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2 Cents Question For 9/4


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I've asked this question before on another board, but I always wanna know what people think about it. Because I've always been fascinated by the idea of it. After all, what better sci fi/fantasy story could you POSSIBLY tell than the one involving the 'end of the world'? The ultimate end game. It's probably the most difficult thing to imagine as a reality, but the concept itself is amazing.


The question is...do you believe in the idea of the apocalypse? And I don't just mean nuclear war, or global warming, or a meteor from space....but an actual, 'Biblical' apoalypse? Despite all of the concrete realities that we depend on and KNOW to be true...do you ever stop and ask yourself, 'what if?'


I'm always curious! So let us know what you think! :)


Even atheists have gotta question 'something'! Hehehe!

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Well.... It is difficult for me to answer this one without making the post a novel in itself. My beliefs are complex and go back a long long way... way before the bible. Many of the things spoken of in the bible go back a long way before it was written. I am speaking specifically of angels and nephylim. They have the gist of the story but they are talking about something that happened long before and was twisted in the telling.


Essentially it goes like this.... there was a war. The angels won. The angels bred with humans but the powers that be (not god) didn't like it. The angels had a civil war and their number was severely depleted. The Book of Revelations talks about the war that will be when the ancient enemy comes again. Again this is nothing to do with God.


My belief is that we all need to get out acts together, humans need to open their eyes and see what else they share their world instead of hiding in their heads safe behind walls of scorn and disbelief,and we all need to unite... before it's too late


But then of course I am insane... arent I?

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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm, it appears that I am filled of "what ifs" I can recall playing a lot of games that would depict the world in chaos such as an apocalypse. I'm completely open to the possibility of a said biblical apocalypse. Stranger things could happen I suppose.

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It's always been hard for me to say whether I really 'believe' or not. Mostly because that 'what if' question always sticks with me. It's a bit of a fascination with me, I suppose.


I'm writing the first chapter of a new story called "Agenda 21" for New Years Day, that I want to really spark some qestions, and combine the ideas of both a Biblical AND a man made apocalypse at once. With a few struggling survivors trying to figure out which is which, while trying to make it through the harsh times ahead of them. So wish me luck on pulling that one off. Hehehe!


What is life without a challenge? Right? :P

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Do you believe in the idea of the apocalypse?

Your question is a mix of an religious belief and the consideration of the future of our planet.

For me, the Johannes Apocalypse is the expression of a vision which cannt be taken as a real forecast of the future. Like other places in both Testaments, it cannt be considered litteraly. So my answer is NO.

On the other side, the scientific researches of the beginning of the universe show us that each planet and each star has a "birth" and a "death". It should be the same for our Earth, in some billions of years.

Mars seems to be a dead planet. Who knows, its perhaps our future. Should you call it an Apocalypse ?

BTW, imagine an Apocalypse in a SF story and believe in it are two points of view which shouldnt be mixed :P .

Edited by old bob
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  • 1 month later...

i would have to say no not a biblical apocalypse cause i would honestly have to think that if there was a god he would have felt justifide to wipe us out long ago with as much shit that we do to eachother. i mean every day we invent newer and better ways to kill ourselves and anyone that scares us. but then again god could be seeing this and feel that he dosent need to end it all where doing that just fine with out him, where doing his job for him lol

Edited by Emberan
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