his hair.

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You know James, at some point in time you have to stop perving on the young guys. :P



Mark, the problem is that if he's got the desire driving him, they've got the endurance to last through it...

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Speak for yourself, Mark. Young bucks are pretty cute. Nineteen-year old college freshmen can be freakin' hot!


Of course, when I think about the fact that they were born in 1989/1990, I kinda cringe, especially since I was four years old in 1990, but I've started to embrace my Mr. Robinson status. So long as they are eighteen plus, it's all good.


As for me, I guess I can forego most of the physical stuff in favor of someone great, but...I've got since a thing for a nice head of hair. I dunno if I could ever date a q-ball...when I'm with a guy, one of my favorite things to do is run my hands through his hair.



That is a nice, sensual thing to do (the hair with fingers), especially when the hair is wet in the shower or dry but just washed so that it's nice and clean, tangle-free and smooth...

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If you love each other, and you really do want to share your life with each other, his/her sexual orientation would not even matter to you

I almost angreed with what's you said but ... Are you sure for this one ? You love him no matter what's his sexual orientation , you mean you can love str8 ? Don't try to bring the sexual subject up , but can you explain it to me ...

My perfect boyfriend is someone who would love me no matter what I did, and who I would love no matter what he did. That said, I think we've found each other

That's cute :wub:

peak for yourself, Mark. Young bucks are pretty cute. Nineteen-year old college freshmen can be freakin' hot!

I can't date a younger guys . I found they hot but there's a no chemistry between us ... I prefer the older guy :lol:

About a week ago , when i go to club , the younger/hot guy checking me out , we look in the eye each other and then i look away , i feel no passion with him even if he hot :D

Edited by Andy2008
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season tickets to the Saints, 25, needs dicipline, richer than midas, dumb as a rock and hung like a horse... I'll take three please. Red heads if you've got them in stock but Cajun will do in a pinch.


You know James, at some point in time you have to stop perving on the young guys. :P


As soon as they quit making them so damned cute and I can't catch them anymore, I'll quit chasing them. :P


besides.. I'll settle for Saints season tickets and rich...

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I almost angreed with what's you said but ... Are you sure for this one ? You love him no matter what's his sexual orientation , you mean you can love str8 ? Don't try to bring the sexual subject up , but can you explain it to me ...


I'm just saying: don't categorize yourself for who you are or the person who is going to love you. It's really trivial in a relationship. If he loves you and really wants to spend his life with you, then be happy. Don't expect more or try to figure out what his sexual orientation is. Anyways, there has to be a strong mutual connection and love between the two of you before you move up the ladder and consider yourselves boyfriends :) .

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Physically speaking Im looking for someone close to the same height as me... hair and eye color aren't that important as long as the eyes aren't altered to look, for lack of a better word, freaky (sorry furries, cat-eye contacts are not what i'm looking for in a partner). As long as the hair isn't styled into something, again for lack of a better word, rebellious (don't care for mohawks or the joe dirt look) then its fine. Baldness is a strange thing... I rarely ever see a bald guy or a guy with extremely short hair who is physically attractive to me... though there are exceptions... like one of the other servers I work with who has very very short blonde hair a cute face and blue ear rings... oh what I'd do with him if I had the chance..... 0:)


As for body frame... ideally I'd be looking for slim to average build... but not too slim... I need enough man there to cuddle that I'm holding onto more than i would be if i were hugging my pillow. Also, and this is going to seem radical to some guys out there - I'm not really looking for a muscular build. I've tried cuddling with small frame muscular guys before and it was like cuddling with a rock.


Cock size? Five to six inches is plenty, I'm no size queen here.


Body hair? Smooth is nice, an 'average' amount of hair is perfectly fine.... a full fur coat though would probably incline me to pull out the clippers.


And now for the really important part - he MUST love to cuddle and must NOT be completely submissive. I love pursuing my love interest but I'd like him to pursue me some too! Along with that, he must not take cock-teasing too far. A bit is okay and can be fun but it shouldn't go on so long that I'm ready to give up. I'm also sucker for romance so he's got to appreciate and reciprocate that!


And no drums. I will not date someone who plays the drums. Also - no one who wants to play their music with the base way up.

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As soon as they quit making them so damned cute and I can't catch them anymore, I'll quit chasing them. :P


besides.. I'll settle for Saints season tickets and rich...



Cute should be a given, but dumb, rich and hung are nice material qualities, too! :D

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He should be smart, funny, self-confident, worldwise, patient, able to debate and discuss things civilly, adventerous and outgoing.

Looks wise, I'm not picky, but favourites of mine are that if he's older, he be taller than me, and shorter than me if younger. Brown hair and eyes are really wonderful. Being in shape is a plus, but being skeletal is not pleasant (I can just look in a mirror if I want skeletal).

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Physical: A little taller than me, dark blond hair, enough facial hair so he doesn't look underage - although he's really almost my age - fairly fit and working to become more so.


Personality: He likes mostly what I like. Just about everything is fodder for in-depth discussion. The things we don't agree on make for hours of over-coffee chatter. We can send each other texts or emails in the middle of the day and the other person will stop what they're doing to talk.


Chemistry: We hit it off like old friends within hours of meeting each other. We tell each other deep, dark secrets we wouldn't dare tell another soul. We don't mind that we've given each other that kind of power because we know it won't get used as a weapon - without even having to ask.


Yeah... I met him. Two months, one week and four days ago. Unfortunately I'm not his type.

