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long day, longer week

13 hours ago, Fae Briona said:

Thunderstorms here have stopped - the light rain/snow mix should stop this morning as the wind chill drops.  We'll get warmer for Sunday then plummet again on Monday.

Week off has been relaxing so far. Tonight may be a bit rough.



i wish you all a goodnight, restful sleep and a fresh start in the morning

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excuse me please Sirs, and Good DiC friends - my wish is you have a good night been at the hospital with sister all day she had back surgery. Things are looking good but the surgery last 8 hours. So we are tired and going to sleep. So will talk later have a good night. 

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28 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

it's a new day, i'm grabbing that chance for a fresh start with both hands.

hope all y'all can too

molly- grab with both hands , hold on and good luck

Edited by rickproehl
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Good  Sirs and DiC friends 

Good morning,  

I hope you all have a Great Friday .

My Shrink has me doing this daily and I thought everyone could use this daily reflection break. 

Today, I am grateful for _______.

Today, I will focus on _______.

Today, I will let go of _______.


Mine today

Being Alive

Telling people I have hurt “i’m sorry”

Pasted Hurts


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excuse me Good Sirs and great DiC friends - this is a hard reflection for me but in order for me to get better i have to let go of past mistakes.  

This is a copy of my blog I wanted to share
i have failed and found myself in a dark place. i said and did stupid things of which i’m ashamed. when i hit rock bottom it finally hit me. i should be on top of the world but inside i was hurting. past demons came to live in my head again. your not good enough - you will never amount to anything and the scary one was you would be better off dead.  i went through the day to day never caring of what happen. my daily life was getting harder and harder.  i then knew i could not do this alone. so i asked and got some help. to some that may meaning nothing but for me it is what is saving my life. The first think we are working on is we need to let go of past mistakes and move on. The hardest thing is to forgive myself first but i need to let things go. 

This is the reason for this message I want to tell everyone if I hurt you or said unkind things “ i’m sorry “ 

My actions at that time are no excuse for bad behavior. 

With the help of a good shrink we will get past this. 

This is also my wish for those i have hurt that we can also get past this.

“i’m sorry”

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5 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

i did rick! my numbers look good this week. im finishing up the day with some hot cocoa & paperwork.

how are you?

myself spent the day doing some cleaning / vacuum / clothes and some focused time on myself. Getting into a good place.

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2 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

thank goodness for vampires (phlebotomist) who know what they're doing. adulting the sequel is done, off to Second Saturday Marketplace. hope all y'all have a good day.

molly - not sure if you now this but I was always taught when on a fasting blood work no liquids nothing. in speaking with my doctor she told me drink all the water you want that is not restricted. That makes giving blood that much easier. You might check with your physician before doing it. 

i hope you day is good as well molly 

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11 minutes ago, rickproehl said:

molly - not sure if you now this but I was always taught when on a fasting blood work no liquids nothing. in speaking with my doctor she told me drink all the water you want that is not restricted. That makes giving blood that much easier. You might check with your physician before doing it. 

i hope you day is good as well molly 

i knew about the water rick, helps keep the volume up but thanks!

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