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Team Recognition 2013

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  • Site Administrator

Even keeping these thanks short... it's going to be long. Bear with me!



Renee Stevens. No matter what, when it's important, she's there to help me. Site work, which I kinda suckered her into, :P beta reading, letting me vent whenever I need to or ramble on endlessly about plot ideas and paranormal mythos.


Lugh. Cranky as he can be, lol, he also gets my ideas and helps me build on them and make them better.


Comicfan. As busy as this man is, and he IS, he always has a kind word and offers to help when I really need someone to peek at a story.


Cannd. A recent join to GA from off-site, she has a great mind for beta reading, anticipating and understanding plot progression and character portrayal. Her comments, reviews, and betas have improved my writing immensely.


LJH. Louis has left me some amazing reviews. He's supportive of the authors on the site, and having personally received some of his excellent feedback, I truly appreciate his presence here on GA.


Julie L. Hayes and  M.A. Church. These two amazing authors have helped me with my writing, promotion, and marketing. I wouldn't have been nearly as successful in the last year if it weren't for them.


John Colourfield and SidLove, both have helped me with special beta projects. Thank you!


A big thank you to my readers, Bandage who comments on pretty much everything! Daddydavek, Daithi, avidreadr, lilansui, hillj69, clockworkprince ... and many many more. I wouldn't write if it weren't for you guys, and even when I fall apart and don't write for ages you don't hold it against me, which I truly appreciate. Thank you.



On to my other teams...


To the members of the mod and admin team I'm constantly pestering to do this or that, thanks for putting up with my bossiness!


To the members of the WST, old and new ... thank you, thank you. I know I sometimes ask a lot, and having members stand up and agree to help out helps immensely. GA wouldn't be as amazing as it is if we didn't have so many great people here that give up their time and use their own special skills.

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