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Physical: A little taller than me, dark blond hair, enough facial hair so he doesn't look underage - although he's really almost my age - fairly fit and working to become more so.

oh , you like chubby .

Yeah... I met him. Two months, one week and four days ago. Unfortunately I'm not his type

oh , that's bad .

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Hmmm, My Ideal of Boyfriend Material.


Well, Physical Features are the least important facter when I choose a partner. How ever there are several Factors that i would consider a turn on if they are present.

I love boys that have Blue or Green eyes and dark or brown hair. I like a boy who is in good shape and even lightly muscular and smooth. (Even thou i'll admit I have a few pounds to lose myself). Hell If they look like Zac Efron ... lol.


But Really I look at Physical Features as being Superficial, What i wan't in a boyfriend is a Partner, some one who can tell by looking at me when I come home that I've had a bad day and is there by my side to make me feel better. Someone who knows me well enouph that they know just what im feeling and thinking. someone that is careing and Kind and has a good sence of humor. they have to love a good sappy movie and even be willing to cry a little at the sad parts. some one to hold at nite. someone who just makes my life a little better cause there there by my side. Because they love me and i have there support. If I could find that I could face anything life had to through at me and still be happy.

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I'm glad this issue is resolved, but I agree with you, I found the initial statement to be extremely offensive. Part of me is frustrated that this community wasn't outraged by it, as you would expect the victims of intolerance to be the most willing to fight against it. On the other hand, I'm glad they didn't in this sense. We are lucky to have many people here who don't speak English as their native tongue, and a certain courtesy and leeway should be given to them as they try and grapple with our truly complex and f**ked up language.


Intolerance? Truthfully, anyone who can get offended by a statement like "I don't like bi" has no right to call anyone intolerant. "Tolerance" is subjective, and people should realize that words are words. As long as I'm saying "I don't really go for bi guys", and not running around hitting bi guys, then everything's hunky dory. This sort of thing is only inflammatory because people are overly politically correct.


"Fighting against intolerance" has always made my stomach turn a bit. The moment people start trying to do that, they start shutting up other people, which they have no right to do. You're always allowed to have your own opinion, but you're never allowed to take anyone else's away, no matter what you think about it. Perhaps people should start trying to move beyond "tolerance" and toward "acceptance"? The implications of the t-word are disgusting.

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Smart gets old. Smart ones figure out when you're screwing around on them.


Smart keeps me on my toes; should be able to have a discussion with them about anything without shooting myself from boredom.

And if they're smart enough to figure me out then all the better, easier to be (pleasantly) surprised by him.

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I guess if you're in a relationship, what matters the most would be whether you click with that person or not. Your love for that person should not be undermined by his physical appearance, background, or education. Then again, maybe I'm a little too passive, haha. Also, who really cares if that person is bi or not. If you love each other, and you really do want to share your life with each other, his/her sexual orientation would not even matter to you. It's all about love, people :) ! It's all about love, not sexuality. It's perfectly OK to have preference, but don't let that dominate the preference of others.

I think that's beautifully said, Jovian! :worship:


It's OK. I have to remind Kevin of this all the time too. :P




My perfect boyfriend is someone who would love me no matter what I did, and who I would love no matter what he did. That said, I think we've found each other. :)



Speak for yourself, Mark. Young bucks are pretty cute. Nineteen-year old college freshmen can be freakin' hot!


Of course, when I think about the fact that they were born in 1989/1990, I kinda cringe, especially since I was four years old in 1990, but I've started to embrace my Mr. Robinson status. So long as they are eighteen plus, it's all good.

Hehe, this is pretty much where I'm at as well! I can't deny that I generally find guys between about 18-22 the most attractive.



Physical: A little taller than me, dark blond hair, enough facial hair so he doesn't look underage - although he's really almost my age - fairly fit and working to become more so.


Personality: He likes mostly what I like. Just about everything is fodder for in-depth discussion. The things we don't agree on make for hours of over-coffee chatter. We can send each other texts or emails in the middle of the day and the other person will stop what they're doing to talk.


Chemistry: We hit it off like old friends within hours of meeting each other. We tell each other deep, dark secrets we wouldn't dare tell another soul. We don't mind that we've given each other that kind of power because we know it won't get used as a weapon - without even having to ask.


Yeah... I met him. Two months, one week and four days ago. Unfortunately I'm not his type.

Awwww :hug:


But Really I look at Physical Features as being Superficial, What i wan't in a boyfriend is a Partner, some one who can tell by looking at me when I come home that I've had a bad day and is there by my side to make me feel better. Someone who knows me well enouph that they know just what im feeling and thinking. someone that is careing and Kind and has a good sence of humor. they have to love a good sappy movie and even be willing to cry a little at the sad parts. some one to hold at nite. someone who just makes my life a little better cause there there by my side. Because they love me and i have there support. If I could find that I could face anything life had to through at me and still be happy.

Not to criticise, I mean after all this thread is more or less for fantasies and you're certainly entitled to your own, but I think the "knows what I'm thinking and feeling just by looking" thing is frustrating and a bit unreasonable in real life (I can see how it might be nice in a fantasy though). I actually think I am pretty good at reading people's emotions and correctly guessing what they're feeling; however, I'm not perfect at this (no one is) and it still drives me crazy when they won't talk about it but somehow expect me to magically know. I'm a pretty sensitive, emotionally available guy. I care what the other person is thinking and feeling and I'm willing to talk about it. I hate trying to guess and then being 'punished' if I guess incorrectly though.


Eh, just a personal rant.



Take care all :)


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