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Finishing touches...

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A few months ago, for Imagine Magazine, I was writing an article on female authors who were writing m/m fiction, and some of the backlash that they face because of it. I don't understand it, personally, but I came here to ask you guys (both male and female) what your thoughts were on this. Then, I had a big server crash shortly afterward in March, and it was never posted. I just wanted to let you all know that Imagine is fully functional again, and the next issue is scheduled for August 15th! I'll be posting the article there, and I saved all of your quotes and feelings on the matter. I couldn't use everything, of course...but I hope you feel that your ideas were represented faithfully and accurately on the subject. With the exception of a few spelling corrections, and a few punctuation tweaks, here and there, everything is as it was originally posted.


Thanks again for the insight! ((Hugs)) To you all! And I hope you enjoy the newest issue!


Here's a peek at the last issue, in case you were curious! :P



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