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What the actual fanny at that ending?!?!


I'm really rather annoyed at the beeb for that, it's ruined the series by killing off 3 of the main characters.

One of which was my favourite character... goes and actually implodes...

oh yeah... i threw my shoe at the tv in my anger... reckon i can sue for a new one? :P


anyone else watch it? / have an opinion?

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Don't. Spent ages having a genuine imploding session.


While it was awesome and one of the best bits of TV I'd watched in ages because of the way it made me react but at the same time I feel cheated by the events and the fact it had only been 3 episodes since the last 2 main characters were killed off.


I know it was never a happy show, but still, I think it's managed to alienate its fanbase this way.


It's only a show, "get over it", still my reaction to it's relatively tame compared to the backlash I've read.



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Um, did someone forget to throw up spoiler tags? Also, what are you talking about... the third season, as yet unreleased in the US (I think, since I don't get BBC America)

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oh, no!

major upset

I didn't expect that

I've been waiting for the fifth episode to be "made available" online.

I'll have to have some tissues for the weeping that's bound to occur.

how could they do that?


**spoiler** tag

would have been nice

but now I'm prepared for it...thanks

I think...

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I watched the first four episodes and was gutted when Ianto died.. sooooo who else? I missed the last episode because my son wanted to watch a video together... ok it was LOTR but stil.... OMG tell me tell me...what HAPPENED!!!


Just dont even bother to tell me if Capt Jack is gone because I will have to mourn and I have a sleepover tonight with three kids and it could all get very soggy.

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Sorry guys, :( I didnt think to put spoiler because I was still completely devoed.


Just finished watching the last episode...


I'm too angry for words.


telling me about it! what the hell was that? RTD and the team have a lot to answer for... season 4 should havea disney ending style start - where everyone comes back to life :P




I watched the first four episodes and was gutted when Ianto died.. sooooo who else? I missed the last episode because my son wanted to watch a video together... ok it was LOTR but stil.... OMG tell me tell me...what HAPPENED!!!


Just dont even bother to tell me if Capt Jack is gone because I will have to mourn and I have a sleepover tonight with three kids and it could all get very soggy.


Watch it on iPlayer, like it cant be described... it was an amazing piece of television, but it was just too harrowing :(

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Honestly, I thought the whole thing was a damn mess. What the hell were they thinking killing most of the cast off.. I mean am I alone thinking they have lost the plot somewhere down the line?

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Well....... I suppose th comment I would have to make is... WHY?


I mean this would have made an excellent last ever episode but... Why?


Still love Capt Jack thought... If only I could comfort him.. he'd soon forget he ever had a family... for a while at least :P



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Just watched all 5 episodes in one sitting last night. I think I imploded several times, not much left at the end. I dragged myself off to bed and then had a hard time going to sleep. I think the show was brilliant, amazing acting, action, scifi writing. I hated it...they took our favorite characters and either killed them or made them very hard to love.


What has been the reaction in the UK? Have there been mobs rioting in the streets? The series was always a little edgy and dark with a touch of humor, but damn, this was a bit much. The funny thing is I was worried moving it to BBC1 (supposedly a more family friendly channel) according to fan sites would water down the series and characters, especially the gay relationship. Well bullocks they certainly messed with my mind.


(sorry this might sound like a bit of a vent)

(it is)

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The way it played out, I would assume that this is the end of Torchwood. :(


that's the puzzling thing, there is/was no indication the series is ending. It's hard to imagine how it could continue though. I know this is scifi and like soap operas there are many ways for characters to come back from the dead but still...


and then there is Capt. Jack and his actions in this...it's painted him in a most disturbing way...(trying not to give away too much by way of spoilers)

redemption for Capt. Jack? I don't know


I'm still disturbed even 12 hours after watching the last episode. It just seems cruel the way the whole thing went. I can appreciate the darkness of it, the beauty in the writing and story...I don't have to like it...guess that is confusing me as much as anything.


I think my emotional investment in these characters seems somehow betrayed...

Reacting to the story long after the telling guess that's what makes for good art, eh?


Interesting to note the reactions from around the world, the fandom and the reviews in the UK...seems I'm not the only one in the quagmire

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It was very frustrating and sad. All of it. Well-written though, and some very nice acting.


I love-hate how they decided to kill all the characters that people liked and leave Gwen alive(which most people hate). RTD is evil and amazing at the same time.


The only thing that really annoyed me was the public response. At the site where I downloaded the last episode, someone actually wrote a comment saying "Nice! This show has just gotten better now that the gay is dead!"(not word by word, but that was the general idea). And the people who can't seem to understand that just because something isn't happy doesn't make it a "shitty show". Watching Torchwood has and always will be kinda heavy and dark. It's not Doctor Who.


Next season, they'll need to make a major reboot of the entire show. And they'd probably have to wait at least a year before they make air another season, because of how they left Jack at the end. No Gwen, thanks. An entire new Torchwood team, with Jack. Gwen would be even more annoying with a kid. If she's a regular next season, I'll probably stop watching.

Edited by Pai-kun
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Sorry at lack of spoiler tags everyone.


Everyones had pretty much the same reaction. Most fans aren't happy and are counting down the days to comic con so they can ask RTD what he was thinking.


