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I need help with drugs and religion for a story


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English is not my native tounge and there are some things you simply cannot find on the net, so I need help.


I need american names for drugs, street names and "real names" so that I know which ones you're talking about.


I also need to know what types of Christian faith has the most followers in Tennessee and California.


If anyone can answer one of these questions for me or both, I'd be grateful.

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English is not my native tounge and there are some things you simply cannot find on the net, so I need help.


I need american names for drugs, street names and "real names" so that I know which ones you're talking about.


I also need to know what types of Christian faith has the most followers in Tennessee and California.


If anyone can answer one of these questions for me or both, I'd be grateful.


Well, heres a few.


Marijuana- Weed, Pot, Mary-J, MJ, (sometimes referred to as smoking a joint), 420. Most common I've heard is weed.

Cocaine- Coke, Blow, Snow, Crack (a form of smokable cocaine).

Heroin- H, Black Tar, Smack, Tar

LSD- Acid

Methamphetamine- Meth, Crank, Ice,


Heres a link with more: http://www.casapalmera.com/articles/top-20-drugs-and-their-street-names/


According to Wikipedia, California's predominant denomination is Roman Catholicism with just over 10,000,000 people (roughly 30% of the state's population). In Tennessee, the predominant denomination is the Baptist Church, with about 1.4M followers (about 39% of the population).


Tennessee Religion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Tennessee#Religion

California Religion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_California#Religion


Hope this helped. :)

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Not sure about much else, but I'm a meth addict, and the most common slangs here are: tweak, ice, crystal, stove top, speed, and amp. Probably some more, but that's getting wordy. I used amp and stove top a lot, myself.


Some mixers were: P&P (meth and E), and twisters (meth and crack). Another common one is MDMA, which is E and mushrooms.


There's also 8balls, which is 1/8 ounce of cocaine, i think. Doing "a line" could be snorting cocaine, meth, hydrocodone, etc. Smoking a bowl....weed. There's also Fruit Salads, which is where a party dumps all their pills they own in a large bowl, then everyone takes some at random.


I'll probably remember some more before the day is up.

Edited by Arpeggio
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