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so, Tablets or Pads


Why buy a tablet  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. What Tablet Type Would you Buy and Why

  2. 2. Which would you buy, if both Laptop n Pad cost the same?

  3. 3. Your kid is 3 to 6 yrs old, would buy tablet\pad for them? and why? (Assume a tablet cost 350)

    • Yes with Extend Warranty
    • Yes without Warranty
    • No - I want my kid to learn without computers
    • No - Its too Expensive
    • No - Other
  4. 4. Would you get one with WiFi, 4G, or both?

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What can you not do on Tablet\Pad that you can do on a desktop?


Why have a tablet at a price you can buy a laptop?


Would you write a novel on it?

Would you record a band playing to create an mp3?

Would you use it for a GPS?


What other uses?

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I've got an iPad 2, along with a windows 7 tablet, also have a desktop. I love my iPad, I'll not give it up for anything. When I'm sitting on the sofa reading, it's ideal. It doesn't get hot, it's not too heavy, it's just perfect.


By comparison the windows 7 tablet is slow, clunky and a pain to use. But on the other hand when used like a laptop it's not s bad. I generally use it if I'm out and about troubleshooting. It's also where I do the bulk of my writing.


There are things that the iPad is not good at. For instance, relying here in the forums, your missing all the editing options. Also when using the keyboard, it takes up half the screen. But what it comes down to in the end is I love my iPad.

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I have the IPad 1 3g (uk) which is used daily. I use it like my laptop, to check mails etc.

I also write my stories on it, with the use of Pages. Means I can write anywhere at anytime. This has proven useful during my commutes to and from work, 45 mins on a train.


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I've got an ipad 1/wifi only, I'll be getting the 3 when it comes out. I use it for interacting with GA, for reading, for Reddit, and for a lot of work stuff. I track my time using a time tracker app, and I use a Microsoft CRM app to track work I do for customers. I play games on it, watch movies sometimes, but mostly its content consumption. I'd buy one for a kid, why not? It'd be a lot of fun for a 3-5 year old.


I do a lot of local history and genealogy, I use it for a lot of those applications - recording audio histories, recording genealogy information, and a lot of map stuff).

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When it all comes down to it...iPads are like puppies...they're babe magnets....your chances of getting laid will increase dramatically if you can whip out an iPad and look all tech savvy and sexy flicking through pages and doing business. If you're a 7, you're now an 8, if you're a 5 you're now a 6...if you're a 3...sorry, you're still a 3.


Tech savvy is key though....if you sit there and keep turning the thing over and over looking like you haven't a clue what you're doing....you might as well have gotten yourself a dead puppy with rabies and flies around it. If you're a 7, you're now a 6, if you're a 5 you're now a 4, and if you're a 3....why are you still in public? go bury your effing dead dog.


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When it all comes down to it...iPads are like puppies...they're babe magnets....your chances of getting laid will increase dramatically if you can whip out an iPad and look all tech savvy and sexy flicking through pages and doing business. If you're a 7, you're now an 8, if you're a 5 you're now a 6...if you're a 3...sorry, you're still a 3.


Tech savvy is key though....if you sit there and keep turning the thing over and over looking like you haven't a clue what you're doing....you might as well have gotten yourself a dead puppy with rabies and flies around it.




I wish these were around when I was in my twenties !

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I would probably get a Tablet PC instead of a tablet or a pad. I had an ASUS R1F back in the day and it actually ran really well and when I got fed up with limited input from the stylus/tablet functions, I just flip out the keyboard and used it as a laptop. Best of both worlds actually... too bad I broke the mobo - but damn... those were three good years and Win 7 Pro ran great on it.

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I preordered one, I should have it by the end of the month. My current ipad is a 1st generation wifi, 16 GB model. I skipped the ipad 2 because I didn't think there was much to be gained by the new capability it had at the time - a marginally better processor, some new cell providers and a camera: meh...


The new one is a 32 gb wifi one, and the differences between the ipad 1 and the 3 are enough to warrant a replacement of the original - the retina display is quite spectacularly clear to read, 1080p video, etc The camera is much improved over the ipad 2 and its got a good strong processor.


I posted before what I use it for - suffice it to say the onboard camera and added RAM/faster processor are going to make work stuff much nicer. The 1080p is going to be great for videos. It's not a breakout device by any means, but it's a good replacement for a machine that's 2 generations behind.

Edited by Gene Splicer PHD
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I can't do everything I want on a tablet - i.e. use specific software like full featured MATLAB. I don't have a particularly long commute, and I don't travel too much as student etc. so the portable uses of the tab don't make sense for me. I can do a lot of stuff on my phone already - particularly GPS since it seems that I was born without a sense of direction Posted Image


Once I start work though, I'd probably get a tab for my expected 1 hour commute for browsing, reading, Facebook, Twitter etc. and the same at home if I don't feel like starting up the laptop. Doubt I'd use it for movies, music or games though...I like those on my console, TV and mp3 player. As to what type of pad I'd get - Android because I'm used to it and some of the Android tabs are cheaper than the iPad or Windows 8 tabs. Also, I'm massively dependent on Gmail, Google Calendar etc. and don't really want to make the switch, and I don't need anything as elaborate as Windows 8 would offer. All work stuff would be done on a company laptop anyway, so the tab wouldn't ever play a role there.


And if all tablets start costing the same as ultra-portable laptops - say £800+, don't think I'd be getting one! I'd just go for the Kindle or some other ebook reader.

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As all you know I have a Asus Transformer Prime, :P


Tablet + keyboard = Best of both worlds, it can work like an iPad or a regular laptop. Also with the USB and microSD slot, I 've got options for memory or an external drive.

