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Is there a film that brings tears to your eyes?


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I can cry at beer commercials, but when I was a kid, two movies really stood out for me as true tearjerkers...Backstreet, with Susan Hayward... and Madam X , with Lana Turner. I'm sure most won't know these but one everyone should know, is Sophie's Choice, with Meryl Streep. A multitude of others including the first new Star Trek, with Chris Pine cross my mind but I won't bore you them. Cheers, all...

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A couple come immediately to mind, in addition to the ones listed here.....


1) The ending of "Longtime Companion".  The scene where the guy's (dead) buddies flood the beach, when we don't hafta worry about AIDS anymore.

2)  The ending of "The Color Purple".  Cele's kids, who were taken from her, return to greet her in a windblown field, along with the sister she loved and who was forcibly separated from her.


Those two, along with the others mentioned here, can definately make me "tune up" (A term used in the south for the long wail saved for serious crying....maybe "tuning up" the voice for the sobs?  Hey, it's southern, it makes sense, at least at an emotion level!  LOL)

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