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Sexy New Planet Discovered!


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Earth is actually Sol c... and Mars is of course... Sol d




That is of course, if we apply the same convention. Astronomers, sadly, are less imaginative. Simply naming them after the first letters. Earth is... simply E. :[


I quite fancy the sci-fi convention of star + roman numerals + letters, starting with the satellite closest to the barycentre. Earth would then be Sol III, and the Moon Sol IIIa. Though I guess it would be problematic for binary planets like the Pluto/Charon system. Heh

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I say we just all call them rocks. I mean when they eventually collide with our planet, would you really care what it's called? :P

Ok! I finally slowed down with the laughing enough to respond to you, Hamen Cheese.

That was a VERY humorous!

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