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LAST day to turn in Novellas for contest


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Joe posted this in another thread so I'll quote it:


Let's get some of this confusion out of the way:


1. Yes, email all entries to me (Joe@gayauthors.org) and I will get them where they need to be.


2. No formatting of the stories will be allowed. Write your story in Word (or whichever text editor you prefer) with italics, bold, and underlining completed. Please don't use your own personal marks (*, /, #, etc...) because I won't know what they mean and most likely won't have the time to replace them for every story. Like Steve said, use the features built into the software. Please don't submit me an HTML file that's formatted. I'll end up stripping it all right away anyways so it'll just take longer to get it out to the public.


3. This means no mouse-overs. You can have links in there if you'd like, but anything other than that will be taken out. If you need something to be translated, you have quite a few options to use: Use a notation at the bottom or side of the page that tells the reader the translation, you can have it as a link that sends the reader directly to a page with the translation, you can post an author's note at the beginning that allows the reader to know ahead of time what the text means, or you can make up your own way to get the point across to the reader.


To be honest this really shouldn't be that big of an issue. The entire idea of this contest is to allow authors to showcase their talents without attaching their name to their work. This isn't about how unique an author can be with his design of the site. This is about character development, plot, creativity, realism, and the author's own unique ability to create an entire world out of nothing.


If you're not doing this for the sheer joy of writing and sharing your gift with the rest of the community, then in my opinion this isn't the right place for you. Yes, we are offering prizes for this, but that shouldn't be your only motivation for writing your story. And even if it is, does that not give us the right to place restrictions on how we want things done? If you don't like some of the guidelines we created, then don't submit your story. There are plenty of places on GA, and elsewhere, that your story will flourish without the attention of the writing contest. These guidelines are in place to help even the playing field for the lesser known, but absolutely fantastic authors lurking in the corners.




So please, if you have questions that relate to the writing contest that may give away your story, send them to me directly. If I don't know the answer right away, I promise I will get back to you with the answer. If the question relates to formatting, then please read what I said above because I'll just refer you back to this page. I'm sure we'll post another announcement soon that clarifies some of these questions for the people that haven't had the time to read this thread.



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I might not make the deadline, this novella needs serious editing and I've been trying hard at rewriting a major part of it. At 60 pages, this thing is a monster to edit and rewrite.


I could write like Mark Twain, but I doubt readers like a million grammatical errors in a story in the present day :(


I'll see if I can finish rewrites tonight.


Wish me luck

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I might not make the deadline, this novella needs serious editing and I've been trying hard at rewriting a major part of it. At 60 pages, this thing is a monster to edit and rewrite.


I could write like Mark Twain, but I doubt readers like a million grammatical errors in a story in the present day sad.gif


I'll see if I can finish rewrites tonight.


Wish me luck



Good Luck :)

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Hey guys, seeing as how this thread is supposed to be a three-day warning, perhaps someone should mention that it's now "D-Day"... send your e-mails today, or not at all!


May the best man... Er... Sorry Neph... writer win!

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wub.gif Congratulations to everyone who got their entries together in time. We're all winners. We are all going to get our work read carefully and critically and by a wider audience that we normally would and (I hope) we all had a lot of fun getting the work done and out there. So, yay us!!!


The best writers have already won so my wishes will be with the judges... may the judges not have too many nervous breakdowns choosing the winner.


Good luck everyone!!!wub.gif

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I've decided not to publish it, it's too raw for publication.


I want my editor to read first and offer me criticisms. I can't publish something that I feel needs more time and rewrites.


Since, it's not for premium publication, I'll just post it on E-Fiction or my Author's page in Fort's affiliated site.


Don't worry, I'll offer people sneak peaks.

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Ok - as has been noted, it's no longer 3 days left - today, Thursday Oct 1 is the deadline. Send 'em in if you haven't already, and congratulations and good luck to all participants.

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