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i'm so bored

Wind Dancer

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I was going to do a whole spiel of tree-related puns, but I realized that'd quickly get into too much innuendo for you...or too much for me, at any rate.


Wind Dancer, relax. If you're just the ordinary kind of bored, that'll solve itself. If it's something more, then two bits of advice for you.


(Disclaimer: free advice is worth what you pay for it. Think about that one, it's meant at least two ways.)


1. Don't discount your current friends. Give them a chance. Give yourself a chance to be their friend, too.


2. If you sit at home and don't do anything, yeah, you're gonna be bored. So find something to do, both projects you're interested in and fun activities. Find ways to make friends and go out and do things.


But, but, but, I don't understand? -- There are ways around it, even in personal circumstances that would surprise you. Yes, it may require really rethinking things and forcing yourself, if you're in an unusual situation.


Or it just might be a matter of making one or two little changes, if it's a regular kind of bored.


Chances are, it's no biggie, and you're not bored today, when you read this. But if you are, then try out the advice, huh?


...Or you could try to think up bad puns about boards and wood byproducts....

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Hi Wind Dancer.

Take it easy :D

What are your problems ?

A lot of people could help.

Just ask !

You have the choice : take your time and look at all the real opportunities you have...

I have more than 70 years of good and bad experiences. Each problem has his solution.

Good luck !

Old Bob

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ok so

good advice everybody

but i already have 2 cats and a bishon frize dog and i'm still bored


i do have a problem though

my boyfriend frequently teases me about EVERYTHING

me doing ballroom

me liking buffy the vampire slayer (which is helping to kill my boredom)

and many other things

like my non-athleticism

anybody know how oi can address this in a productive mannor?

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Ballroom? I think that's probably worthy of a good natured bit of teasing ;)

I can't dance for toffee and when I try I get laughed at ... a lot. In theory I know how to waltz, it's just the reality - and all the broken toes that seem to defeat me.


Buffy the vampire slayer I love so no quibbles there. :)


As to suggestions. You could set the cats on him to purr him into submission, though two might not be quite enough.


Or tease him back.

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OK. Two cats. Check.


I'm liking you better already.


Now for your boy friend: is the teasing friendly and good natured or malicious and demeaning? Either way it seems to be bothering you. Talk to him about it. Unless he is a jerk that is being intentionally mean, he will be considerate of your feelings and stop.


Now- if he is being intentionally mean, kick the *&^%% to the curb! Don't stay with someone who is mean to you! This is how abusive relationships happens. MANY people stay with someone who is bad for them because of low self-esteem and insecurity. Worse, they stay with an abusive partner because they don't think that they can do better or don't deserve any better.


You can do better and you deserve better!


Soooo... he's not a jerk and you're keeping him? It sounds like the two of you need to develop some common interests. Take a class. Volunteer- something that the two of you can do together. This will help your relationship in a number of ways and add new dimensions to it.


Boredom often masks other problems. What some people call boredom is really anxeity, worry or depression. Is something else on your mind?

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Well, i'm taking a tenis class to develop a common interest. I've jumped into his circle of friends, and he has problems with that one in return.


I actually ahve a job. I'm still bored though.


My former f*** buddy has just replaced me with a friend of mine. which is awkward. I don't get paid til friday, which is good, but i have about 5 dollars to my name right now.


I'm thinkin i'll keep doin stuff.


fyi, ballet is a makefunable thign to do. ballroom is bad ass



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Guest Chrispy

OK, so you are bored. But, heck, You have a boyfriend and you are 16. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 17. (My one and only.) Having tried ballroom dance, and hurting several peoples feet, If you can do it, more power to you. Umm, OK. that probably shows my age, hehe.


On a different track. Are you and your boyfriend out?


If yes, ask him why he objects to ballroom dancing and also why he kids you about it. Also add how romantic it is to hold the one you love while you dance.


If you guys are not out, ask the same questions, just make sure no one is around to hear you ask him.


Since I don't know either of you, all I can do is guess. But feel free to email/PM me if you wish to talk.


So back to being bored....

Turn on the tube, crank up the tunes. Just be happy and be yourself.


I realize you have no idea who I am, but some of the others here may recall me from the old Comicality board as Chris or ChisP. Others may recognise me as MagicKid.



Either way, my offer still standsIf you want to talk, contact me.

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