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games? movies? TV shows?

Dymond Dawg

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Really? Maybe you're not looking - plenty of US and UK TV shows. Can't comment on the US shows cuz I don't watch 'em but the UK soap operas don't denigrate being gay, and the true story Philomena last year had a gay subplot that delivered an emotional punch

Games? not a clue - life's too short for video games :P

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The times the are a changin'.  Over the past few years, gay themes have become more and more prevalent in those mediums, and although there are some exceptions, they are also enjoying greater acceptance by the general public.  It is certainly a lot better than when I was a kid, or even when my children were growing up, so hoepfully the situation will continue to improve. 

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And in games. Mass Effect 1-3, Dragon Age 1,2 and probably 3 to name a few.

DA 3 has gay content?

Elderscrolls 5 Skyrim has Gay marriagable options :P

indeed if you first go into the theives den in Riften you'll overhear a conversation that makes me think the two guys are in a relationship with each other... (just before they try to kill you :o )

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