Apparently he's got series 4 layed out, it's just upto the bbc whether to renew it or not (which they most likely will based on the ratings). Wonder what on earth he's got planned, probably a new show with just Gwen (who i quite liked this series but if it's just her it'll be dire).


I think it was an incredible piece of television, and obviously he wanted to provoke this reaction (of utter outrage) but I do think the show will have a hard time from now on.

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I'm still devastated by a certain tea boys departure... seriously they can't renew the series without bringing him back! and if they decided to ditch gwen and have a whole new team... well it just wouldnt be the same... i mean they might aswell call it something different... a hell of a lot of emotion was invested in the current characters and I mean... who in their right minds kills off three of their main characters in as little as 4 episodes?!?!? is RTD on crack? i think he must be!


<3 Ianto :(

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I haven't actually seen the episode... but I know a little bit about the series.


Sure, the Doctor would never even think of using time travel to 'undo' something he's done...


But the rift doesn't always play by the rules, does it?

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I haven't actually seen the episode... but I know a little bit about the series.


Sure, the Doctor would never even think of using time travel to 'undo' something he's done...


But the rift doesn't always play by the rules, does it?


bless you lad,

you give words to a silent hope I've been percolating since episode 5

that rift activity will bring them all back, starting with Tosh and Owen...

wouldn't that be a hoot,

and it could be a lead-in from the Doctor's regeneration episode, what if Jack has joined him and that's where it starts to wind its way into season 4 of Torchwood with the whole gang back...a reboot to season 1...


I know, I know "hope springs eternal..."


I'll hang on to anything at this point... :o

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As long as it has Capt Jack in it I don't care. :)


Is he redeemable? Of couse he is. He is a leader and sometimes leaders have to make tough decisions. The fact that he would sacrifice something so close to him for the greater good doesn't make him a demon... it makes him an angel. Of course I do have a kind of twisted interpretation of the terms... but hey :)innocent.gifdevilsmiley.gif

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I have to admit I'm really curious about this now! I hope I get a chance to watch it!



When you get time, I think this should be the first episode with the 6 parts down the side. Here!


All the other Torchwood: Children of Earth parts are on that guys' channel.


Just be prepared to join the devastation festival we have going on here :(

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I actually really enjoyed the episodes...


Admittedly, if they want to do another series then they will HAVE to bring Capt. Jack back because he is the main character. However, a renew of most of the team could be just what the series needs to make sure it stays fresh and exiting.



Also, about the whole "can capt. jack be redeemed" thing.... does he need to be? He was NEVER a completely good person. You can tell that just from watching the first series. He's a character who is generally kind and honourable but he isn't entirely good...



Anyway, I really enjoyed it.


Martin 0:)




EDIT: Actually, that is the wrong way around. He is generally good and honourable but he isn't actually kind.

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I actually really enjoyed the episodes...


Admittedly, if they want to do another series then they will HAVE to bring Capt. Jack back because he is the main character. However, a renew of most of the team could be just what the series needs to make sure it stays fresh and exiting.



Also, about the whole "can capt. jack be redeemed" thing.... does he need to be? He was NEVER a completely good person. You can tell that just from watching the first series. He's a character who is generally kind and honourable but he isn't entirely good...



Anyway, I really enjoyed it.


Martin 0:)




EDIT: Actually, that is the wrong way around. He is generally good and honourable but he isn't actually kind.


I did enjoy the episodes, I was just devastated with Iantos death and the sheer bleakness of the whole situation/especially the almost holocaustic cabinet made me feel a bit unsettled. BUT it was in a good sort of question the gvment sorta way. so yeah it was overall good... just bring the tea boy back :P


and I totally agree with the Jack thing, I mean can yoube honourable and good, but kind all the time? i don't think so some how :)

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I really enjoyed the episodes too. In fact, I plan to watch them on tv when they are released here later this month.


I just really didn't like how RTD basically destroyed all of Torchwood. I can't see how the series could continue with only a pregnant/mother Gwen left on Earth. I really think that BBC intended for this to be the end of Torchwood. Ratings were good though, so they might try to pull it back together for another season. It just won't be the same, though.


Plus, Ianto's death, unacceptable!

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I really enjoyed the episodes too. In fact, I plan to watch them on tv when they are released here later this month.


I just really didn't like how RTD basically destroyed all of Torchwood. I can't see how the series could continue with only a pregnant/mother Gwen left on Earth. I really think that BBC intended for this to be the end of Torchwood. Ratings were good though, so they might try to pull it back together for another season. It just won't be the same, though.


Plus, Ianto's death, unacceptable!


agreed! on all counts!


I'm genuinely pissed at the BBC because I mean... as a British citizen I/my household pay a tv license.. the proceeds of which effectively fund the Beeb! now I'm all for it! I love the idea of the BBC and its history... what I dontlove is the fact they're not catering to teh publics opinion. I dont just mean with TW - but theyre cutting good shows left right and centre - apparently the "credit crunch" Stupid name for a stupid concept/situation... that I atthe age of 15 decided had to happen sooner or later - idiots for not being more prepared. Anyway moving away from my disdain for the CC as i was saying the cutting is unacceptable seeing as how we still pay for a TV license... if anything the bigwigs shouldgive themselves a pay cut and keep good entertainment. including bringing TW for a 4th season with a resurrected Ianto :) ok sorry rant over - moves on to bashing the wireless keyboard that keeps skipping letters.. in awkward places.. the "o" from count :\

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