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Difficult scenarios


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I have a difficult scenario. If others would like to come up with something similar here, I won't object. But please use bold print if you do.


Let's say you had a kid who was brain dead. Your family has feuded with a certain individual for years. This individual needs a heart and is a match. What do you do? Do you let this person die, or do you put the feud aside and give him a chance at life?


What would I do? While I wouldn't be happy about the situation, ultimately I would feel too guilty if I did not allow the person to live. It would be morally abhorrent to let someone die like that. Thus, for the sake of my conscience, I would allow the person a chance at life.

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I have a difficult scenario. If others would like to come up with something similar here, I won't object. But please use bold print if you do.


Let's say you had a kid who was brain dead. Your family has feuded with a certain individual for years. This individual needs a heart and is a match. What do you do? Do you let this person die, or do you put the feud aside and give him a chance at life?


What would I do? While I wouldn't be happy about the situation, ultimately I would feel too guilty if I did not allow the person to live. It would be morally abhorrent to let someone die like that. Thus, for the sake of my conscience, I would allow the person a chance at life.



This is a difficult one. I would like to say that I would give the heart but... I am not entirely sure that I would allow my child to be 'cut up'. I would like to think I would but... it's my child :( I don't think it would be an easy decision even though both my children have told me it is what they would want. I don't thing the feud would come into it because if I could get over the first hurdle no one deserves to die, especially if there is something I could do to prevent it.

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When I took DC down to get his ID, we had a long discussion on what the little red heart means (organ donor) and why a person would want to do that or why they would not want to and what organs are donated and how they could save another persons life. Now, you must understand that DC will one day need a kidney to live and his organs may or may not be usable to another person, but he chose to allow them to determine what is useable and what is not useable in the event of his untimely demise. I thought that was very brave for a 13 year old.


As for your scenerio... I think all personal feelings should be set aside and the organs should be donated. Your family member may be a good preliminary match but the secondary matching may not be a good fit so the organs would go to someone else. Would the family give permission for the organs to go to someone else? And what about the other organs? Would they only be donating to family members or would they be harvesting them all?

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Sometimes kids are more adult than adults. DC seemed to be a strong kid.


Anyways, my opinion is similar to Nephylim's except for one thing. If the kid explicitly said he wanted to be donor, I would honor his death wish, despite I can't bear the thought of someone close to be cut up like that. I'm too traditional. The dead body must be whole when I enter the other realm..., but I admire someone who is brave and less selfish than I am.

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I have a difficult scenario. If others would like to come up with something similar here, I won't object. But please use bold print if you do.


Let's say you had a kid who was brain dead. Your family has feuded with a certain individual for years. This individual needs a heart and is a match. What do you do? Do you let this person die, or do you put the feud aside and give him a chance at life?


What would I do? While I wouldn't be happy about the situation, ultimately I would feel too guilty if I did not allow the person to live. It would be morally abhorrent to let someone die like that. Thus, for the sake of my conscience, I would allow the person a chance at life.


It depends if it is for a story (fiction) or a real situation. In fiction you can just write the character to be giving ;) in real... it would depend on my personal attitude to that person - I don't care much if my family has some blood feud with him/her. (Every family has a black sheep that is friend with a family enemy... ;-D) And of course, it would matter if the (now brain dead) kid liked that person. I wouldn't give any of his organs to somebody who made hell out of his/her short life. It's the thing "what would he/she like to do".



Moreover I think it has to be a mature kid to have mature heart (as an organ) to be able to give it to adults. Otherwise if it were to give a heart of a kid to save another kid, I think I wouldn't wait with my answer (and it would be yes).



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My son is 8 and very healthy. He had a conversation with his sister, who is 23, about being a donor and he is very much for it. In fact he is excited about the idea that he can help someone else to live after his death. I would not hesitate for an instant to give up my organs... in fact any bit of me that's any good... but as a mother... I don't know. Like I said I would really like to think that I would give the heart but... it's my baby... I really can't say with all honesty that if I lost either one of them I would be able to bring myself to say yes. And I know it is hypocritical because I beleive that the body is only a shell for the spirit which lives on... I don't visit graves and I don't go to the crem...because the person just isn't there, the body is cast of like an old coat so who cares if there are a couple of buttons missing.... I really would like to say yes I would... but I really don't know.

