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Quiet or Noisy

Yettie One

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I've noticed in quite a few of the stories here on GA that when it comes to sex scenes there tends to be a lot of verbalisation during sex.


It got me wondering. How many people are really as verbal in real life. So here's the question.....


When your in the throws of passion, how many of you are actually A.) the verbal kind, ie words and instruction, or B.) gutturally verbal, ie moaning and groaning, or C.) fairly silent with maybe a sigh or ragged breathing?


Personally I've always been a fairly silent person when it comes to love making. I find too much noise or verbal carry on a little disturbing and somewhat off putting.


So what about you?

Edited by Yettie One
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Well if our kid is home, it's quiet :P If she's not home it get's louder and louder until reaching the point that I forget English :lol: Words are so overrated anyways! ;)

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I vary depending on the circumstances (i.e. is someone in the next room?), but I'm capable of both being quiet and of...um, not. :P


But that first one...words and instruction?? Ummm......no. :P

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Me personally, I'm more of a grunter during sex. I don't say much but I grunt. My boyfriend is more vocal though. There is nothing sexier to me then when he starts saying stuff in Spanish with his accent as we're doing it. Total turn on. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

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Oh god, B. So very, very B. I don't really shout instruction except for stuff like "faster" or "ow, be gente you almost broke skin" but I'm big into moaning and whimpering and even more moaning with maybe some screaming thrown in every now and then. Posted Image Which really sucks when we're doing it in my house with my parents right downstairs because it's so hard being silent. My boyfriend's kind of a mix between A and C though. He likes talking dirty but he's not as big a moaner as me.

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I am not a talker. Like Tetrefine, I tend to grunt, but I'm told I moan a lot. Posted Image

I've never had an experience of carrying on a conversation in the midst of sex. Now, conversations while asleep? Those, I've had, or so I've been told. haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

moans and groans, and when it's really good, gibberish and needy demands, Though the instructions should be strictly thrown out the door. Really. I guess am a B.

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Me personally, I'm more of a grunter during sex. I don't say much but I grunt. My boyfriend is more vocal though. There is nothing sexier to me then when he starts saying stuff in Spanish with his accent as we're doing it. Total turn on. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image


This is one of my fav FMLs of all times...I just thought of it again Posted Image


Today, I was going to have sex with my hispanic boyfriend. I wanted to turn him on, so I asked my friend how to say "fuck me" in Spanish. She claimed it was "pollo frito". I then proceeded to have sex, constantly screaming pollo frito for an hour. I later realized I was screaming "fried chicken". FML

Edited by Y_B
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Both my BF and I am far too B. We almost got kicked out the halls in university; people could hear us at the far end of the landing.


It was even worse when I was living with my mum because our walls were paper thin, and me and my BF at the time were both very like A. My mum once even asked us just how big my boyfriend was Posted Image . Now if that doesn't want to make you quieten down, then nothing will.

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It all really depends on the circumstances for us. But I'm definitely a grunter which tends to get progressively louder until I forget English is my first language. For some reason when I break out into Dutch/French Snuggle get's turned on something chronic ! Snuggle is more of a remaining compus mentus until he's too far gone, when he turns into a screamer ! :P

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Y_B, you so cracked me up with the friend chicken story. I laughed so hard I cried. You have to realise I am from the south, and some of the good ol boys might actually scream " fried chicken", during sex. LMAO. So friggin funny. Made my day


Back to the topic, I am little private about it, but the only time I ever screamed is when I hit my head on the headboard.

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Today, I was going to have sex with my hispanic boyfriend. I wanted to turn him on, so I asked my friend how to say "fuck me" in Spanish. She claimed it was "pollo frito". I then proceeded to have sex, constantly screaming pollo frito for an hour. I later realized I was screaming "fried chicken". FML


That was tooo funny! :D awwwwww, classic. :D



The only time I ever screamed is when I hit my head on the headboard.



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Well you all know me and Stuby do everything via skype so its a mixture of all three :P

I groan and talk and give instruction and roar pretty loud at the end. Whereas Stuby whimpers and moans and just listens. Apparently my voice is hynotic and sends him ga-ga LOL. And there are screams from his end when he has final release. So all three for us two. :)

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C definitely. Always.


Have no idea why, either, unless it's because my first embarassing instinct is to start going "uh huh, uh huh" like I'm a member of the porn chorus, which is what I call those ten guys in porn movies, generally dressed in leather and standing around a sling,whose only purpose seems to be to monotonously chant "Uh huh. Uh huh. Ooooh, yeah! Uh huh" for the entire film.

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Wow what a question. It's so creepy for me because I'm totally C+. I'm completely quite and feel so awkward when i do have to say anything at all. I HATE talking during. Sadly, my boyfriend is A and B mixed together. Not exactly too verbal but def verbal enough to make me want to cover his face with a shirt or something. Sometimes, I have actually used my hands to cover his mouth. >_>

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At my age I call it spawning because it involves a lot of flopping around gasping for breath.


That sounds so familiar, im sure I've read that somewhere :P


As for the question, well I suppose you all have to get way closer to me than you are right now to find out. ;)

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