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there is an arm quad processor thats great for 3d graphics ... especially with shading ... i doubt ipad3 has it

I forgot if it was nvidia or samsung

but having diff kinds of arm processors is worst than having a intel duo core or icore

your locked into a certain os

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  • 1 year later...

My iPaq 4701 served as GPS, iPod ... and very little else

lol, now the iPod feature expired, wifi expired a long time ago


Now, it seems I have an interest for Samsung Galaxy Note 8

It could replace the above and do more ... than ever expected?

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now one or two quad cores are becoming to be a reality

one for active use

one for passive use (low power n apps that don't require higher power)

there is an arm quad processor thats great for 3d graphics ... especially with shading ... i doubt ipad3 has it
I forgot if it was nvidia or samsung
but having diff kinds of arm processors is worst than having a intel duo core or icore
your locked into a certain os

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there is an arm quad processor thats great for 3d graphics ... especially with shading ... i doubt ipad3 has it

I forgot if it was nvidia or samsung

but having diff kinds of arm processors is worst than having a intel duo core or icore

your locked into a certain os

Oooohhh - golly, HH, you get me all hot and bothered when you talk like that! I'm lying in the bath writing on my iPad2. What else is there to say?  :lmao:

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What else is there to say?  :lmao:


Don't drop it?


As for whether I'd give a tablet to a kid. Sure, why not? I think everyone's seen the YouTube videos of the babies/toddlers playing around with iPads and stuff. With the right software (and a suitable case) I think it'd be a great thing to give to a kid.

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well on youtube beware of "Boomer Takes A Bath With His New IPad", it graphic


Don't drop it?


As for whether I'd give a tablet to a kid. Sure, why not? I think everyone's seen the YouTube videos of the babies/toddlers playing around with iPads and stuff. With the right software (and a suitable case) I think it'd be a great thing to give to a kid.

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I posted the link below a while back in the Games & Humor forum and it might be enjoyable to those that follow this thread as well.


It explains why paper is not dead.....It's in French but anyone can understand the point it makes from viewing it. 



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i have an ipad 1 WiFi and I don't even use it....It's sitting in my bathroom drawer as I speak. Seriously, this iPad is so freaken huge, I don't even want to carry it.

I would "maybe" use ipad mini but its probably only a 50/50 chance of using it. For me, a Kindle seems more like an book reading than the iPad.

But I still consider an iPhone would be more convenient to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit of a tablet nerd, I got 4 right now, and have probably been through 10 since they came up (been giving them to friends and family). Never got an iPad though, too expensive, and I'm trying to avoid lock-in into iTunes.


Stepping back, some features are important in all cases (battery life, screen quality, ability to play HD videos in all formats) and some are important for some, negligible for others (size, sound quality, CPU performance, GPU performance). I've found sound and GPS to be the most underrated: people will pay attention to the screen, but not check sound power and quality, and end up with a tablet that the kids have trouble hearing in the car. Or they'll get a tablet... and then a separate GPS.


The funniest tablet I have right now is the 13" Archos FamilyPad. I wouldn't call it good though: the screen has very narrow viewing angles, the CPU is way underpowered, and the video player is fussy about formats. It's a monster though, with 177% of the size (and screen real estate) of a 10" tablet. I use it as a 3rd screen at my desk, to monitor email and rss. I'm trying to pawn it off but nobody wants it :-p


The most surprisingly good tablet I've had is the 7" Nook Color. It's got CM10, is very stable, has a gorgeous screen... and still gets used occasionally (it's 4 years old ?) and works OK.


I'm going for Android-based mini PCs now. Just received my first one, still waiting for other doodads to try and make it into a cheap Web/email/Skype station for dummies.  Sorry, for my elderly parents. $40 PC, $40 keyboard+mouse, $20 webcam, $150 MVA screen... The 'rents caught on quick to their tablet, I'm thinking they'll like that PC better than their Windows one, especially if I manage to set it up to do double duty as as a TV.

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I help my aunt and mom get a flat screen tv ... so @700 dollars ... its like that be the price of an ipad ... 

avg size flat screen vs ipad ... big size difference


Thanks for the idea of Android mini pc ... it be nice idea to watch movies via hdmi ... or quickly check the web

easy to add at 50-100 dollars

the good question is for an in expensive wireless keyboard

gosh their like half the cost of an Android mini pc


lol, imagine if school had the students buy this just to learn computers and then they can easily connect it to their flat screen


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so far its a painful waiting period to see how samsung products will do this year

* they had a rather mix opinion phone presentation

  the announcement of the note in spain went well

* their waiting to see what fcc clearing they would get to make the note a phone in the usa

  in india or the uk they will be able to do the wireless network

* the media wants to call it the iPad mini killer but who's to say they are competing for the same price

   if they feel they just have a better product ... they will price themselves out

   and when appl puts out their mini 2 ... perhaps people will go the other way

* Samsung seems to be pricing themselves out ,,, just like appl did with the mini

  its like twice they are shooting themselves in the foot twice instead of taking real challenge to appl


but they they are rivals ... and people will find choice for their needs


Win8 ... I've seen the best buy ads ... it doesn't make me want to buy one because they lacked a feature I look for

 perhaps their icons n UI lacks the style that the other rivals have in attracting customers

Samsung is complaining that Win8 is costing them money than making


it is getting tiring to watch MSFT anti campaign ads - i heard its tactic only works in voting season

it makes think less of MSFT ... and more of GOOGLE lol


so is Samsung going to have an out-do Appl year or Undo itself in front of Appl while we wait for MSFT to update its OS?




2 iPad Mini Killers for Samsung: Galaxy Note 8.0 & Galaxy Tab 8 on Full HD Super AMOLED


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Still sticking with my laptop. It is still more capable and flexible than tablets but the gap is closing fast.


Besides. I do weird stuff that tablets aren't doing.

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