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G.A. 2009 Summer Anthology now online


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Since the Summer Anthology is now online, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people involved.


Firstly, the authors, their editors and beta-reading teams. Thank you very much for your entries -- you've all done a great job! B)


Secondly, Kevin, for not only doing great reviews of the stories, but also acting as an extra beta reader, checking for any possible errors before the anthology went live. I've had several authors express their thanks for the typos that Kevin found. He's done a fantastic job and I wanted to publicly thank him for his hard work. :great:


Next, Steph, for doing the technical behind-the-scenes work required in setting up the anthology. Thank you! :wub:


Lastly, I want to again thank the team of previous anthology authors who selected the themes for this year. One of the aims we had was to have themes that would allow a wide range of stories, and not direct people too narrowly into particular types of stories. The success of that team can be seen with this anthology, where we have a broad range of not only genres, but interpretations. We have fantasy, humour, drama, historical genres, as well as light and dark stories. This is the sort of range we aimed for with the themes for this year, and I'm more than pleased with the results. So, to the team from last year that helped pick the themes -- thank you, very, very much! :worship:

Edited by Graeme
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My sincere thanks to Graeme, Kevin, and Steph!


Speaking as the former Anthology Coordinator, let me say that there is an enormous amount of behind the scenes work involved. The stories come in, and they have to be read, then any typos or other changes requested, then there's the HTML formatting, layouts, graphics, etc, etc, etc.


Well done, and THANK YOU!!!


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All I can say is that this is an awesome round of anthologies and I'm very excited for everyone to get a chance to read them! Our authors really pulled out all the stops in supplying us with a great range of stories!



Thanks also to Graeme for coordinating the whole thing and for Steph for doing all the tech work! Personally, I'd have wanted to read the stories anyway, so I didn't really do anything I wouldn't have wanted to do in the first place, and this way I got an early peek B)



Now you guys go read them!! :read:



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It was excellent work from all of you boys, girls, and girlish boys or boyish girls, hehe! :D

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