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I Just Watched This Movie...

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To Save A Life http://bit.ly/nBWB0


Every person, and especially every teenager, should watch this. This is such a big issue and I think that it's so important for people to slow down, take a look around, open their eyes, and then reach out. It takes courage to do the right thing, even when it's not easy, or it's awkward, or there will be consequences, or you're afraid, or you're worried you'll be judged.


If you haven't seen this, it's available to rent now. If you have seen it, I'd love to hear what you think.

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I've seen it, I loved the message of the movie and the plot and everything but I didn't like the movie itself (bad acting, script is kinda lame,etc). But overlooking that the movie is a great way to show teens (and sometimes grownups) that we shouldn't judge everyone and ignore people who don't seem 'cool' enough..

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I've seen it, I loved the message of the movie and the plot and everything but I didn't like the movie itself (bad acting, script is kinda lame,etc). But overlooking that the movie is a great way to show teens (and sometimes grownups) that we shouldn't judge everyone and ignore people who don't seem 'cool' enough..


Yeah, I could tell in the trailer that the acting could be weak, but I'm used to watching movies with a great plot with bad acting. It beats watching a lot of good actors/actresses take on an incredibly stupid plot though. (Oceans 11,12,13; Closer) ;)

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