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Music or No Music

Yettie One

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Ok so just a general question for you, when it comes down to writing/reading do you do it listening to anything, or do you need complete silence to get the mental juices flowing? And if you do choose something to listen to while your imagination puts words on paper, what is it that works best for you?


To kick off, I'll let you into what I do. Posted Image


If I am researching I like to have silence as I find it easier to store the information I'm taking in.


If I am writing, I love to have quiet chill out music, something cool like Enya or similar quietly on in the background.


When I'm reading I've always got some kind of music on, tend to love the more chilled out 70's and 80's stuff, the likes of Air Supply, Duran Duran, The Carpenters, Joni Mitchell and other similar kinds of mellow music.


So what do you listen to if anything at all?

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When I'm writing I generally have something quite bouncy on. It helps to keep me focused on what I'm writing.


When reading, I prefer something a bit calmer, that allows me to concentrate on what I'm reading.

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Well I don't really write creatively, but when I write papers and stuff for school I always listen to music. I like having that background noise and it really helps me concentrate better. When I'm reading I prefer complete silence. I find I can't concentrate on what is going in if there is some other noise distracting me taking part of my brain away.

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Silence. I might listen to something to get me in the mood to write but when I start I need silence. That goes double for when I'm reading. I can't have anything distracting me or I end up reading the same paragraph over and over again or I get three pages before I realize I don't remember a single thing I just read. I'm way too easily distracted :P

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No matter whether I'm reading or writing, I have something else going on in the background - call it a throwback to my high school - college years. Sometimes it's music, which can range from classical, pop or rock-n-roll, or it can be a sporting event, which I only pay close attention to when the crowd and the anouncers get excited. It's seldom that I do anything in complete silence.

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Usually on and off when reading. .Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't.


If you're writing, I can imagine how music can help give you inspiration and break down the writer's block.

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