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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. That's 'cause you're younger and your memory still works!
  2. Moi? What would make you guess that? I'll be honest, I've yet to guess one correctly.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 40

    Did you mean 'Holy shift?'
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 40

    No matter how many times I may read this chapter, I doubt my blood pressure will remain normal. I want to both speed read and slowly savor each paragraph. As for the zombie werewolves, I told Mann Hollywood would eat that scene up. I hereby volunteer to assist with casting. Lots of big, hairy men, right?
  5. As jaded as I've become in my old age, I still hold hope for the future. Not so much for me, but for those who will follow.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Emma and David are the type of real-life kids who have inspired CJ in lots of ways. When I wrote the bit about Arizona students being inspired by CJ, it was the real people going door to door who inspired the scene and CJ's reaction. I love weaving facts into fiction. I assume most GA readers are not in the category, but some people need to turn off FOX, ditch Breitbart, and look for information outside the conspiracy theory peddlers.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    Either that or within a year Rogelio will be at a gun range. Or have to deal with a dumb-ass Georgia representative claiming Sandy Hooks and Stoneman Douglas were staged and never happened.
  8. I think I had them drive for dramatic purposes. CJ and Owen are regulars on the Acela. Best way to travel between DC and NYC as far as I'm concerned. CJ keeps learning and hopefully growing. Had Clinton won, I had outlined an internship for him. Never got to write that. Trump, like so many Reps, pandered to minorities at times, but the truth came out soon enough after he was inaugurated. I keep trying to figure out how he thinks. The best I can come up with is his need for adulation which fringe groups were willing to give. All the isms he allowed to rise revealed the rifts in the country and destroyed advances in equality. I have to hope we can rise above this hiccup. Discrimination will always exist, but hopefully it will never again be given free reign.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Embers 3

    Those are all Mr. Wolf's doing! I haven't written a really good cliffhanger since I ended Singer without announcing the competition's winner. I think I'm due.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Embers 3

    A couple of those friends posed for calendars. Too bad they were all straight. Raul had a kid born with Cystic Fibrosis, and I gave the toddler a golden puppy as a present when my retriever had a littler. The puppy made it to the calendar.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    Embers 3

    I doubt I could handle fighting those fires too. Maybe when I was younger, but even then, I'm kinda glad I didn't listen to my firefghter friends who wanted me to join. I might have spent the entire time boned around guys like Brandon.
  12. Same here in the US. State governors set the rules for who qualifies. In Florida, health care workers and those over 65 had priority at first. It's been expanded since.
  13. Florida never had a state-wide mask mandate, and businesses have been fully open for quite a while. The current fear is vacationers will return home and create new infection spikes. A couple hundred thousand spring breakers a day can increase exposure even if they spend most of their time outdoors on the sand.
  14. She better. Military being in the closet was common, but she does not have to do it. Being out may bring some heartache, but I suspect it would make her a better officer. Lying, even by omission, can damage anyone's mental health.
  15. Ritch never demeaned women, he was guilty by association. As for flirting with Sofia, but also being interested in Miranda, I'd say he's being typical of his age. Aren't teen males fixated on getting laid? He's not looking to marry either one, he just wants to have fun. The more the merrier.
  16. LOL, Notice I said somewhat? Compared to Liberty or BYU, GU's a bastion of liberalism. Didn't GU fundraise to fund the legal battle over gay organization?. I can't recall if they settled or lost the case. The beauty of fiction. I didn't give the dean a name and I can't recall, but I don't think I ever named DeGioia. Keep reading. Owen will eventually influence vehicular choices.
  17. @BlueWindBoy Two things I forgot to mention. Did you ask me what @Parker Owens story Michael and Blaine appeared or was that someone else. My mind is gone! Anyway, they were secondary characters in Predator Prey. One of the things I looked for when trying to decide where CJ would buy a house was proximity to a Metro station. I wanted the guys to walk/ride to work. The State Department @ Foggy and The Nature Conservancy in Arlington are both an easy walk from a station
  18. I'm moving CJ to a transitional area but not Anacostia. Brett and Cesar have plenty of money and I've tried to show them not being overly interested in accumulating wealth for its own sake. I envisioned them mixing for profit and for the general fgood projects. With DC having such a scarcity of affordable housing, them creating modern but moderately priced buildings in Anacostia would work well. Thiago's definitely a DC native. Harley I haven't really specified. His dad works on K Street, so Harley could have been born in Wisconsin before moving to Washington. I'll figure it out when I get around to writing his story. LOL
  19. Yep, awkward would be a fitting description. Any of those reasons work for Miranda's actions and frame of mind. Talking to Ritch might help but between Alaska, Mexico City, and Key West, his mind will be elsewhere for a bit. Ooops, did I slip again by revealing too much?
  20. She's at Emory. Sometime in May. I'll let you know and maybe we can get a coffee at Starbucks or a Slurpee at 7-11
  21. I may have to stop for gas in Macon when I go to my niece's law school graduation in Atlanta.
  22. A bunch of cadets in Cancun for spring break? I think the Mexicans stock up on lube and condoms for the period.
  23. Let me see what I can arrange. I think you know I love writing good dialogues
  24. You're like me. You require breathing and a penis.
  25. Thanks, Tor.
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