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  1. Awesome chapter, Salander - lots of twists there. I hope Nic learns to forget/deal with his past, as well as trust Jake. Certainly, his experience would give him reason not to, but Jake seems like the real deal. Ellie proved herself to be very capable and also provide a bit of comic relief in that situation. And totally changed the direction of the inquiry, now back to Meg because there’s proof of her actions. I’m sure she’ll do well as a lawyer! Congrats on going back to grad school! That’s a big deal. Wishing you the best in your studies. I also hope my recent post didn’t come across as putting pressure on you. But big thanks for the update.
  2. Hey Demiurge, I just wanted to see how the writing’s coming. It’s been a while since you’ve posted and I need a fix! Hope all is well.
  3. Hi Salander, How’s the writing coming? We need a new chapter! I hope all is well. Thanks for this awesome story.
  4. What a great chapter! The sex scene was hot because it was finally more than just sex…the beginnings of a recognized connection. The walls are slowly falling. Nic is realizing that there’s something meaningful there and knows he has to confront this horrible thing that happened to him. Especially since Jake treated him with nothing but kindness. I’m surprised he told Jake anything, but was glad he did. And then, that cliffhanger!! 😱 Loved it and can’t wait for the next chapter.
  5. I’m gonna have to re-read this chapter and digest. I more than appreciate Finn’s reluctance. I guess I’m not sure I understand where his mind is going. Compromise is good, right? But Alec has made decisions and taken steps to conquer those demons and merge high school Alec with adult Alec. Which is something he now knows he needs to do. Perhaps Finn is letting his own fear put barriers in the way in the form of a compromise, which Alec didn’t ask for. As great of a guy as Finn is, I wonder if he and Alec have truly ever listened to each other. TRULY listened. But they’re headed there, it seems.
  6. I’m so glad Alec finally realized that Finn is truly a good man, one he’d be extremely lucky to have. I can’t wait to find out the details of what he says to Finn and what he planned with River and Kenji.
  7. I’ve kind of binged the story and just caught up to the last chapter. I was wondering when Nic would thaw out to Jake, and when there would be more to the relationship besides sex. He’s got a lot of hurts, especially as we’re learning more about him being assaulted. And of course, Anus. But he deserves to be happy, and it seems like Jake fits the bill. I can’t wait until the next chapter.
  8. I’m so hopeful for Finn and Alex. I agree with other comments that they need to have hot, long, passionate sex. Several times. We haven’t seen much of River. Is it possible Ken lives here and they’ve reconnected? Perhaps that was mentioned in a previous chapter and I can’t remember. While I understand towns have painful memories, I wonder if Washington would be so wonderful to return to after having a real connection with Finn as a more whole adult. Love this story and anxiously await the chapters.
  9. mikeinatl

    Chapter 18: Run

    Honestly?? What’s not to love bout Milo!! Actually, that whole family. They’re great. And the interaction between Finn and Alec was hot and sexy. I’m glad River gave him the talk he needed. River is right. Finn and Alec have both held on to this for so long, it has to be worth fighting for. I hope we learn more about River’s love interest and hope it works out. Thanks for this story. I wait anxiously for these chapters.
  10. mikeinatl

    Chapter Four

    I love this story - very well written! One thing that is glaring to me is lack of consequences or punishment. Liam has publicly beaten Dylan twice on school property or school events. How can he not be suspended at a minimum, or expelled?
  11. “How fitting it was that he was wearing the uniform that had taken him away from his friend and lover for so long because it was in that moment, as he felt a tear fall onto his cheek, that he felt like a soldier who had finally come home from a long fight.“ — Sublime. I don’t post often but am such a fan of this continuing story. The attention to detail, how you linked events between the books, the love and care with which you develop your characters and their stories. So masterfully done. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. I look forward to book 3!
  12. mikeinatl

    Chapter 36

    Ending?? Who said anything about an ending!!!! 😳. Haha
  13. mikeinatl

    Chapter 33

    I don’t post often, but want to again express my appreciation for this series of stories. Finished this chapter with red eyes and a runny nose. Exceptional. Thank you!!
  14. mikeinatl

    Chapter 27

    Wow, even though I witnessed the wedding in “The Acquittal,” this chapter gave me all the feels, especially seeing it through Tyler’s eyes. It’s been wonderful seeing his walls fall, block by block. A lot of them fell when he realized he was an important part of the family. Today, seeing Stephanie and Helen’s reaction to him, seeing Kyle and Jacob express their love, allowing himself to shed tears at the wedding, seeing Sean and holding hands with him, knowing that Sean would have to be vetted by his new family...to laughing at the end and not exactly knowing why...so beautifully written. Can’t wait to keep reading!!
  15. mikeinatl

    Chapter 26

    What a great chapter! I appreciate that Tyler is feeling less “obligated” to spend time at the orchard and realizes it’s a privilege. I also like that he’s warming to Kyle, who IMO, has been nothing but kind to him. I read the magic wand part of the story on the train this morning. It took all I could do not to cry with laughter on the train. The reactions in the kitchen were so real and in the moment. I felt like I was there with them trying to hold it in (although Liz didn’t) until Brian’s response. Priceless!! I also loved Helen’s larger than life arrival, but also loved how David and Sam could kind of keep her in her place. “And now you know why we divorced,” with a smile on her face. Brilliant. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
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