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How hard is it to write?


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a "hard science" science fiction novel?

( lol, PHD required? )


just curious for discussion?







You just made a whole $200 on a short story, congratulations. Or, you just made $10,000 selling your first novel to a major publisher. Which sounds better?
Clearly, people today, like you and me, are going into writing partly out of an artistic desire and partly out of a way to make a living outside the 9-5 cubicle. And it's more than fitting that so many successfully do it. But one of the toughest things to make a living with in terms of writing is writing a complete novel and selling it to a publisher. I've only sold a non-fiction work, so you can take my hopes and dreams with a grain of salt, but the reality is many do in fact sell novels.


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ie: Hard Science of Space Travel


Since the movie 2001 or 2010 ... the space agencies of earth ... haven't developed things like artificial gravity or g-force dampeners

at almost no development of such technology the things like warp speed or sublight in soft science becomes impossible


it would make soft science fiction space travel impossible to do

yeah we are developing methods of propulsion but not with living being on board for space travel (the back n forth kind in a reusable form)


if we send something to the asteroids we be sending remote control robots that won't be returning


earth complains n worries about the asteroid extinction event ,,, yet we don't put out a detection grid of some kind in our solar system

we are dependent on mainly telescopes and some satellites

we have theories to prevent some asteroids but when one really comes ... man will be extinct 


how can we write hard science if the scientist and writer deems to limit our view of our ability or is indirectly doubting our ability to innovate


it seems hard science movies are boring for the majority ... the reality that we're still too primitive makes us less likely for first contact

but more likely for alien invasion with humanity conquered can be a possibility even in 150 years thats if the aliens do posses a higher form of technology


hard science really becomes a game of what-if


a long time ago ... the 40s to 50s thought man would reach a certain level of advancement in everything including space travel

yet the plain reality earth been stagnant for 60 years

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