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The Wardroom

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But not at the Nore

Indeed, but their demands were excessive and it's hardly surprising the Admiralty were so angry. Did they actually believe the King would dissolve Parliament and make peace with France. Very strange and bizarre terms they wanted.
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Indeed, but their demands were excessive and it's hardly surprising the Admiralty were so angry. Did they actually believe the King would dissolve Parliament and make peace with France. Very strange and bizarre terms they wanted.

Yeah. I can see Granger in the thick of things, maybe blowing someone to break an impasse. :P

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wow i was gone just a few days and two chapters posted. i'm really enjoying where things are going...i'm glad mr. granger and travers were able to spend some time together all be it a short one...i'm still rooting for them :D ....i also can't wait to see what goes with the Desperate...hopefully mr. granger will find mr. roberts in good fortune but with the mutiny on the rise it might be a sticky situation. i think Wilcox is behind it all...that landlubber :P ~ thanks mark can't wait for the next chapters to post.

Edited by colliever
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a very uplifting chapter. i was happy that everything turned out for the best and that wilcox and cheadle got what they deserved. mr. granger did a wonderful job...and when the time comes that would be another book in this series woohooo!! Captain Granger hehehee :D

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I think what's really telling about the beginning of chapter 6, is an experienced captain heeding Grangers advice, rather than dishing out the orders himself. The young lieutenant was right though, and his diplomacy combined with people skills soon had the potentially dangerous situation well in hand.


His compassion toward the men was admirable and certainly helped grease the wheels for a smooth takeover. Whilst on the other side Roberts was greasing something else altogether! :lol:


Mr Wilcox is an interesting conundrum, whilst he may have been dismissed from the Navy; I feel this is only going to escalate an already bitter feud. I somehow doubt that he will take this lying down, so it will be fascinating to see what their next move is against Granger.


I feel as everyone else here, that it will only be a matter of time before George gets his own command. But at his tender age, could he be slightly too young?

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Great chapter Mark. :worship:


So the mutiny has been quelled before it could get outta hand, & Georgie boy used all his charisma to make it happen. What a charmer. :wub:


I'm sure he was in his element when they had to take all their clothes off to be deloused, and he would have to zero in on the one with the huge willy. How unlike him, though I can't say I'm surprised, I would have been there like a shot. Not that I'm a slut you understand! 0:)


Bah, I wanted to see Wilcox hang. There's trouble coming, I can feel it in my water, though maybe I should stop dipping my hand into the glass! :P


He'll defiantly be a captain, but as Mark said, he has to rise to a masturbating commander first, somehow I don't think he'll have a problem. :lol:

Edited by Sir Galahad
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Superb chapter! :worship::worship:


Granger does enjoy being a bottom, no doubt about that....but it appears he has designs on Mr. Shafte's bottom as well. :P


I must say, Granger's sex life is distracting me from the war action. I really am trying to follow the war. 0:)


I think James Robey is thinking less of Travers. :P

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I must say, Granger's sex life is distracting me from the war action. I really am trying to follow the war. 0:)

Sorry about that Conner. I'll have to make sure Mr. Granger's friends leave his, er I mean him, behind. :lol:

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Love it :P i've decided that having the same name with you is an Honor.


I've also decided i should like Block G.A for a month, come back and then like 30 chapters of whatever stories your working on are up cuz the wait is seriously not for me....lol... i'm one of tho's avid readers who will open a book and not put it down till it's done.....


i've read books like Brisigner (Christopher Paloni, Eragon eldest sequel) in thirteen hours straight. it was awesome read....i have yet to read it again but i'm scared to open the cover yet...maybe tomorrow night i duno depends if wardroom is up :D:D


As for Story wise, i think granger needs to be like shipwreaked....and in distress or something for the longest time with a Wilcox and others and learn to adapt or something.....anyway! That's my oppionin for the day! enjoy :D

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great chapter as usual. it seems that mr. granger and mr. travers have been caught LOL. lo and behold soon as they separate granger finds himself a new friend James robey who also happens to be travers' ex (if u could call James Robey that)....such a small world isn't it :D . all these characters intertwined with each other....i love it i love it.. can't wait for the next one.

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I guess i should also say i'm not really that surprised that Granger met James.....There both in the royal fleet....if he met captain jack sparrow then i'd be probably jumping outa my chair with surprise lol

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Well I'm enjoying the action in & out of the bedroom! :P


Granger has had his Travers fix, but it looks like Chilton will be replacing him in his bed. Lets just hope he doesn't take his heart as well. We'll have to throw cream buns at the author if that happens, & stage our own mutiny. :2hands:


My history is pretty good, I already know the result of Toulon, & who emerged from it with a promotion. But will stop short here for those who don't. Interesting times ahead indeed.


So George gets it on with James Robey, I had almost forgotten about him. Blimey, he makes moves quicker than I ever did & I'm pretty well practiced! :lmao:


Great chapter Tiger. :worship:

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.... I was using you and Conner as my models for Granger's promiscuity. :P

I would have thought that to be impossible.




Granger appears a bit promiscuous, perhaps.

But I find it quite nice that he (seemingly) has some love for each of his guys.

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Are you insinuating that I'm a slut?! :lol: Well, ok, point taken! :P

I was waiting for a denial, if you did, I would have very kindly set the record straight! :lol:


I've known you for a long time, remember that! :P

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I was waiting for a denial, if you did, I would have very kindly set the record straight! :lol:


I've known you for a long time, remember that! :P

Set the record straight?? well....i duno how many records there are here but mine is definatly not straight sorry. lol haha

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Mark are you actually using real names of history for your story?? I have never took this in any classes so i wouldn't know. I do know you do your reshearch on the events you portray but is it actually history with your own made up twist?? One other thing....how come there's all these gay sailors and none have been hanged yet to make it more dangerous...??? I'm so confused...it's like losing it's potency of the threat...seems only wilcoxes are the ones who want to hang the gay guys.


Oh and i think this sentance is wronge when granger meets bell


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