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Do you have talent?

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My talents? It's kinda hard to put on a video :P



Working at my current job is letting me refine it but I've been always really good at reading body language and counseling people...



I also can work with technology and understand it easy enough....

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Well what concept do you believe in?


I believe that everyone is born nearly equal. The concept of a talent (as I'm using it in this post) involves the idea that some people are just "better" at certain things by some process of nature. That some people were born with it. I don't feel that this is accurate.


I feel that whats more likely, is everyone starts nearly the same, with differences being like physical development, mental development, and personality.


By a combination of these things, people find they have a natural affinity for certain activities, and participate in them frequently. For example, I dont believe that I'm naturally talented at skateboarding or snowboarding. I can snowboard, and skateboard well, because I enjoy it, and because I enjoy it, I invested the time necessary to develop my skills to the level they are now.


Basically, nearly everyone can be great at nearly anything. All it takes is enough practice. Its the motivation to practice something you dont like which is the hard part.


I realize that this is somewhat flawed as there are always exceptions, but for the most part I'd say this is more accurate then people being dealt abilities before being born :P

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