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does he loves me romantically? is he gay?

Guest aman.bfb

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Guest aman.bfb

Is my best friend gay/ in love with me?

my best friend says he is straight. he has also had a

girlfriend in the past. till sometime back he was normal

with me. but nownwe are in different cities and when I

met him a month back he started getting borderline

romantic with me...

1. he says he loves me and wants to be with me


2. he kissed me on my cheeks and nose multiple time.

3. we were sleeping when we cuddled. the neck and

cheek kissing continued.

4. he sings quiet well and when I asked him to sing he

sang backstreet boy's as long as you love me nd said it

was for me.

5. he keeps rubbing his nose with mine.

6. when we were together, any mention of my leaving

would make him sad and.sometimes he would have

tears in his eyes.

7. I like him romantically too... so when I was kissing

him back he didn't mind.

8. he said 'I can kiss you in any position.' but then he

said, 'but I don't kiss guys.

but the reason I am confused is because

1. he has had a girlfriend. he is a virgin though.

2. he keeps saying he is straight.

3. when we were cuddling, I jokingly said I'll kiss you

on your lips and he, smiling, said no. you are not a girl.

also, he is 16 and lives in a very small town where

homosexuality is not normal and people think gays are

all eunuchs.

I love him and want to help him if he is confused. but

when I ask he says he is straight. what do you people


thanks in advance for your answers.

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Looks like you have got yourself a closeted gay friend. Whether he loves you or not, is for you to decide. I can't help you with that. But, I need you to remember one thing; if he does want to get intimate with you and you let him, it will be a loss on your side if it is without love! I have nothing against meaningless sex, but, I think your first time should be with someone who loves you. Are you sure this is not just a curious guy who wants a taste of gay love making? And God forbid if he is like that, then he will have no intention of a long term relationship, which I think you are counting on for future. Sit down and think it over before you go another step with this guy. Is this what you want? A one night stand or a spring fling? Or is it a lasting relationship you are after? Then what are your expectations from this guy? Make sure you hear his end of the story as well and vice versa. And one last thing, a secret love affair, is a very sweet and exciting experience, yet equally strenuous and draining to maintain. Do remember that. I know, I have put more questions in front of you than answers, but, you are young and you need to consider these first. Hope I have not turned you completely pessimistic. Hugs and Chocolates.

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None of us can tell you what your friend is or isn't. Yes, the actions all seem like someone who is gay, but in denial. Or just stretching to see how it feels to act on his feelings-to see how genuine they are. You don't know, and we don't know either. Being a teenager is all about figuring out who and what you really are, and sexuality is part of that. You have to decide what you are willing to risk-him no longer doing the actions he's doing (snuggling/kissing/ect) and his friendship because the only way to really know is sitting down and coming straight out and just asking what is going on. I'm a firm advocate of  communication, because that is the only way to maintain healthy relationships, be they between friends or partners. Either way, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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This has trouble written on its forehead. No matter how look at it's this scenario is scary. Developing a romantic relationship with your friend is...dangerous cos when it goes fatal, you lose a lot. The answer to your questions is within your reach, you just have to find them.

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Guest aman.bfb

my problem isn't will he accept his sexuality if he loves me. I just want to know if these are signs of homosexuality and if he isn't aware of it or is in denial. so that I can talk to him about it. do straight guys do these things with other guys?

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I'm going to say this- not to be cruel but the be honest.


A lot of young men don't know the difference in being horny and being in love.


His behavior is bisexual and he's acting homophobic- like he's not comfortable with it.


As an older guy, I can tell you that I've attended many weddings (traditional) of guys that I've slept with.


A few of them wanted to continue after they've been married.


Everybody wants to have their cake and eat it too. It just doesn't work.

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