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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

The First Quantum-Entanglement Satelite


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If the experimental satellite succeeds, China will have a technological advance equivalent to creation of the Printing Press (a Chinese invention originally as well, among gunpowder, paper, and compass).


The satellite was launched last month successfully:






This could make a communication system impossible to hack, unless you're God himself (Not the Higgs Boson :P ).


Politically/militarily, this is something earth shattering, but Americans and Western world won't realize its importance for a while as a technological advantage. (I think as writers, we can figure out what this could portend for the future :evil: or at the very least I am doing it). The reason I am sharing this is more for inspiration purposes to near future Sci-Fi writers or modern fiction writers with a strong tech/military/politics bent 


It's also an important step to developing the ultimate goal, Star Trek-styled Transporters.

Edited by W_L
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