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The GA ?


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Welcome to the GA!!!!!!!!!


Doesn't "The GA!" just sound more grand? Hehe, I mean "Welcome to GA" sounds so dull and we're gay after all...............


How 'bout, ::Drum roll:: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THHHHHEEEEE GA!!!!!!!!!!!" ::applauses and cheers::


What do you guys think, isn't "The GA" so much better :D

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hehe I think having a boyfriend is messing with your head :P

I agree. First, it was changing his screen name. Next, came the episode in chat when he was hehe-ing everything anyone else said no matter how serious. Now, he gets hung up on an article. We need to get Matt to sit down and have a man to man talk with Cammy.

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cap.gif Why Not?


But only if Camilo becomes our official mascot.cap.gif


I would really want to be the Mascot hehe, that would be so much fun!



Oh can you guys please make me the mascot of GA, Please, pretty please!

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I would really want to be the Mascot hehe, that would be so much fun!



Oh can you guys please make me the mascot of GA, Please, pretty please!



Hmmm, what could we dress this sexy boy up as for our mascot? Oh so many ideas come to mind! tongue.gif

Edited by TetRefine
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Welcome to the GA!!!!!!!!!


Doesn't "The GA!" just sound more grand? Hehe, I mean "Welcome to GA" sounds so dull and we're gay after all...............


How 'bout, ::Drum roll:: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THHHHHEEEEE GA!!!!!!!!!!!" ::applauses and cheers::


What do you guys think, isn't "The GA" so much better :D


We're not all gay, but you make up for the rest of us.biggrin.gif

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Ahhhh, that would be so great, me, a cheerleader!!!!! Ohh I would sleep with all the football players and be bitchy and mean. I can just see it now : "Mean Girls 2: Cammy, the new hot skank"


omg, it would be so epic!

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From a marketing perspective, "The GA" would have a lot of appeal. It's short, succinct, and to the point.


Welcome to the new "GA"


Nice ring.




See, it does make sense. It has lots of appeal from a marketing perceptive. And come one, just imagine it :: Hollywood swish:: "The GA"

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From a marketing perspective, "The GA" would have a lot of appeal. It's short, succinct, and to the point.


Welcome to the new "GA"


Nice ring.





See, it does make sense. It has lots of appeal from a marketing perceptive. And come one, just imagine it :: Hollywood swish:: "The GA"



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I guess The GA does have a certain ring to it, but it would be a bit wierd explaing to people what GA was. I mean *The* Gay Authors does sound a little strange, plus like Mark said; not everyone who writes here is gay...unless Cia and Nephy have been hiding something from us lol.


P.S Hey Cammy that whole *sleep with the football players* can you extend that to weight lifters too *winks suggestivly*tongue.gifbiggrin.giflmaosmiley.gif

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I guess The GA does have a certain ring to it, but it would be a bit wierd explaing to people what GA was. I mean *The* Gay Authors does sound a little strange, plus like Mark said; not everyone who writes here is gay...unless Cia and Nephy have been hiding something from us lol.


P.S Hey Cammy that whole *sleep with the football players* can you extend that to weight lifters too *winks suggestivly*tongue.gifbiggrin.giflmaosmiley.gif


Oh you're a weight lifter? :wub::lmao:

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