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Miles to go before we sleep

Jack Scribe

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Good article in Huff Post from an old friend of mine who has handled P.R. for several celebrities:




It's cool to see men like Anderson Cooper 'officially' come out...but we've got a long way to go.

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The article makes the point clearly and concisely. Unfortunately, with the (un) religious right and the GOP completely hijacked to their causes, I see damn little headway to be made in the foreseeable future. Keeping your head down and your orientation private is a matter of personal survival for many. Outing yourself is a big deal and probably will be for a long time in the good old U.S.A.


Thanks for pointing the article out Jack. I think it's something we all need to consider.

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Very enlightening article, and sadly, very true. Not only the famous often walk into brick walls by outing themselves, but we all know everyday folks like us get treated pretty harsh at times, and I know from experience. I waited until I was 52, my age now, and decided to tell my husband , immediate family, and a few close friends.. Two siblings have turned pretty cold, and my few close friends became fewer. I don't regret the decision, but courage does not always make consequences easier.

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