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How do you deal with anxiety


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For me it seems anxiety hits in periods, gets worse before it easies. I worry most about my loved ones or work (not the same but still) and now that my cat is sick I am feeling horrible. I can't quite focus, I feel disoriented and sad. Before I used to deal with my anxiety in a bad way, I had (have?) bulimia. Today I will not go down the same path.


My way of coping is not dealing with the worry. Of course I will take care of my sick cat, take him to vet, pet him more than ever, BUT I try not to think about it. I just avoid it and drown myself to books or sleep. I don't know if it is the healthiest way, but at least I am not throwing up my guts like I used to. I have been trying to open up more to my friends and write out what I'm feeling. Sometimes I just get so wrapped up with my chunk I can't do it. Today, I am trying to face my fears and not get lost.


How do you deal with anxiety? What things tricker anxiety in you?





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I tend to either completely close down and do the whole avoidance thing or I get really bitchy and try to make everyone around me feel worse than I do or if it's out of nowhere I totally flip my shit and start screaming at things. I don't deal with anxiety well at all.


Out of all that the only one I'd recommend is the avoidance. Getting lost in a book or a movie or something like that is a good way to just get your mind off stressful things for a little bit.

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Well, I used to be very anxious and uncomfortable around people I didn't know. I hated being in large groups and would always slip into the background where I wouldn't be noticed. I'd rather be by myself then surrounded by people in social situations. It all had to stem from being gay and protecting my secret, as well as being a naturally quiet person. I learned that if the less I opened my mouth and the less I was around people, the less of a chance I had with outing myself. My anxiety faded mostly as I came to grips with being gay and came to accept myself, as well as coming out to people. But I'm still a naturally quiet person, but not nearly as bad as before. When I go out to parties, I will admit I still get a little jittery being around all those people. So I usually down a couple drinks fast to get tipsy and loosen up, and stay that way throughout the night. It makes me perfectly relaxed and as outgoing as anyone else there. Its not the best way to deal with being anxious, but it helps a lot and I can control it.

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Make a list...write down everything that's causing anxiety or bothering you at the moment and/or longterm and then work on your perception of them either by thinking about something positive about each of them or just coming to terms and relax....easier said than done of course but just seems like a good way to go and definitely better than drinking your problems away cuz they don't go away that way.


ie...I feel anxiety about school every once in a while...but then I write down a priority list, think about what I need to do, if I can't do anything about it, shit can it. 1 HW or test isn't gonna break me for life.

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I used to self-harm, doesnt matter how.

Now I pace and panic in all manner of ways.

And I worry about everything and everybody.

I put everyone else and my animals before me. Maybe I care too much *shrugs*

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