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Tiger Woods and His Mistresses


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Everyone by now is aware of Tiger Woods and his philandering. Basically, it goes like this. He's been married for 5 years to Elin Nordegren and has two kids. He also has more mistresses than you can shake a stick at. Because of his scandals, he's loosing millions of dollars in endorsements, and his wife wants a divorce. She could easily take him to the cleaners for it. He is also being accused of using human growth hormones. I don't really follow golf, but this kind of train wreck seems to supersede the game. Any thoughts?

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Aren't you Tiger's supposed to stick together? 0:)

Well, maybe if I were his extramarital partner instead... :devil:


Kidding... but in all honesty he took it a bit far. I'm sure when you're a superstar it's unavoidable that you'll end up making mistakes, but he's been basically living a double life, and there are kids to consider. I believe there's redemption for him, but it will be a long, hard road for him. I think he can overcome it, but he might want to hire a speech writer or two. ;)

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Well, maybe if I were his extramarital partner instead... :devil:


Kidding... but in all honesty he took it a bit far. I'm sure when you're a superstar it's unavoidable that you'll end up making mistakes, but he's been basically living a double life, and there are kids to consider. I believe there's redemption for him, but it will be a long, hard road for him. I think he can overcome it, but he might want to hire a speech writer or two. ;)


We are. Careful Tiger, or we'll toss you out of the pride.tongue.gif


This guy has been the second-coming for golf for a long time now. It is almost inevitable that that will blow up his ego. Men with power, money, and fame, with attractive women throwing themselves at them (if they're straight), well, that's a tough thing to steer through without f**king up.


I think he hit the wall on this one, and I think that he'll spend some time pulling his head out of his ass and come back stronger than ever.

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He also has more mistresses than you can shake a stick at.

It appears that is not necessarily true. More than he should shake a stick at? Yeah.

Edited by MikeL
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It appears that is not necessarily true. More than he should shake a stick at? Yeah.


B)......................Why is the 'mighty' always fall? Could be that the pedestal that they have been raised to makes them venture further? Rock Stars, Hollywood stars and athletic stars seem to rise and fall in their own murk. Will Tiger join others such as former president Clinton on their remorse filled course, errr, until the 9th hole that is!

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This guy has been the second-coming for golf for a long time now. It is almost inevitable that that will blow up his ego. Men with power, money, and fame, with attractive women throwing themselves at them (if they're straight), well, that's a tough thing to steer through without f**king up.



I kind of bought that argument at first, until it came out that he flew his mistresses around the world and, in one case, the affair allegedly lasted 31 months. Those kinds of long-term affairs aren't the kind that are the result of a slip-up because it's hard to avoid temptation when you are that famous and have women throwing themselves at you. I do agree, though, that it's about his ego. I don't think he thought anyone would dare to tell on him. Apparently (if we can believe the reports and reporters who suddenly have loosened their lips), he didn't try to keep it much of a secret, except from his wife.


I've always been a Phil Mickelson fan myself and never cared too much for Tiger because of his ego, so I can't say that my opinion has changed too much. I think his fans will forgive him over time, though, just as they've forgiven other athletes who have found themselves involved in a scandal (e.g. Kobe Bryant). The only problem will be if they somehow prove that he took HGH, which I don't think they will ever do. Right now the only thing to suggest he took it was that a doctor who had treated him in the past was found with some as he tried to enter Canada. If they prove he took HGH, his career is pretty much over, like Roger Clemens. Otherwise, he'll be back and almost as popular as ever.

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I have to say I feel sorry for Tiger. At first it was just the accident and then it came out he was cheating. And honestly I feel bad because how do you know which bitch...sorry i mean which chick is telling the truth because hes a very wealthy man. And the fact that these random chicks have just been appearing I honestly dont know who to believe. Everyone hits lows in there careers but I mean I just hope he can really pull out of this because its just so much and it's like neverending. My god, im like praying for Tiger Woods.

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