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2nd book


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hi guys

in just wanted to give you a short synopsis of my 2nd story, not yet written,


ww2 and a young gay male of 17 years is on his first mission he is working for the CIA in an undercover operation posing as a Jewish prisoner in a German concentration camp he must escape steal papers and return to England, but first off he has to become friends with the commandants son.


all your comments are greatly appreciated.


Yours sincerely,


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A German concentration camp for Jews? If you want to write a true life horror story then fine. But as a setting for an entertaining read? Or an erotic read? Sorry, I can't see this being respectful, tasteful, credible or appropriate.

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I would say that Zombie has a point.  My comment is that you probably want to research this a bit if you decide to do it.  The CIA was founded after World War II and it succeeded the Office of Strategic Services (often referred to as the OSS).  Was the person really 17 or posing as a 17 year old for instance?  (sort of like how we have adults playing teens on TV all the time)

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Go for it Scotty.

You have chosen fertile ground for a story which could run the gamut of human emotion.

Yes, it might be challenging, but with careful thought and a good heart you should be able to avoid the dangers Zombie has mentioned.

Perhaps, before posting, you might run it past some beta readers.

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I agree with Iarwain. I say go for it!!! :) Write your heart out. Be controversial. Go wild. But don't write anything against the site rules and don't forget a beta.


And you might wanna post your sneak peeks/previews/excerpts/ and other unpublished story related material in this forum instead of the lounge: 



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oh god, more american's running the second world war...


go and do your history, the CIA never had a single thing to with concentration camps.  i fear that this will not be well received by anyone in Europe who actually knows thing about the worst war that ever happened. it's not your fault but the US view on what happened during WW2 is really really warped.

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im not American anyway so I see it differently, stories are about creating something different, creating a different world I write from what I know and write despite what everyone says. I will follow the rules and change your views of the story when I come to writing it I am currently writing my first story so there is a quite a while before I start a second story leaving time for research. but thanks for all the replies.

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OSS recruiting for operatives focused on Americans with European backgrounds- immigrants who spoke the language and were conversant enough with the culture to fit in.


Many, many families got out in the late thirties when things were going bad in Germany. There was also a rush of people as the various European states fell- Poland, the Scandinavian states and France.


There were also a number of Russians that bailed on Bolshevism and that started after the Russian Revolution (1917) and continued as a trickle on to the end of the Cold War. 


There was a legendary OSS agent that was born Russian, spoke English, Russian, German and French fluently. He was sort of a spymaster on the ground for the OSS and was inside occupied Europe for most of the war.


OSS agents knew very little so if they were captured, they couldn't betray much. Their operations and missions were very specific in nature and relied heavily on  the underground for support. They traveled on stolen or forged documents (expertly done). Ordinarily they carried  nothing that would betray them like weapons, papers or exotic equipment. Things that they needed for missions were either air-dropped or provided by resistance contacts.


OSS agents and their resistance counterparts were often given coded orders, requests or instructions by BBC broadcasts. For instance: John has a long mustache  was the code phrase that the Normandy Invasions were on within 24 hours. Certain songs had significance. If the BBC played Tchaikovsky and then followed it up by Mahler, that might mean that the Allies needed information on which U-boats that were in port. All sorts of coded information was passed in this manner.


Getting into occupied Europe was accomplished by numerous methods. It all depends on where they needed to go. The movies do air drops a disservice: they were exceptionally dangerous in daylight or dark. Even an expert might wait too long to pull the rip cord in the dark. They were used but not nearly as often as you might think. Many operatives were inserted by boat or submarine. Norway's coast made it exceptionally easy to get in. This was also  the case in the Med where Italian and Greek fishermen were often helpful for bribes of gold or weapons. France was by far the easiest are to get on the continent because the Marquis (French resistance) was so pervasive and capable.


Nazi Death/Concentration Camps were mostly located in Poland- deep inside of occupied Europe. Their real operations were kept a deep secret. There were inklings of what were going on but it wasn't until the the camps were actually liberated that the Allies knew the extent of the Holocaust. There were other types of camps- primarily labor camps where LGBT people were used for hard labor like construction, building defensive positions in France and repairing bomb damage to factories. Look up Organization Todt. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_Todt). Todt units were everywhere and were often given a great deal of freedom and treated far better compared to others because of their usefulness.


A 17 year old in Hitler's Germany would have a very difficult time. If one was seen out just walking around with no good explanation for why they were there, it might be assumed that they were a deserter. Deserters were often shot on the spot. Even people with severe physical limitations were used somewhere in the Reich. No one was allowed to travel freely. It was very much a paranoid police state.


For obvious reasons, OSS agents used indigenous weapons because by using a weapon like a .45, he might as well leave a note that says an American was here. Typical handguns in the Reich would be pistols by Walthers and the ubiquitous German Luger. Typically OSS agents were HIGHLY trained in the use of silent weapons like knives or garrote.

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