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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. That's really awful! A dream like that would make me cry, I love our cats!
  2. I had the weirdest dream where I went travelling with the 12th Doctor in the Tardis, and at one point I looked at him and was like, 'This is probably a dream and I'll wake up soon.' And he gave me this sad look like he knew it was true. Then we totally made out.
  3. It's not so easy when you're fifteen. He'll learn. And yeah, Dave is a great boyfriend. I think it's easy for him to be inspired by Nick's kind and forgiving nature. Most importantly, he respects Nick. He's respected him for far longer than he's liked him, and that's not a bad basis for a relationship, really.
  4. I dunno, but sooner or later Moffatt is bound to realise that his new star is an Oscar winning director and screen writer and will likely protest loudly if he gives him the same kind of poor character development he gave Matt. I've heard rumours that Peter has already rebelled against his master's voice. We've got a rogue Time Lord on our hands.
  5. Love the new outfit. Not sure about the Spice Girls pointing, though.
  6. Unfortunately, neither would I. It's -4 outside, and burning down the flat seems like a poor alternative to central heating...
  7. Surströmming is actually quite tasty. It just smells really strong. You never eat it indoors. There are other ways to pickle herring that are less time consuming and demanding, though. Lutefisk is kind of a misunderstood dish. Like many other old traditional 'delicacies', we've forgotten why it's made that way. In this case, it was a question of preserving the fish in lye to make it last longer. Prior to cooking you're supposed to water it out. Many modern people seem to have forgotten that. They only water it out for a little bit, and then they think it's supposed to be all jelly-like. It isn't. You treat it properly and it tastes like, well, cod. Which it is. Of course, in this day and age you might as well just cook cod.
  8. Well, not everyone has your impulse control... Also, stories are much less interesting if they do. Thanks for leaving so many reviews! Really gives me a boost.
  9. Well, I considered it, but decided against it. There's enough bathroom sex in the world. And I use the 'Satan shat in my brain' line all the time when I'm hung over. Depending on the severity, I may replace Satan with anything from Beelzebub to something as benign as the cat.
  10. I had a frienemy when I was seven. Every other day we'd play together, and every other day we'd get into a fist fight. I kept getting notes home about fights we'd had, that we'd disrupted teaching, etc. We had shouting matches even when we were being friends. Exhausting. Childhood is strange.
  11. Those are the best recipes. I like it when they change every time you make them. My bolognese is like that. I always change the herbs a little bit. Some days I'll use marjoram, and some days I'll stick to oregano, and if I can get it I'll add lavender (those are always the best).
  12. Haha! That's a good name. I shall keep it. It occurred to me the other day that adding a little bit of worcestershire sauce would probably be very tasty, but this shall have to be tested.
  13. Here, I found a link to their website.
  14. 6:00 am. I couldn't sleep, so after some hours of staring at the ceiling I got up and made myself some food as I was getting hungry. Now I'm trying to kill time on the Internet.
  15. It's 12:58 am and I'm starting to get sleepy after a long day. Will soon snuggle up in my bed and go to dreamyland.
  16. Or maybe they took down the partition because there was a gloryhole in it.
  17. Well, Ron said it all, so all I can add is, welcome to the fold, Lairy!
  18. Thorn Wilde

    Half Jack

    Thank you!
  19. Well, there used to be a partitioning there. You can tell by the mark...
  20. I remember the dust clouds after the eruption at Eyjafjallajökull on Iceland, which stopped air traffic in most of Europe. Also, not three days ago there was an enormous fire in a village called Lærdalsøyri in western Norway, wiped out over 20 historical wooden buildings. They still don't know what caused it. I was in that village just last summer. Can't believe the destruction that fire caused. Really hoping the lovely little b&b we stayed at remains unscathed. It was owned by a really nice gay couple.
  21. I'm sure it can be made more nutritious by adding a green salad as a side or something.
  22. Ooh, I'll have to try that with the mash the next time I make it. Thanks, Paul.
  23. It was.
  24. I've added a recipe for a tasty cottage pie type of dish I invented today to my food blog. Check it out! There's also a recipe for healthy scones in there. Thorn's Edibles
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