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I have a difficult scenario. If others would like to come up with something similar here, I won't object. But please use bold print if you do.


Let's say you had a kid who was brain dead. Your family has feuded with a certain individual for years. This individual needs a heart and is a match. What do you do? Do you let this person die, or do you put the feud aside and give him a chance at life?


As far as I know once you agree to donate, you can't pick and chose who you want to give the pieces to. for instance my little red dot doesn't come with a set of stipulations saying not to give my organs to My sisters boyfriend because he is a jackass. If he ends up with them; so be it. I wont be using them any longer.


Other than that... I just don't hate anyone enough to wish them death by denying them something that could save them. Any person who does feel that way should take a step back and ask themselves what if the shoe was on the other foot.

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There are private donations where you can donate to family members or someone designated (these are usually living donations though, such kidneys or bone marrow, but some are post mortum) and only the parts requested/required then there is a general donation where all usable parts are harvested. The person who fills out the donation forms decides which type of donation it is and the process moves on from there.


As a parent, I can understand your position, Neph, but being on the other end of the stick really changes your perspective. I would want another kid to live and another parent to not have to worry will my kid find a heart or a lung or an eye if DC were to come to an early end. It would be hard, but I would sign the papers and let them have as much of him as they wanted.

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I dont know if many of you know this but about 5 maybe 6 years ago I had a kidney transplant. From a non-relative living donor a guy I knew actually from church. And I know first hand about organ donations the matching all the things involoved. And I myself on the back of my card have that little heart because someone gave me a part of their body so I could live longer. I dont know what I would do without him, we've kept in contact for quite sometime but I havent been able to get a hold of him in forever. But, he will always be in a big chuck of my heart for what he did for me. I personally dont wanna go into detail about the whole situation here but if someone really wants to know you can message me about it.



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As a parent, I can understand your position, Neph, but being on the other end of the stick really changes your perspective. I would want another kid to live and another parent to not have to worry will my kid find a heart or a lung or an eye if DC were to come to an early end. It would be hard, but I would sign the papers and let them have as much of him as they wanted.



I completely empathise with that and I really hope I would be able to be that strong.... but until it happens I just don't know.

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As far as I know once you agree to donate, you can't pick and chose who you want to give the pieces to. for instance my little red dot doesn't come with a set of stipulations saying not to give my organs to My sisters boyfriend because he is a jackass. If he ends up with them; so be it. I wont be using them any longer.


Other than that... I just don't hate anyone enough to wish them death by denying them something that could save them. Any person who does feel that way should take a step back and ask themselves what if the shoe was on the other foot.




I think the ultimate bad situation with regard to hating someone would be if this compatible person caused the death of your child, and in doing so gained a critical injury which the child happened to be a suitable match for.


What sort of feud, Tiger?


In the above scenario, I would probably refuse consent if the killer were being grossly negligent or malicious. Im not sure what I would do if it was accidental.

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No, the person didn't kill the loved one. The feud is more like you, or someone in your family, has had a bitter rivalry over a long period of time, with bad deeds and unkind words being exchanged many times.

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for the most part, i agree with Nephylim...I don't have a child, or at least i hope i don't...and I know that if it were to ever occur, no human being deserves to lose their life, and i personally see it as a cycle of life, yes we lose our son, or our daughter, or partner, husband, wife, but after that there is a chance for that death to bring life to many who, without it, would also perish.


If you think of how many donable organs we have in our bodies, just think of how many lives we could save if we were to meet our own demise, yes we may die but we save many. But in the end, as i stated, i agree with Neph, when it comes to my son, or my daughter, the thought of it, the thought of having them cut up is horrific, and i don't know if i am brave enough to let it happen, even though i believe it would be the right thing to do...I understand perfectly well how selfish of me that would be, I just don't know if I could bare it.

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