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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XV

    In case anyone's curious about the story Owen started telling Liebe, here's a link to it. If you read it and enjoy it, show it some love with a reaction, comment, and/or recommendation.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XV

    @JayT What? Domogarov and Northman not sufficiently antagonistic you're looking for another one? LOL My intent was to show her being shy and deferential. Considering the entire day's events are a result of Owen wanting to help her, she's probably overwhelmed by the attention.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XV

    Thank you. Glad you like this installment. I'm not sure if it's she now has concrete proof of Northman's disdain for CJ, or if it's a case of her choosing her battles. Instead of being a helicopter parent, she's selective about when to intervene. This won't be the last time.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XV

    LMAO You have no idea. Throw in getting scolded by the big boss and Notrthman's going to be seething the entire weekend.
  5. Rain and low 80s here. What's this snow thing you mention? I think YOU should write me a letter about it.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XV

    “What the hell are you doing, boy?” Brett was sufficiently loud to startle CJ. Chuckling, Liebe tumbled off her father’s back when his hand slipped and he collapsed on the rug. CJ was glad the balcony doors were closed so neighbors could not hear. “Pushups! I help Ceej.” Instead of being upset, the girl acted as if falling was part of their routine. She rushed to scramble atop her father again. “Morning, Dads. If you look outside, you may notice the deluge. No running this mor
  7. Carlos Hazday

    The Long Ride

    For a bit I feared she would falter. Nice tension you wrote.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    LMAO You've obviously not paid attention to dates. Cadet spans Ritch's four years at the Air Force Academy. From BCT in June 2020 to graduation in May 2024. The opening cocktail party in CDMX takes place in early September 2021 and dinner at the Sinclair's in mid-November 2021 (we know that because CJ, Owen, and Liebe were at a Veterans Day event in the preceding chapter.) There's quite a lot of story left before Ritch flies from Alaska to South Florida and before he visits Washington for spring break.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    Thank you! My goal's always been to entertain readers while satisfying my need to tell a story. Glad it's working.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    I refer you to @WolfM`s comment concerning possible beta reader reaction. Honestly, if I encountered such a long chapter in a story, I'd abandon it. Circumnavigation was enough of a challenge for me.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    I don't understand. What do you mean by I haven't matched what happened in that story?
  12. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    CJ practices martial arts weekly. In Mexico it's been with the marines. He jogs almost daily, lifts weights a couple of times a week, likes to play basketball with the homies, toss a football during the season, and now he plans to take up golf. His brother, Ritch, is the tennis player in the family (turns out his girlfriend, Lucy, turned him onto the sport since her entire family plays (That includes Harley!) Racquetball was uber-popular in the 70s and 80s and I recently saw an article claiming it was experiencing a resurgence. I wonde what happened to all those racquet clubs built in those decades.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    And I obviously wasn't. LOL
  14. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    I know, right?
  15. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    Mexico has year-round golf weather as do Florida and California where CJ and Owen will spend chunks of time.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    See what I said about you judging beta readers? That one happens to be younger that you and me. As for the preppy comment, nowhere does it mention others not being able to enjoy Hendricks. His remark was about a segment of the student body at Georgetown (much larger when I attended) who come from wealthy families, attended prep schools, dress the part, and have displayed an affinity for certain liquor brands and cocktails.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    I missed having Mann edit this story. I think it's good and accomplishes my goals, but I know it would have been better, tighter, and probably 10% shorter had he been involved. A lot of the praise I get for my writing is owed to him.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    The same thing that qualifies you to judge beta readers?
  19. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    Let's hope he lubed it first.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    The man's probably fine at other times. He just wasn't a good fit with the other men at the dinner.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    I tried to play up the stereotype of gay men not liking sports. Obviously, CJ et al do not fit that mold.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    Jurgen's probably a catch for someone a tad more sedate. Calum's personality, and to a degree Austin's in flashes we've seen, is too close to CJ and Owen's I could see him as a Squad member if he had been in Washington instead of Australia. Nat needs to spend more time with gay men to figure out sexual orientation's not enough to create a connection.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    LMAO - I know, right? Mann's favorite word, simplify, has become a frequent part of my vocabulary.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XIV

    A couple of updates on golf coming later in this book, and in an upcoming one we'll join CJ and Owen on a course in Rhode Island.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XII

    If in a future story CJ tells the author how to write something, you'll know I'm ready for the loony bin,
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