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So stupid...hehehe....


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What is the point of a bank charging you a service fee...taking it out of your account...and then sending me an email to say "Your account is overdrawn"?

Yeah...no shit. YOU are the ones who stole the fucking money! Hellooooo?

Life is beautiful, but people suck. Business sucks. :(

So sick of struggling. Honestly. If I was running for political office or something, I could have six figures in the bank tomorrow morning. But it doesn't pay to have a heart and just...want to help people. You know? And these people get MILLIONS in a week. I just want gas money and gummy worms.

Sometimes I just have to question 'life', you know? I do more for free than most people do for a much bigger paycheck than I can ever hope to make on my own. There's gotta be a middle ground somewhere between the two. Because I'm not selling my soul for money. That's not why I started writing these stories, and I'm never going to guide them in that direction. Not ever. You have my word on that.


I'll be back to post more when I can. K? Love you lots.

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