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One day I was waiting for the satellite man to come to the house and fix the box. I started building up a story in my head and putting it down on paper. As the minutes ticked by I had an image of the guy in my head and was getting my hopes up, hoping he would be at least as good or similar to what I was fantasizing about... When I looked out the front door glass I wanted to run the opposite way!! LMAO!!! That didn't stop me though, I kept on writing and made it an issue to make believe I never laid eyes on the actual man! LOL That is one of the about 19 stories I have started and have never finished :(


The most recent one started on xmas day. My sister, D and I were driving to North Carolina on torrential rain! Her van hydroplaned several times making it quite difficult for me to keep the wheel steady (like the song goes... I can't drive 55 for the life of me! I have a deadly lead foot!) While driving, we witnessed quite a few accidents through I-85 giving me the idea of my newest story. When we got to my daughters apartment and after I finished dinner I grabbed the first notebook I found (no computer there) and started writing what I had thought about while driving even though I didn't have the whole picture. That night the whole story came to me in a dream, from beginning to end. Woke up early morning and went like a mad woman writing as much as I could remember from my dream onto the pages. I NEVER remember my dreams so to me it was a rarity how well I remember this one... I'm still in the developing process. I hope to be able to post it soon.

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Put yourself in the shoes of your characters. Let them have conversations with each other and see where it takes them.


Take a notebook on a train and listen to the conversations that go on around and jot down notes. Listen intently to what people are saying and the way they say it. I get so much inspiration from teenagers on the station and little old ladies gossiping about their families:) To write well you have to listen well. How can you write what someone would say if you have never heard anyone saying it :)

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Try being proactive about it. I've found that color therapy works well for me if I'm feeling blocked or confused about whats coming next I put on something yellow or I keep a yellow stone or peice of yellow ribbon close by and tumble it through my fingers or rub it like a worry stone while thinking about my writing predicament.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Be ready to write no matter where you are...a small pad and a pencil in your pocket at all times. Heck, I've texted ideas to myself when I couldn't find paper and pencil. Eavesdrop (as Nephylim suggested). Do not discount anyone as the source of inspiration. I got an entire short story out of a casual remark made by a counterperson in a fast food restaurant. Oh, and burnt offerings (goats come to mind) on a hilltop altar couldn't hurt. (Just kidding.)

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One day 2 weeks ago I got frustrated that I couldn't think of a story idea I liked other than Honor, which honestly just came to me, I have no idea where or what I was doing. All of a sudden Honor was just in my head, the overall idea, the specific events have come to me as I write each chapter though. Anyhow...back to the short story. I just opened up a word doc on the computer and started writing. I had to go back and re-write bits and pieces on the first page or two but after just a few pages I had a concrete idea and plan of where the story was going. It was an interesting process, completely different from my typical sit down and plan and plot routine.


I agree with the keeping paper/pen with you at all times. I find myself jotting things down, ideas or names or things I hear all the time. I have a backpack with my netbook and 3 different types of notebooks and tons of pens. No excuses for me not to write if I get the urge!



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