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so long and kiss my ass


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Let me tell you why I went off the rails a couple of weeks ago.


After all of the media attention over petty crap, some bad things started happening in Mississippi.


The churches went into full hate mode. Some people I knew were let go from jobs that they had for years.


People with Human Rights Campaign or rainbow bumper stickers were pulled over and harassed by cops.


It happened to me the night before the post where I basically said I don't care about the prom, I've got bigger concerns.


The cops pulled me over on my way home from a 12 step meeting.


They had me open my toolbox and scattered my tools all on the roadside and threw everything in my truck. When they didn't find anything one of them said, we'll get you some other time. It took me an hour to get everything put up.


This is Mississippi.


This is the shit that we have to live with.


I don't mind a fight. Just pick a battle that means something.


I'm reading this WAY after the fact, but why didn't you explain the reason for your anger in a *rant* setting! Oh, wait. You did. (sorry)

What I am saying is that you came out with both guns blazing and apparently caught most of the people here off guard! I know that you caught ME that way!

I've really enjoyed your posts and threads since I've been here, and of course NOW I see that you might be staying (hopes).

I do know THIS James! This thread has opened my eyes to the dedication that the GA members feel for causes, and for at least that, I thank you.

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wow........ as a teen wondering if they are worth anything because im a lesbian (and other stuff) and wanting to know if things will get better and that as a teen my life is just as important as an adults,


really havent helped james by saying major problems in my life arnt worth shit to the big problems in yours, do you even remember what its like??

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