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One project? More?


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I tend to write away from the house (coffeeshop mostly), and I keep two notebooks. One that is just when I want to write down a sentence or two to remind me later of an idea I just had. The other is the actual writing. But I don't always stay consistent with one project to the end. I have a system where I change different colours of ink when I change what project I'm working on at that time, so I can separate it out easily when I want to go back and re-read, edit, etc.


But I'm just wondering if that's common, or if staying the course on one project to the end is how it should work. Is it simply a matter of a discipline that I need to develop?


Opinion? Comments? Anecdotes? :)

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No, that is just your thing. People have different things to help them write. I'll have spurts of muse were I'll write for hours and then in the upcoming four weeks I won't write at all.


It is common to twist between projects, I do that all the time and I am not even that good at writing. So I wouldn't worry, it sounds like you have a good system actually. Reminds me of study habits I don't have, sadly. I usually will note down things in my phone if it really catches my fancy and I want to write about it or incorporate something into a story.


I'm sure some of the more learned authors on the site could add more wisdom hithero. And why do you have my name? I didn't give you permission for that.


What MMO's do you play? <---Grand Marshal Paladin =D

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I'm sure some of the more learned authors on the site could add more wisdom hithero. And why do you have my name? I didn't give you permission for that.


What MMO's do you play? <---Grand Marshal Paladin =D


It's not my fault I have your name, blame my mom. *laugh*


I play Lord of the Rings Online. I split time between an elven hunter and a human minstrel.


Thanks for your response to my question, by the way.

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I should get back to LoTRO - Dan and I play on the Brandywine server but haven't for - 4 months or so. But I did love crafting and adventuring there, though I still haven't gotten to Moria (Dan has).


As to projects - I love your ink color system, esp if it works for you. I think juggling multiple projects - some which may never see completion - is a common thing. I know many authors juggle multiple stories in a similar manner. Dan has a couple stories bouncing around - problem is unless he's sufficiently motivated and know where he wants to take the story next, he may put it to the side. Having things percolate in the back of your mind sometimes is what's needed to make needed breakthroughs. Heh - and then there's always the problem of all of the other parts of your life sometimes interfering.


PS Welcome to GA!

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I've played EQ2 (and made a lot of friends there) and quite a few other MMO's in the past (Vanguard, Matrix Online, SWG, There.Com, TSO). While I still have an active LoTRO account, haven't really played in a while. Only MMO I'm currently occassionally playing is www.FreeRealms.Com - though I also am playing Sims 3 a lot recently.

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I switch projects all the time. I am obsessed by writing and never go a day without doing something. I have at least 10 stories part written at all times I get an idea and go with it until I get another one. I never close a story and always come back to it in the end. It depends entirely on my muse becuase it is he who tells the stories I just write them down.

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The ink idea isn't a bad one. A sectional notebook works too, with a different section for different types of ideas/stories. I've had a couple types of notebooks I've worked with in the past, but I'm very partial to blue or black ink. I think just finding the thing that works for you is the thing that is best. If it works, go with it.

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Thanks Nephylim, Lugh and everyone else. Good to know. I just wasnt' sure if my inability to stay on track was something I needed to 'fix', but it sounds like "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". :)





(Oh, and Chase, yes LOTRO is all I play - Landroval server, yay! Though I used to play City of Heroes about a year back and EQ2 for a while, before that.)

Edited by Genetic_Drift
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Thanks Nephylim, Lugh and everyone else. Good to know. I just wasnt' sure if my inability to stay on track was something I needed to 'fix', but it sounds like "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". smile.gif





(Oh, and Chase, yes LOTRO is all I play - Landroval server, yay! Though I used to play City of Heroes about a year back and EQ2 for a while, before that.)



Absolutely :) :) If you start trying to force yourself into doing something that isn't natural for you then it is never going to work. Isn't the bottom line about writing enjoying yourself and having fun?

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