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How did you loose weight/keep the wieght off?

Niwa Fox Rose

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One of the biggest problems faced by people who are trying to lose weight is, and I know this sounds odd, they are not eating enough to run their metabolism up to speed, so it stays in "starvation mode" and you keep extracting more from your food than you need, and all that excess gets stored as, right--more fat.


While I wont pretend to know the science behind it I wouldn't doubt this for a second. To many crash diets will starve you to death.

I did feel a little hungry when I started but that was more just my body and my mind adjusting to the new routine, it passed in a few days.


I did a lot of work in making sure that my average daily meals were within all the recommended daily intakes of kilojoules/sugar/salt/fat.

There are some very good calculators online that can help you do this and they can also show how easy it is to remove just 1 or 2 things a day to bring you back into the correct RDI's


Actually, Avocado is viewed as a very fattening fruit and should be limited as part of a healthy diet.


Quite true but you have put the key words in "limited" and "healthy diet", I use a small amount just for some extra flavour. It is fatty true but its omega 3 so its a good fat (and they can reduce your cholesterol). One key I think is to know the difference in types of fat and how much of each you should be eating.


WW advice is to drink the equivalent of 64 ounces of LIQUIDS per day (not just water anymore--iced tea, hot tea, any liquid will work, now).


I have read this as well, after all they are all made of water at some point. I also read in the news here a few days ago that one of the universities in the USA had done a study that showed the biggest factor in weight loss was liquids and not food and to make sure that everything you drink was low sugar/kilojoules.


Good luck with losing all 60lbs and make sure you have enough spare cash for the new wardrobe your going to have to buy :lol:

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While I wont pretend to know the science behind it I wouldn't doubt this for a second. To many crash diets will starve you to death.

I did feel a little hungry when I started but that was more just my body and my mind adjusting to the new routine, it passed in a few days.


I did a lot of work in making sure that my average daily meals were within all the recommended daily intakes of kilojoules/sugar/salt/fat.

There are some very good calculators online that can help you do this and they can also show how easy it is to remove just 1 or 2 things a day to bring you back into the correct RDI's




Quite true but you have put the key words in "limited" and "healthy diet", I use a small amount just for some extra flavour. It is fatty true but its omega 3 so its a good fat (and they can reduce your cholesterol). One key I think is to know the difference in types of fat and how much of each you should be eating.




I have read this as well, after all they are all made of water at some point. I also read in the news here a few days ago that one of the universities in the USA had done a study that showed the biggest factor in weight loss was liquids and not food and to make sure that everything you drink was low sugar/kilojoules.


Good luck with losing all 60lbs and make sure you have enough spare cash for the new wardrobe your going to have to buy :lol:



Fortunately my husband takes good care of me, and he's also planning on losing the same amount--not easy in a wheelchair--so we will BOTH be buying new wardrobes...hopefully dressy casual...and some jeans....I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy, not a "fashion slave", nor a droopy drawer wearer.........


The thing about the Omega-3 fatty acids is that they don't ADD cholesterol...and other things have been proven to actually reduce cholesterol over time, like Cheerios cereal (oat rings), oatmeal (hot cereal of oats, you call it porridge--I think) primarily any oat based cereal or cereal products...not necessarily all high-fiber cereals...something about oats, I guess...too bad my Rob doesn't like oatmeal... :) ...even a glass of wine...or Dark Chocolate...something about how the antioxidants work on the body.


The main things anyone choosing to lose weight should do to stay sane, really, is 1) Do NOT do a starvation diet, because you are starving yourself--literally to death--and malnourishing yourself. 2) Drink enough liquids, switch to zero calorie sodas or flavored waters (fortunately, we have a plethora of these here, and not all flavored with saccharin--thank the powers that be<blech!>). 3) Reduce portion sizes of starches, carbs and protiens--if the food on your plate is stacked on top of its neighbor, you're eating too much. 4) Eat all the vegetables you want during meals, they make good snacks too. 5) Keep some dairy products in your daily intake, i.e.: Non-fat Yogurt, margarine (some are a good source of those O-3 oils), Lowfat (2%) milk. 6) Eat 3 or more servings of fruit. 7) Get 3 servings of "Good" oils (Omega-3 fatty acids, from some fish dishes, foods made with Olive Oil). 8) Switch away from red meat and fried foods. 9) Ask friends for support--then when you go out, they can make a more appropriate choice of restaurant without having to embarrass you first in the process. 10) Believe in yourself! :D

Edited by kjames
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Alot of good answers here. It all comes down to what works for you.


I was around 300lbs. in HS.


That was 14 years ago.


I now weigh just under 200, And am happy right here.


I did it by eating the same food I always have. I just ate my meals slower, And at the risk of getting hate mail for being wasteful, I just stopped eating when I was about 5 bites away from cleaning my plate and asked myself "Do you really need the last of that?" and if the answer was no, The rest I didn't eat.


As far as physical exercise, I loathe excercising on purpose. So luckily my job helps me out and keeps me active. Try some good old farm labor, It will melt pounds off of you faster than you ever imagined.


I also cut out 90% of the Coke I used to drink(Pepsi is my drink of choice), and cut out about 95% of dairy products. I switched from white bread to whole wheat or the bread with all the good grains in it.


And if you must eat chips, Eat the baked ones. Fried is just nasty, Look at your hands sometime after eating a handful of them. ewwwwwww.


I can't say I ever really decided that the extra weight HAD to come off, I just started at the beginning and have went from there. And yes, I have fallen off my wagon. In 2004 at christmas time, I went on a 7 day cruise. OMG The FOOD!


I gained 25lbs in 7 days and it took me 3 almost 4 years to get that back off of me. CRUISE SHIPS TRY TO FEED YOU TO DEATH, Stay away from them at all costs if you have little or no will-power to turn down good food, Or you WILL gain weight.

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I'm a gym bunny as well I'm afraid. I do eat properly during the day, but sometimes it's nice to splurge out on something bad. But it always finds its way to places I'd rather it wouldn't! So the gym keeps the unwanted flabby bits at bay, while still allowing the occasional treat.

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