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Help Finding a Story (Found)


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Hey everyone.  Im back again to ask for help in locating a story.  I cannot remember for sure if it was posted here to GA or if it was in fact on SL.  However perhaps someone here if it wasnt posted has read it elsewhere and can help me.  


The story starts out with a guy walking down a road he has apparently been walking for quite some time as he ends up sleeping overnight in a storage shed or barn.  When he wakes he starts walking again not really paying attention to anyone or anything until a fellow passes him riding a bike the fellow doesn't stop and is wearing earbuds or headphones as he rides.  So the guy continues to walk while he is walking it seems something perhaps a bad break up or a death of a partner is what has caused the turmoil this gentleman is feeling and felt that he just had to get away and walk.  Eventually the fellow(Colin Maybe) that was riding the bike later in the afternoon pulls up beside the guy in his pickup truck and offers help to the walking gentleman.  After some discussion the man decides to take the offered ride and discovers he walked pretty far from home and with no destination in mind ends up at the fellows house.  If I remember correctly they spend a day or 2 there getting to know each other and eventually the Gentleman decides he needs to get back home and back to his job.  His job is working in a center that is open afterschool to help children in bad situations as the story goes on He and the Fellow develop a relationship and that continues on thru the fellow heading off to college.  In the mean time one of the boys that visit the center frequently gets removed from his mothers care and is placed in foster care.  Mike I think is the boys name... Runs away from the foster home and eventually comes back to the center.  Eventually he is back with his mom and his mom stops into the center to talk to the Gentleman the boy has been longing to know who his father is but the mother wont tell him because she never told his father he had a son and is not sure how he would react... Well the gentlemen helps the mom see that it needs to happen and arranges for DNA testing to make sure that its the right person.  The last chapter I remember reading was a holiday chapter and the Gentleman and Fellow(Colin?) were visiting family and getting ready to tell mike who his father was.   


At this point the story either didnt continue or I just missed the next update and now can not find the story again. So if anyone has any idea what story this is i would be entirely thankful for the help in re-locating it. 

Edited by quttzik
updated topic to show story was located.
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Well I found it it wasnt posted here.  The name of the story  "A Way Out" Book one. By C.J. Gibb I had the names wrong above also  The Walking guy was named Kirk, The fellow on the bike and in the pick up was named Carson.  The boy wanting to meet his father was Matt.  I don't know how I missed it as it was last updated on Oct 14th with the last chapter of book one.  But I read so many stories on so many different sites I often get confused on where I read a story.  


Thats why I love this site so much because here there is a notification system I always know when a new chapter is posted to a story here I am following.  I really thought this story I was looking was here and what made me feel that it just hadnt been updated.  


Anyway Thanks for those of you who read my message.  Have a great day everyone. :)

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