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mmo addicts


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Have you ever been addicted to Mmos?


Maybe spending to many hours mining gold on warcraft? Paid for that extra accounts and monitors so you could make a guild?


Warcraft addiction is acknowledged but how about other Mmo games? Where is the line between gaming and addiction?



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For a while I was pretty addicted to Talisman Online. It's a FTP game that's pretty basic but it's the first MMO I ever played with a group of people that I knew. It was actually kinda funny because the forum I introduced the game to pretty much totally shut down for like a week because everyone was too busy playing, lol. It was fun until the douchy guys on the forum started taking over and taking it WAY too seriously. But for about two weeks or so I was totally addicted.

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The only MMO I played a lot was Ragnarok back in the day. I couldn't jump on the bandwagon of Eve or WoW. They just don't appeal to me.


Blasphemy, my Amarrian toon shall torch you with lasers :P


I know what you mean, but I built my eve accounts up and I really can't stop, they are now a self sustaining, which is fun part about the game. Plus, the developers keep adding new stuff into it and the orbital bombardment feature will be epic.


Still, I wish I can kick this habit.

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The only MMO I played a lot was Ragnarok back in the day. I couldn't jump on the bandwagon of Eve or WoW. They just don't appeal to me.


RO <3


Played iRO for about seven years. Yyyyeah. Posted Image

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played RO then I moved and changed my game to a game called 'Perfect World'.

After a while I get hacked by a person unknown, then I changed my game again.


This time I play world of warcraft and still playing it to this day. The first time I know that game, I guess I was addicted. The visual, the gameplay, everything exceeds all my previous games.

Of course, after a while I already know everything about that game and got a bit bored.

My guild and the people inside it made things interesting though, so even though I'm bored, I don't think I'm gonna quit this game anytime soon.

Edited by AnimalMorph
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Yeah, guilds and alliances are the best, without them, I might as well be playing a regular RPG Posted Image


Oh by the way, this is why I love Eve:




The game allows market manipulation that is unequaled in any other MMO. Get enough people, equipment, and organization together and you can create a giant shift in economic pressures that force the entire game to shift toward whatever is desired. If you like market manipulation through force of spaceships on a scale equivalent to an oil Embargo of the 1970's or up to a World War, Eve is the best game in town.


I am staying out of the fight and watching as my mineral reserves appreciate in price and my tech II blue prints will be worth a good deal more than they are now after these guys have killed and destroyed enough resources to force supply shifts and raise industrial values.

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I'm currently addicted to Pangya. It's a Golf/Fantasy online game. Yes some people don't like golf game but trust me, get to know the game first then you can judge Posted Image I didn't like it at first but love it eventually.


It's international so you can meet and play with teh people around the world Posted Image


Here is the link of the game: Pangya


Just grabbed this video to show you how the gameplay look like and this is the Japan version.

The one I've linked above before this video is the Global version one.


If you're playing, tell meh and let's play it togetah! Posted Image

Edited by Demanding Meow
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  • 1 month later...

I think the one thing I like about MMO's is the fact that it's literally an endless game. On WOW, their are acheivements, dungeons/raids, PVP, and vast character selection. You can't 100% complete an MMO and said you've done 'everything'; that's just impossible.


One other reason is the person to person interaction. I could play with friends and with random people or against friends and random people. It brings a different social atmosphere.


Though I do like this game A LOT. I quit it for various reasons. The game gets very repetitive: "The Grind." In the end, I don't gain anything from it; it's literally pointless!

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  • 5 months later...

I'm an on and off player of WoW and technically been plaing it a year afer it came out, Vanilla Wow, that is. The thing is I do get bored of it from time to time,and when I get bored I move to console games, and eventually get bored of them to and go back to WoW. I currently have all the expansions: The Burning Crusade, Wrat of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria.


Now if anyone here knows a good server, please let me know =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've definitely been addicted to other MMO's. Years ago, I would spend entire weekend days and night playing Ultima Online. I finally kicked that one cold turkey but got sucked into Everquest 2 a few years after that. Ended that by going cold turkey again.


Recently, I started playing Guild Wars 2. While I like the game a lot, I'm enjoying my new casual playstyle. There's no feeling that I *have* to play; I come and go as I like.

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First MMO was RO when I was still in high school. Quickly switched over to Final Fantasy XI when that was released to the US. I loved the grind, I loved the party dynamics and I loved the social group I was playing with.


This is a video that my linkshell (guild) that I ran with. If you see a small thing named Tykkaru, that's me.


But lately I've been playing it's "successor" Final Fantasy XIV. Waiting for the 2.0 release now though.




I'm not in this video, but it's my linkshell doing Ifrit battle. If you look at the chat, I speak there (Teddy Maximoff). :P

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